best bet from the best baby 12/16/12

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well guys we had a great day yesterday going 2-0 no write ups just winners HOUSTON -10/PITT-2/NYG+1,5 gl my brothers goodnight there might be an add on game to the bank baby:badass:
XhuegoX my brother you picked a real hard game this game mean's the world to NE. 2 thing's that NE has that SF does not is the coach is not even close .and the QB is not even close. every game is played DIFF then the next but you seen what NE can do to your team. smoke city baby I ask myself if someone is to blowout the other team. who would it be and that's easy NE would blowout SF before SF would blowout NE. X that might be mine add on game I really like HOUSTON to kill INDY big time like a 41 to 17 or 10 HOUSTON does not want to go to NE again this time in the ice cold field of NE I think that there is some real good game's this week like the HOUSTON bet and PITT I think that DENVER could have problems on the road it's not 1 off my bets. but I will bet them in my parlay bet gl my brother goodnight but if INDY does beat HOUSTON then hell yes look out SF because I believe thats the night game. but I really think that HOUSTON will pound INDY real bad they have to take it out on somebody and INDY is in the way
agree with hou, backdoor worries me a little but think they dominate this gm, pass d been shaky tho so little hesitant to lay that number then have them up a few scores and luck getting a otherwise meaningless td late but it either hou or pass,might try and find a teaser partner...

love the steelers..

think im either on atl or passing in that gm, hard for me to pass up when i can get them just needing to win in the dome as that what matty ice does (win at home), to me eli still not really on and thnk he gonna have to put up big numbers as if nyg isnt getting serious heat the secondary gonna struggle stopping julio, gonzo, and white (although i know white is questionable and if he out i will pass).. while wilson seems like a freaking stud in the making i dont think he has the trust in pass protection which is a big deal..should be a heck of a gm and even tho the standings suggest otherwise i actually a bigger gm for the dirty birds...

gl my friend..
bank2 I agree with everything you are saying the back door cover I was thinking the very same thing 26-10 4Q and bang gimme TD.INDY covers your so right and that does scare me but I am hoping that houston just pounds the hell out of INDY and hope that does not come down to that gl today my brother
To the bank...

Je5 ty/gl my brother yeah with the HOUSTON game you guys no me by now I hate taken the big chalk. but in this game might mean going to NE for the playoffs and HOUSTON does not want to go to NE in the ice cold. I really think this game is the best one on todays card. HOUSTON will take no chances big time blowout. I always say play the same amount on every game but in this game i'm going all out and going to load up and pray blowout city smoke city . HOUSTON gl guy's you no nothing is 100 percent but thats what I think will happen. today if HOUSTON does lose all the hard work that they put in is all done there season is all done because most likely they will have to go to NE good luck winning there gl my brother's talk to you later much later:badass: