Bengals question

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
Does anybody think they blow that team up this offseason?

It seems that Lewis has lost the team, so I just wonder who goes, him or them.

Nobody may care about this topic, but I thought I'd ask the question.
lol no i went to cinci/cle game in cinci and i just hate everythign about the city. obnoxious fans, city is a dump, all homeless people, trash everywhere, players are all convicts, i can go on and on....but

jesus would still ml the browns
I've never been there, I'd actually like to see it. But, yeah, going there for that game, I feel your pain.
This team is in disarray quite simply...I am not sure about the coach losing the team but this team does appear to be losing chemistry. I don't know what carson's problem is, what can possibly be his excuse. They lost one of the best UFA guards in the league in Steinbach and the o-line is still among the best in the league.

So this has to fall on carson's shoulders.
if your talking about comparing cbus to cinci, please dont try because its not even close
Just wanted to get you riled up...thats all.

Joe, Bengals do need a facelift no doubt.
This is a very immature team, minus palmer. I think Palmer is one of the few people on the team who actually cares about winning.
What's wrong with Cincy?

First off I am really not familiar with the coaching staff outside of Marvin Lewis or the GM. However doesnt the GM take the blame for the players he signs and drafts being continously arrested? How can any coach be successful when his players are children. There are 'bad seeds' everywhere but when your looking at Double Digit Arrests that shows a total lack of regard for management and irresponsibilty as a player and person. If you have 5 guys getting arrested then continue to see more guys get arrested something is wrong with the authority and discipline of the team. Doesnt there come a point when CIncy players become overly cautious about getting into trouble?

As far as a team in fairness to them I have never seen a team decimated at LB like they were this year. You cant win NFL games when your pulling LBs off the scrap heap and sidewalk. Your defense cant stop anyone with a solid LB core. Look at some of the sets Cincy had to use there. You cannot run an offense with 2 stud WRs and hardly anything else. I think Rudi Johnson is a cool guy but he is NOT an ALL PRO RB. Look at his game logs (YOY) this guy always explodes in the last couple games to pad his stats. Then you have no TE to work into the passing game and with Chris Henry M.I.A. they had no #3 WR. So yeah they had 3 very good players but littkle else and when I say little I mean next to nothing. They need some playmakers on offense but I think Chad Johnson may have worn his welcome out in Cincy.

So this team even on paper isnt very good cause they have just 3 solid parts....