BenchCoach World Series…One play per game


Pretty much a regular
GM1…ATL +113 (nickel)

without going into great detail. Most statistics point to a coin flip game like most playoff games it comes down to who makes the “big mistake”…the line movement indicates that Atlanta has as good a shot in this game against the Stros…I think Atlanta is the better team…good chance I will be on them in game 2 if they lose tonight…I lean under 4.5 F5 but didn’t like the juice…my goal is to simply make a profit during this series, I have found when I do this in championship series situations I typically come out on top…I find that when you cap a league for a whole season (especially baseball) you should trust your gut if your good at what you do. Just understand If I post or not I am capping everyday hardcore in baseball…when it comes to playoffs I do follow statistics first and foremost (umpires, trends, recent performance) but my gut (life experience) points me to my play and is right more often than not…most of my losses are because I don’t trust my instincts in the playoffs…Like the Braves to win it all as well
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