BenchCoach 8/16

stay dry my friend

We have been very lucky...we have properties in Shreveport and South Baton Rouge (Prairieville)...Fortunately our home down south is on pretty high ground but we are on an island and can't get out of the area...cell phones have been down but we still have electricity...We have a lot of friends and family that have lost everything, its pretty sad. People down this way really are a different breed how they pull together to help one another (don't believe that shit you see on TV). That's why I moved to the south becuase you have some of the most generous people anywhere in the country...We arent out of the woods yet as its still raining like a cow pissin on a flat rock down here but were ok for now...thanks for lookin out Hound
keep that back porch ready for me, when I get over this crap im dealing with now, im packing the mh coming to see u