BenchCoach 3/24

Hey coach, once you get into the regular season, when you place your wagers, do you place them to win a certain number of dollars or two risk a certain number of dollars or as a dependent on whether or not it’s the dog or the favorite?
Hey coach, once you get into the regular season, when you place your wagers, do you place them to win a certain number of dollars or two risk a certain number of dollars or as a dependent on whether or not it’s the dog or the favorite?
Everything is to win/risk the same…so if -110 odds I risk 110 to win 100, if +110 I risk 100 to win 110
Ok thanks - it’s when we start getting into lines like -180 etc that I wanna make sure I’m using proper money management
Ok thanks - it’s when we start getting into lines like -180 etc that I wanna make sure I’m using proper money management
I won’t be on many games if any above -140 or so…really won’t start betting big favs till after the All star break…stick with mostly dogs in April