Belmont pick 5, and world cup, but who cares about that


Pretty much a regular
Haven't posted in a while so decided to check in. Younggun and I have still been talking over horses and hitting some pick 5's nothing spectacular yet. Been damn close to 10 k, 5 k, 2.5 k, it goes on and on, ha, but have hit some for like 700, 500, 900, you know a lot of smaller ones. Here it is today, I think this is the day for the big one for 10 k, we'll see. Yesterday at Finger hit that for 482.75 on the pick 5.

Belmont pick 5 race 1

.50 bet, 1,2,3,6/1,2,3,4,5,6/1,2,3,6/1,2,4,6,11/7 so 240 bucks wins 10 k, I think ha I hope, some bombs early then oh yeah

That 5th race is gonna be intense if there is 10 k on the line oh my, may have a heart attack then, or a stroke.

World Cup, kids stuff here who cares

Netherlands -1.5 -124
Spain -.5 -173

2 team parlay risk 83 to win 157 or something, like I said who cares, Belmont is for the big money, make money, money, make money, money, money, money
Yeah gorgolon looks like Spain sucked ass, as did Netherlands, damn it.

That Belmont was brutal, was alive to the last leg for 1100 bucks. The 7 horse blew it, fucking crap the 2 is who I was worried about. The 2 should have been taken down, he fucking about made the 3 horse fall over when he swung out to make his move, that was serious bullshit. So 2 should have been kicked, then 7 wins, I win 1100 a little over that, but no. Fucked in the ass again ha, the usual. Oh man, these losers at the bar at the track split a 2 buck daily double and we're talking shit to me. The bartender though had my back, cuz he's fucking cool Terry, we shut the place down a lot of nights drinking after he's done. He was like you guys need to shut the fuck about your 2 buck double, my boy here wins 1100 if they take the 2 horse down. They shut up then, ha.

Well anyways gonna look at Mountaineer, me and younggun another member here have been close. Mountaineer we haven't had much luck so not sure if I should do it, but what the hell I gotta get this dick outta my ass, and get a win. I got a big 2 horse dick in my ass.
Yeah will be back with a Mountaineer pick 4, a pick 5 there would be pushing it. Hell, at least I'm not working, that is nice.
Looks like no weather concerns. Track fast, turf good, okay. Have to check weather, cuz on a pick 4 or pick 5 you don't get your money back on scratches if the turf comes off in the middle of it, which is total bullshit, ha. Delaware robbed me the other day on that, give up the cash Tuck, be cool ***** just lay it down and step away. Just jacked my ass.
Well here we go, made 2 tickets with the most likely singles on each. Shit gets crazy at Mountaineer sometimes. I have a lot of big shots mixed in, could pay you know 1000+ if shit breaks right. Or may get 50 bucks, ha, then we lose money on the win, oh well, gotta fire on em.

Mountaineer race 2, pick 4 starts race 2

.50 pick 4, 1,2,5,6,10/1,3,6,7/6/1,3,4,5,7,8 so 60 bucks on that ticket

.50 pick 4, 1,2,5,6,10/1,3,6,7/2,3,4,6/5 so 40 bucks on that ticket

Hey hopefully no big dick in the ass tonight, like earlier, ouch, that sucked. 1100 down the tubes, well 240 lost, but would have cashed 1100 and should have, that was some bullshit. How they didn't take down that 2 horse I don't know.

Anyway off to the track gotta get down on this mothafucka.
Shit I didn't even put in that ticket, got to the track and figured out there were a bunch more scratches and off the turf. Equibase didn't have it updated.

The real piece of shit ending to the day is this. Put in a late pick 4 ticket at Mountaineer, and I won the 1st leg with an 8-1 shot, beat the 1-5 favorite, so hell yeah, bang. But then they called the races off cuz of the weather. So I figured well the losing tickets that had that favorite the 1-5 which I'm sure a bunch had him singled would pay me, nope. Mountaineer refunded everybody's money, so I got nothing for my bold call going against the 1-5 favorite and winning with an 8-1, got my money back. That is about a topper on the day, whoa, I am so fucking pissed, I would go Lawrence Phillips on my chick if I had one, ha. I mean you fucking mean to tell me Mountaineer my win is no good, I get nothing, and all those losers get their money back instead of having to pay me a cut, that is bullshit. Oh well, get em tomorrow.
Fucking how the fuck do all those losers that bet the 1-5 favorite in the 1st leg get their damn money back, what?????? That makes no sense, I put my balls on the line and bet the damn 8-1 shot in the 1st leg of the pick 4 and I get nothing when they call the races off, fuck that shit. So all those losers get their money back, man, that is some fuckery that I can't even, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, fuck, I threw some shit at the track don't know if they will let me in tomorrow, ha.
I should get a damn cut, cuz it should pay out 3-all-all-all, now granted it wouldn't be a huge chunk of cash, but it would be something, and not bad, considering everybody had that 1-5 favorite the 4 horse singled at Mountaineer. Damn I called it to, I knew he wasn't shit, and he got beat by my 8-1 the 3 horse. Son of a bitch, can't believe that, fucking nothin, got my money back no cut from all those losers.
Shit the next time I get my money back for a losing bet will be the 1st time, lol, I can't even believe that. Well good pick Tuck, fuck you ha, you get nothing for your 8-1 in the 1st leg of the pick 4, man what the hell.
I tell ya horses are shady for sure, I mean there is a lot of shit going on to fuck you over. I am kind of learning about that now, since I'm a professional now, lol, trying to be, but I get fucked over at every turn. Shit I should have won over 1 k today, and hell if Mountaineer doesn't get called off that could have been another 1 k, shit I slayed the 1-5 favorite in the 1st leg of the late pick 4, who knows what that would have paid, and I loved the rest of my ticket.
Back at it tomorrow me and yg are cooking up Belmont and Santa Anita pick 5's as we speak niggaz. Time to get mine.
Guess gotta leave yg alone now, he is with the girlfriend, shit I know nothing about that ha, well a while ago before I was a total fat ass yes. Ah to be 26 again like yg, nope 38 fat and invisible to hot chicks. Man I would beat the pussy up after this day of fuckery, oh shit, that bitch would get crammed.
Well gonna go over this shit more in depth, then me and yg will have a conference tomorrow morning, ha. Those are my work meetings now, shit those are way better than my meetings at my old job I got fired from.
It is funny cuz yg his dad has been betting horses for over 30 years, and he watched the replay of that Belmont 5th race, and he was like, hell I don't know, the 2 should have been kicked out, he didn't get it. 7 should have been declared the winner, I mean I couldn't believe it, it was crazy. The 2 horse just slammed into the 3 horse on the turn, well he made the move out wide cuz the 6 horse was backing up quick in front of him cuz he was trapped on the rail the 2, and he knew he had to get out of there or lose all momentum, so he gambled, and he lost, he slammed the 3, the 3 almost fell over. But no he didn't lose, ha, they didn't kick him out, oh man. Well a lot of fucked up shit today to say the least, oh well, I get screwed over constantly. For example my last pay check was 843 bucks, ha, that is like 1400 short of where it should have been, Marty fired one last salvo in my ass, I wanna go there and kick his ass, but I can't, well I would give him a beating, but I would go to jail ha.
Looks like some weather concerns at Belmont tomorrow, I know how that shit goes. Don't wanna have a big pick 5 ticket if there could be a decision to take races off the turf, cuz you don't get your money back ha, well I am new to this pick 4 and pick 5 betting, am sort of learning on the job with the help of yg. Shit I got totally crammed at Delaware a couple weeks ago they took the races off the turf in the middle of the pick 5, and I didn't get my money back on my scratches, just counted ha, that seemed totally fucked to me, cuz on any other bet if your horse gets scratched you get your money back.
I can't quit posting once I get started. Well just kind of blowing off some steam pretty much, a tough day for sure, a day that could have been a winning day for over 2 k, but no lost 240 about. Shit suppose I may put up our plays tomorrow for Belmont and Santa Anita, guess I don't know maybe I should just keep to myself. I do like posting though since I'm sort of a loner, ha, I sit at home when I'm not at the track and do nothing usually. Spice 1 on now, The Murda Show, can't beat that, got MC Eight on that track as well, love that track. A to the mothafuckin K 187 proof ass ***** from the bay, and it's the ***** from Compton that's stompin.
Fucking I was talking to Russ at the track he is an old ticket writer, shit he was there when I first started at 17, illegally betting the Lincoln races he sold tickets to me then, ha, that was great I looked like I was about 14 or 13, and they let me bet and sold me beer, and my buddies. Anyway, I asked Russ, I was like Russ what do they do in this situation if they cancel the races and one leg of the pick 4 is in and I won. He said well they pay the 1st leg and the losing tickets pay the winners, but then he said I don't know for sure how they do that in West Virginia, ha, of course, West Virginia is retarded, my luck. He said well should be 3-all-all-all there Matt, so you will win about 40 or 50 bucks off all those losers on that favorite, nope, refund everybody, no credit for my 3 horse win at 8-1, ha, I am just repeating myself. Nothing like beating a 1-5 favorite and getting no credit, yep, that sounds about right, lol. It was Mountaineer 6th race if u wanna look it up on equibase, sure nobody is reading this anyway.
It was fucking fucked, that 2 horse shit that was stupid, he totally fouled that 3 horse and should have been kicked out, on the Belmont 5th, fuck if anybody is reading watch that shit, and tell me the 2 doesn't deserve to be kicked out, ha, no way, he just slammed the 3 horse. Well the jockey on the 2 got him into trouble, he should have moved out sooner, but he fucked up. I mean the 2 horse was the best, but he got caught in a predicament and he fouled, slammed the 3, shit the 3 almost fell over, that shit kicks you out, I don't know what the fuck they were looking at. Must have been like well this motherfucker in Nebraska Tuck, he has a pick 5 with the 7 to win 1100, so we can't pay that motherfucker, 2 wins ha.

Terry the bartender there was like just kick their ass Matt, those 2 guys talking shit, I won't say anything, ha, I wanted to. Those 2 dipshits that split a daily double for 2 bucks ha, they won like 30 bucks each or something. Man Terry let those guys have it, he was like you 2 guys shut the fuck up, my boy here wins 1100 if the 2 gets taken down, so fuck your crappy double bitches.
Well tomorrow it's on, gonna get it, I have been getting close to a big payout, that would have just been a small one again well 1100 isn't small, but me and yg have had a lot of those like 500-900 range payouts. Guess that would have been a little better. Hope those fucks are out there again, no they won't be, those guys I saw em one other time. Terry wouldn't call em out if they were regulars, they were just some bums. Damn it, that was a tough day at the track ha, oh well, a tough day at the track is better than working, no doubt there. I don't miss waking up for work, shit I wake up when I want, call yg, see what's happenin on the horses.
I will say this, yg, or younggun on here, he does know his shit for only being 26 on the horses. Hope we can start banging some of these big pick 5's, I think we will here soon, can't get this close and lose all the time. It is pretty frustrating getting close to big ones and losing, but I mean I'm really close to even down a little right now. Not what I need unless I wanna work again, but maybe I can make this shit work. Well he hasn't made it happen, but I maybe can help out, and make it happen, we'll see. Fuck I said today that 2 horse, and he didn't like him, he liked the 5 and 7, I had no love for the 5 no, not at all, he sucked, but the 2 buried the 7 damn it. Should have been kicked out however, ha.
All you skirts know what's up with 213, got some regulate on now. Nate Dogg, and Warren to the G.

Belmont I'm not sure cuz I got some ideas, but, there are weather concerns. So who knows how that will play out, I'm sure as hell not betting if there is a chance shit could go awry and the races come off the turf after my bet is in, ha, that is really bad, cuz then you have a bunch of scratched horses you paid for, and you don't get a refund. Horses are the only bet I've made where I don't know if I will get paid if shit goes crazy with the weather, ha, tonight beat the 1-5 favorite, in the 1st leg of the pick 4, nope no credit, got my money back on my ticket, ha, that is really crazy, so all those dumb fucks that lost on that 1-5 favorite the 4 horse in the 6th race at Mountaineer got their money back for losing, ha, I have never got my money back for losing, what the hell, those mothafuckas should be paying me damn it, for my 8-1 winner. Russ was beside himself at the ticket window, he was like I don't know what to tell ya, it's West Virginia ya know, ha true, West Virginia can't ever count on them to be normal, those backwoods retards.
Ha talking about West Virginia, Nebraska is about as bad there. Well I was about to knock out a couple retards but I didn't, ha, man those guys shit I was so pissed they got lucky. Cuz they were older maybe 55 or so, I could have rolled both their asses, man I was pissed. You really shouldn't talk shit to a guy that is 38 when your 55 and old and soft, not a good idea, cuz I about ripped their heads off. Well I'm a fat ass now 5 9 and 220, but I'm not a bitch.

Got some Rage on now, yeah, can't beat that after a day of fuckery, that 2 in that Belmont 5th, fuck, I just watched that race again, and I have no idea how he didn't get kicked out. Holy shit that was totally blatant. I don't know what the fuck more you could ask for, as far as disqualification, fuck who knows I guess.
Guess the 2 horse slammed into and took out a long shot with a no name jockey, so they just said okay no foul, ha, that is really bad. Shit if I had that 2 keyed to win on my pick 5 they would have taken him down, oh yeah for sure. Well hell, I don't even get paid for my winners ha, at Mountaineer yeah all the losers get their money back refunds, no payouts to the smart mothafuckas that beat yo ass, fuck wish I was in Mountaineer I would just beat down the guys that had the 4 horse ha, get my money that way.
Yeah well, gonna get em tomorrow, and I hope those stupid fucks are back that were talking shit. Man they are lucky we were in that book, cuz oh man, I was so pissed I would have rolled both their asses, oh yeah, shit they would have had no chance. Well I'm maybe 220, but I'm no fucking puss I can bench 250 or so, and they were just two old guys 55 or so, fuck I would have rolled their ass. So since this is on the internet take away 75 off the bench ha, no I don't fucking lie, but not like 250 is great anyway, ha. I just tell it like it is. Fuck I would still like to see those 2 mothafuckas right now in my driveway, ha, they would get their ass lit up, I'm okay with kicking ass on old guys if they are talking shit.
I better focus on Belmont and Santa Anita, ha, that day today though was brutal, oh man, then I got pieces of shit talking crap about they hit a daily double they fucking split for 2 bucks, ha, nice score there fellas, you know what, you can suck my balls, and I can buy and sell you bitches, so fuck you.
You gonna just bark all day little doggy or are you gonna bite, that's what I thought, fuck that is pissing me off too, those dumb asses cashed on that 2 horse, fucking shit.
You can't really start kicking ass in a race book though ha, that would be great, Terry told me to kick their ass the bartender, but somebody would have seen that.
Ha I need to get off here now I'm just talking nonsense, lol, well you know I am gonna win tomorrow damn it. Me and yg, gonna tear it up, better get off here.
Fucking damn it, would be nice to know if those races at Belmont were on the turf or not. Well as of now they are, but there may be a change don't know. Guess will see what happens tomorrow, gotta follow the weather too, cuz I'm not betting into some shit where they are gonna rob my ass, fuck horses I know it is not always straight forward and fair, you can get fucked. Well shit I just did twice today, ha, I mean I keep watching that Belmont 5th over and over, and there is no way that 2 didn't foul the 3, I mean he fucking came out right into him, smashed him, and almost caused a fucking wreck, shit that 3 could have fell over. Ha, I don't know niggaz, it is tough being Tuck you get no breaks ever, then you get bums talking shit to you, and you wanna knock their ass out, but you can't ha, well that wouldn't be smart for sure. Fuck I need the homiez with me, LA Ray, Big G, and Mike, fuck nobody talking shit then, no, fuck no, those guys are serious. I still kinda wanna go to Vegas to see the homiez, but my Explorer has seen better days, not sure it would make it.
Big G is fucking 50 now, ha, he is a bad ass though, fucking backed up Bo Jackson at Auburn. Shit he may be over 50, shit still a bad ass brotha I'm sure, been a while since I've seen him. I remember he was like what the fuck position do you think I played at Auburn, and I said probably defensive end, ha, well he was a big dude. Guess Auburn just had Bo, and then another fucking thumper, George, he's a big dude. I think it was George Evans, I don't know that could be wrong, I don't always remember everything now, ha, I know I checked out his story and he was correct. Man big g was the man, ha, fucking big bad ass gangsta. Yeah well those were some good times doing coke with big g, ray, and mike. Damn I wanna roll so bad out to Vegas, shit, would get half way then my Explorer would break down, lol, it is a piece of shit.