Bell's Week 5 CFB Plays


Well-Known Member
This week i see a couple of games that jump out at me right off the bat. One really big game for me also.

Buff +16

This will be my biggest play and even gonna throw a little on the ML. I posted in redbearde thread about this game. I think Buff upsets Ball State. This game reminds me of a game last year that I had when i took houston when they played ullafayette. Houston the week before had a really close game with Miami. I believe Houston even was -16 aganst UL also. Well, in the final quarter of the game I thought i had it wrapped up with houston covering. UL comes back to win the game. I see the same thing happening this game.

USF +7

I like this game not because i think USF can stop White or Slaton from doing what they do but I like this game because in a shootout I think they can win straightup. Everyone's talking about WV's offense but what about their defense. If USF can get a couple of lucky breaks in this game, I think they win SU. I will also put a little of the moneyline for this game also.

G. Tech ML

I think this is the game that G.Tech takes their head out of their asses and actually start playing to the calibur that is expected. I thought the spread looked off and a bit fishy, and I hope it is. Clemson looked like Clemson against NC State while G.Tech started to look like Auburn. I expected a line around 7 after last weeks results.

FSU -2 1/2

I think this could be a homer bet but I honestly don't see how FSU is favored even though Bama lost to UGA last week and also with addition of the suspension of Geno Hayes. But I do know that FSU will have a few tricks up their sleeves.

Good luck everyone and your thoughts are welcome.

Thanks DMoney, Best of luck to you.

Forgot this one earlier.

Penn.St./Ill U46

Penn.St's offense looks terrible and I think their D gives Illinois some trouble. Illinois's defense is pretty good and their O looks like it needs some help at times. I see a lot of punting in this game and as much as I like Illinois I think they get beat in special teams. But we'll see, should be a pretty boring game in my opinion. haha.

Good luck bud. As far as that WV/USF game, Im really excited about that one. I'll probably be doing a little write up on that one tomorrow. :cheers:
Preciate it Spanish and DFresh. Wish you guys the best of luck on your plays as well.

Haha Vegas. I like the avatar so much I have it as my desktop background. Good luck to you this weekend bud.

Like your thoughts on GT alot...

no way I take Clem when they opened as dog an now throwing a thanks..

Interesting thought on Barfalo as well

GL this week