Bell's Week 1 Plays


Well-Known Member
Been gone a long time. Actually I don't think I have a posted a play over here . Well to get things started, I hope everyone has a great season this year. Last season was up and down for me in college, but hopefully this year is different. I didn't think I would have such a big card for just the thursday, but I guess it just shows what kind of degenerate I really am. Oh yea, feel free to post your thoughts on any of the games. Anyways, here goes nothing.


1. Mia (Ohio) +6
2. Rutgers -31 1/2
3. Miss. St. +17 1/2
4. Kent +3
5. Ore. St. -6 1/2

Let's have a nice start guys.
Just got back from work. Looks like a good start so far. Should have followed you guys on LSU but that the line was fishy oh well. I still have the Ore. St. game, but as of right now 3-1
Well we hit the Ore. St. play Chips.:cheers:
I went 4-1 today and off to a great start this football season. I won't have any plays tomorrow but I have 5 or so on my mind for saturday.
Thanks guys. The teams I have on my radar for saturday is:
Virg -3.5
V. Tech -27.5
G. Tech ML
Illinois +4.5
UCLA -17
Texas -38.5
Tenn +6

I have Monday's Game Locked in Already though:
FSU -3

Some thoughts for the games:
Virginia will be a better team this year at least on defense, the offense is on and off but the defense should be pretty solid. Wyoming has some holes in the O-line and I don't believe they will be able to run the ball against this D. I expect Virginia to be able to control the clock and keep Wyoming's D on the field.

V. Tech. pretty much speaks itself. A team that does very well against large spreads and is trying to put on a show for the fans for the shootings.

Texas is another team that covers big spreads. To add something to V.Tech and Texas. They both get some touchdowns during these of games from there defenses. So if you take off a touchdown from the spread, both of the spreads look very doable right.

Illinois. I'm impressed with Missouri's Offense, but I'm more impressed with the way Illinois kept themselves in the games last year. If you were a sportsharks last year, you know I don't like Ron Zook, but I gotta to give him and team some credit for having heart. I see this one being close, if not being the biggest upset for saturday.

G. Tech. speaks for itself. I really don't see why they aren't favored in this game.

UCLA. I like this team to win the Pac-10. Kind of tired of hearing all the hype on USC. What is it, UCLA is returning 10 starters on both sides of the ball. I think Stanford has another bummer year, they might get one or two more covers this year but not against UCLA.

Tenn. I'm just not convinced with Cal. Maybe because it's a Pac-10 facing a SEC team. I don't think Cal will be able to score points as easily as everyone thinks. We'll see though, this one might actually be a no play.

Well, I should have Saturday's plays up by tomorrow night.
Thanks for quick analysis..thats what this site is all-about...

Love Bruins this year

I would buy Tenny to 7 at this point if not for the "injury"
Like Vt and Texas. Gonna be on the other side of tenn, and Ill. Please pass on Ill. I love MU in week one and I hope everyone will be with me. Their offense will light it up this with a superstar QB, the best TE tandem in the nation, a great deep reciever, solid line and sr back. I am firing on this one. Whatever you do GL:cheers:
Thanks Big Al and Chips, I am still leaning towards Tenn. but I'm gonna pull it off my list of plays. Chips you know that I like being on the same side with you but I do think that Illinois pulls an upset. There defense is pretty impressive. On the bad side for me is that I have Ron Zook, a guy who finds a way to lose games. But you know, maybe your right but good luck to you guys.
Alright finally have all my capping done for this weekend. I think I pulling the Tenn. game off, but everything else looks pretty good. So this is what I have:

V. Tech -27 1/2
Virginia -3
G. Tech ML
Illinois +5
UCLA -17

Monday's Play was already locked in
FSU -3.

Also I am leaning towards T.Tech.

Alright good luck everyone. Let's finish the week off strong.
So-so day went 2-3 but hit my ML so that took the juice i owed away. I guess thats the plus side to it. But so far for this week I am 6-4 and I can't complain about that. I still have one more game left for this week. So hopefully I hit FSU. I'm gonna pass on T.Tech for I think there is just too many weird things happening this week. But I hope everyone had a good weekend.