Beckham is actually doing it...

reNew Orleans

Clubbin' with Rasual Butler
Coming to America: Beckham to sign with Galaxy

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<!-- begin text11 div --> <!-- begin left column --> MADRID, Spain -- Former England captain David Beckham will leave Real Madrid at the end of the season and sign a five-year deal for MLS side Los Angeles Galaxy, he told Reuters on Thursday.
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"After discussing several options with my family and my advisors to either stay here in Madrid or join other major British and European teams I have decided to join LA Galaxy and play in the MLS from August this year.
"I would like to thank supporters and the people of Madrid who have made my family and I so welcome in my time here making this an extremely difficult decision to make.
"I have enjoyed my time here enormously and I am extremely grateful to the club for giving me an opportunity to play for such a great team and their amazing fans."
The 31-year-old, who joined Real from Manchester United in June 2003, is the most famous player to sign up for Major League Soccer since it began in 1996.
The deal is reported to be one of the biggest in global sport with Beckham set to earn more than $250 million over the duration of his contract.
The news ends months of speculation about the future of the midfielder whose contract with Real expires at the end of the season.
Having been first choice in the Real Madrid starting lineup since he moved to Spain, Beckham lost his place following the arrival of Italian coach Fabio Capello.
He has only started five of Real's 16 league games this season and was known to be frustrated with his lack of opportunities in the first team.

I know hes interested for a while, but seriously?

oh and Fuck Pinny
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Unbelievable. Just got off the phone with Ching the MLS cup MVP and we were laughing about Becks salary compared to his.

The 250 million is more then likley Becks getting 90/10 split of his image rights instead of 50/50 like at Real. That would mean 40 million per year for image, 9 million per year for salary, 3 million from ADDIDAS.

Sweet deal and bigtime move.
SHSUHorn said:
Unbelievable. Just got off the phone with Ching the MLS cup MVP and we were laughing about Becks salary compared to his.

The 250 million is more then likley Becks getting 90/10 split of his image rights instead of 50/50 like at Real. That would mean 40 million per year for image, 9 million per year for salary, 3 million from ADDIDAS.

Sweet deal and bigtime move.

how do you know brian ching?
renew orleans said:
how do you know brian ching?

he runs a club in Houston.

Becks to LA is cool. Your going to see alot more people interested in the MLS now that he'll be drawing big names (stars/whores/junkies) to the games. Could work out well for the MLS too.

Wait until he has to play in RFK against the United, he's going to :down:the playing conditions for sure.
You can look at it 2 ways. Beckham's contract was going to run out in the Summer, meaning, LA could of gotten him for free. However, who knows where Becks would of signed.
Now the price....overpriced at first but...the significance of this signing is showing the MLS' willingness to increase popularity in the sport. David Beckham is the most marketable athlete in the world, along with Tiger Woods. He is suited to the Hollywood life so it was either LA or NY.
This signing has effected Toronto FC because the season tickets just shot right up after the signing. Also, a lot of countries outside of Europe are always interested in bringing in stars, no matter the cost. A lot of stars close to retirement end up going to the MIddle East where they get paid big bucks. I think the MLS has caught onto that and we will soon see a lot of bigger named players come over to the MLS.
Laugh all you want when i say this, you will see Ronaldinho in the MLS before he retires. He has won everything put out there. World Cup, European Club Championship, World PLayer of the Year, European PLayer of the year. HE's getting paid big bucks now but heck, if the MLS is willing to splash out the goods, why not.
Good start for the MLS. I think this will help American futbol in general because there are some pretty good players that just don't get recognized. One of them, Horn will know Dwayne De Rosario who i think is one heck of player.
Toronto_Mike said:
You can look at it 2 ways. Beckham's contract was going to run out in the Summer, meaning, LA could of gotten him for free. However, who knows where Becks would of signed.
Now the price....overpriced at first but...the significance of this signing is showing the MLS' willingness to increase popularity in the sport. David Beckham is the most marketable athlete in the world, along with Tiger Woods. He is suited to the Hollywood life so it was either LA or NY.
This signing has effected Toronto FC because the season tickets just shot right up after the signing. Also, a lot of countries outside of Europe are always interested in bringing in stars, no matter the cost. A lot of stars close to retirement end up going to the MIddle East where they get paid big bucks. I think the MLS has caught onto that and we will soon see a lot of bigger named players come over to the MLS.
Laugh all you want when i say this, you will see Ronaldinho in the MLS before he retires. He has won everything put out there. World Cup, European Club Championship, World PLayer of the Year, European PLayer of the year. HE's getting paid big bucks now but heck, if the MLS is willing to splash out the goods, why not.
Good start for the MLS. I think this will help American futbol in general because there are some pretty good players that just don't get recognized. One of them, Horn will know Dwayne De Rosario who i think is one heck of player.

Funny that you mentioned De Ro. Just had lunch with Adrian Serrioux who is now at Dallas and De Ro called about the Beckham signing and couldn't believe the money he got. BTW: De Ro is staying Houston and not going to Toronto or Europe. Just bought a house and has three young kids and beautiful wife.

Also Adrian heard that Dallas is going to be getting Edgar Davids and they are finalizing the deal. Pretty funny since they look alike minus the glasses from Davids.

Ronaldo to NY Red Bull looks next and Claudio Reyna will land somewhere since Man City is terminating his contract so he can come back home.

Houston is looking at Saviola and some Mexican players (hopefully not Borgetti).
renew orleans said:
how do you know brian ching?

Not to sound Yag but I'm probably his closes friend in Houston. Met him initially through the club like Scourge said but he ended up hanging out with my crew alot because we were the same age and the players on the team are either really young or have their wives here in town.

Awesome guy and very, very humble. Actually gave me a shoutout in the Houston Chronicle during his year end wrapup of his first year in Houston.
i think that Edgar Davids signing will go through. Beckham's influence will lead to a lot of more European players over here. Heck if Shevchenko actually knew how to speak English, he would be going to the states. Money is certainly not the issue with the MLS, its attracting the competition level.

I'm actually looking forward to the season i might have to buy a few tickets here and there. Was going to go for open try outs but damn i was too late. See how it goes next year.
SHSUHorn said:
Not to sound Yag but I'm probably his closes friend in Houston. Met him initially through the club like Scourge said but he ended up hanging out with my crew alot because we were the same age and the players on the team are either really young or have their wives here in town.

Awesome guy and very, very humble. Actually gave me a shoutout in the Houston Chronicle during his year end wrapup of his first year in Houston.

do you snuggle with him after a defeat? :15_10_6:
Luis Figo is going to Saudi Arabia next year for big bucks....who knows he might end in the USA in a couple of years, although he will be about 35/36.....the Saudis were offering him 6M for 6 months in this transfer window.
Seems Becks was the only big signing. Ronaldo turned down the huge Red Bull offer and i know they went after Rivaldo. The Davids deal is dead as well.
it takes time. The option is there, but if a player has an option to play for a big European club and go for European glory, where do you think they'll end up? Right now they are targetting big names that have had their best years behind them.