Baylor/Houston game cancelled

I was in the middle of really diving into the Charlotte game then saw on my score app it cancelled. Really bummed me ouT.
Glad I took the season off. Can't imagine how frustrating it is for people putting in all this work trying to find good bets and getting good numbers only to have the game cancelled a day before the game.
Glad I took the season off. Can't imagine how frustrating it is for people putting in all this work trying to find good bets and getting good numbers only to have the game cancelled a day before the game.

im just remaining positive and feel grateful for the games we got. Although it was kinda a bummer putting the work in I did on that game just to see it cancelled. That ok tho, on to the next!!
Contact tracing is the biggest fucking scam that google and apple enable.

Turn off your phones.

Evil surveillance.

The biggest psyop in history

Being the out of touch kinda guy that doesn’t pay much attention to anything I really don’t even know wtf it is. Obviously I can draw a conclusion simply from the name but far as the ins and outs of the what’s or more importantly the whys is beyond me. If everyone would take my approach and simply not worry bout anything until there a reason to we be much better off, I know Im doing fine, have been for forty something years!
Being the out of touch kinda guy that doesn’t pay much attention to anything I really don’t even know wtf it is. Obviously I can draw a conclusion simply from the name but far as the ins and outs of the what’s or more importantly the whys is beyond me. If everyone would take my approach and simply not worry bout anything until there a reason to we be much better off, I know Im doing fine, have been for forty thousand something years!

Fixed it for you.
Is daily testing going to help avoid postponements/cancelations or will it have no impact on them?

Daily testing should eliminate the need to quarantine/isolate players who had contact with positive persons earlier in the week because you can test them everyday. If a positive OL comes back Monday, then instead of just quarantining all the contact traced individuals you can just test them throughout the week and if they repeatedly test negative, no need to have them miss any action, right?

But if a positive case comes out later in the week, say Thursday or Friday, is there enough time before game day to get reliable test results from the other individuals, given the incubation period? Meaning, a postive OL on Thursday and another OL might test negative Thursday and Friday due to their incubation period being different, but then Saturday that other OL might also test positive.

I actually don't know if daily tests help or not. I think with daily tests, we might still get about the same about of postponements/cancelations, just they might come out later in the week. And then if you are the Big Ten if you have 5% positives (which is a small number of players) come out later in the week, your activities are shut down for 7 days, meaning you lose two games not just one.

Pretty much a clusterfuck. Just keep trying to play the games you can play is all you can do.

What really sucks is the issues are getting staggered. Last week Baylor was ready to go, but LaTech wasn't. A wasted week. Then this week, Houston is ready to go and Baylor isn't. A wasted week. Not to mention that Houston was ready to go and their originally scheduled game vs Memphis wasn't able to go.

I think we are going to end up with every team probaby having atleast one game they can't make up due to postponements and running out of fill-in dates. It is pretty easy to see that teams could even not be able to make up multiple games. 10 game schedule could become 8. The Big Ten's 9 game schedule could be come 7 for some times. All depends how it goes.

But everyone knew there were going to be issues and challenges with trying to play right now. It's still the right thing to do, try and play who you can play when you can play them is all you can do. Really tough of players and coaches though, mentally tough. Better than not trying to play though.