Bay Hill


Head of Alabama Department of Decision-Making
Excited to watch this week, as a few buddies and I are going down to stay and play at Arnie's place in a few weeks. Elevated status brings out the big names. I've been yo-yo'ing on golf lately. Crushed Phoenix on the back of having Scheffler to win, plus top5/10/20. Did ok at Riv and then got skunked last week. Bay Hill is a pretty big ball park that rewards good ball striking in addition to length. Wind can always be a factor. Focusing in on great iron players/good wind players. Here's where I am so far:

Hovland -115 over Scheffler
Leishman -110 over Scott
Fleetwood -105 over Sergio
Rose -110 vs Power

Top 5:
Hovland +275
Im +500
Leish +600

Top 10:
Rory +105
Hovland +150
Im +250
Leish +250
Day +450
Fleetwood +450

Top 20:
Leish +130
Im +130
Mitchell +150
Day +200
Fleetwood +200
Kim +300
Excited to watch this week, as a few buddies and I are going down to stay and play at Arnie's place in a few weeks. Elevated status brings out the big names. I've been yo-yo'ing on golf lately. Crushed Phoenix on the back of having Scheffler to win, plus top5/10/20. Did ok at Riv and then got skunked last week. Bay Hill is a pretty big ball park that rewards good ball striking in addition to length. Wind can always be a factor. Focusing in on great iron players/good wind players. Here's where I am so far:

Hovland -115 over Scheffler
Leishman -110 over Scott
Fleetwood -105 over Sergio
Rose -110 vs Power

Top 5:
Hovland +275
Im +500
Leish +600

Top 10:
Rory +105
Hovland +150
Im +250
Leish +250
Day +450
Fleetwood +450

Top 20:
Leish +130
Im +130
Mitchell +150
Day +200
Fleetwood +200
Kim +300

GL. Where did you get those match ups?