

Pretty much a regular
Yes, I am still around. But with three open heart surgeries and two strokes on my resume I am hiding full tilt as throw in I'm older than shit and I am the poster boy for danger from this virus. Haven't been off my property in 3 months. Order all groceries delivered. And surprisingly we are quite happy here. Wife is working from home all through this, thank god, and we are actually very much enjoying being home. Also, thank god we have a home to be safe in. Hope you and yours are all safe as well.

Now to baseball..........

I know everyone is longing for sports but is this really a good idea? Yes, with cable, I get the no fans and empty dugouts with extra players in the stands for social distancing. And yes, the nature of the game itself is social distancing but it's not just playing the game itself that has to be looked at. In fact, if it was just playing the game I would agree with the restart. But it's logistics that concern me.

I don't believe for one second playing baseball will spread the virus to anyone in the city's they play in. I know they are trying to play regionally close games. But no matter where they decide to play one team travels. That's no big deal in itself. But they don't play one game and hop on a bus to another city. They stay for 3 or 4 days of course. Now think about that. They have to stay in a hotel. No big deal there. But although they can be careful they will interact with the local public. My point is the danger with interaction with the public isn't dangerous to the public it's dangerous to the players and staff. If not dangerous at the very least they can get a positive and be on the DL for 14 days. And unless they get room service every night which of course they won't they will be going out to eat. They might order in occasionally but some players will go out for meals. No make that all players will go out at some point to get meals. And then there is the possibility of drinks if the states they go to have bars open. I don't want to shatter any illusions about ball players but I know I drank on the road and at home and although it's 100 years later they will also drink.

Now what will all this mean? It will mean that players will get infected and to think you will just put them on a 14 day virus DL is maybe a little rose colored. I think they will have to place a ton of these players on that virus DL and at some point I doubt there will be enough players, even though they start with like 40. Doubt that? Well lets look at the schedule itself. By my figures, and I could be wrong, but they will play for part of July, August, September and maybe part of October. I figure that will be a total time of maybe 10 weeks for this 60 game season? If one guy goes on the DL for the virus that will be almost 25% of the season. And don't forget regular injuries because the players are not going to get nearly long enough spring training. And if you think they are working out and staying in shape it's not the same thing. And remember, because of locker rooms despite trying to distance, if one player gets sick you can probably expect 5-10 more getting it. Don't forget busses and maybe planes. Bottom line is that although these are younger people age 40 or less if they get this virus their life may not be at risk, hopefully, but once they test positive they are instantly out for 14 days. (and I expect them to test very often) That's a very strict DL which of course it has to be.

If you are like everyone else and are craving sports or something to bet on and don't mind watching what will amount to very watered down spring training type games for a couple of months then you will be happy to see whatever they will call this version of MLB. Personally, I am thinking they will have to shut the whole thing down after 4 weeks of playing despite the greed of the owners. And even though these are younger people, for the most part, god forbid one of the players with asthma or something else gets this virus. I do believe that this whole thing will cost someone their life whether player, coach, or staff (trainers, locker room, and travel staff) I don't find this worth it but there are enough people that will. I only hope I am wrong.

One last thing, baseball is tough enough to cap as it is normally so be very careful betting on these games they will be trotting out very soon. I normally don't jump into betting the sport much before May. Waiting like that with this shortened schedule the season will be over before we get good numbers on this year as to how the players will perform. And I have always said the best way to lose money betting baseball is to bet on names. GL
Holy crap Wire you‘re back. So glad that you are happy and pulling through. Missed you and your rants around these parts :)
welcome back! Hope your caution is followed by the league and they have the success Euro soccer leagues had
I sat through 7 hours of MLB Network training camp coverage yesterday. I did get a little warm and fuzzy but I was starting to get accustomed to not having sports on every day. Either way, it's great to be back, thinking about baseball capping theories given the unprecedented circumstances. Hope everyone is healthy and well.
I sat through 7 hours of MLB Network training camp coverage yesterday. I did get a little warm and fuzzy but I was starting to get accustomed to not having sports on every day. Either way, it's great to be back, thinking about baseball capping theories given the unprecedented circumstances. Hope everyone is healthy and well.

I tried watching the coverage yesterday but couldn't make it through five minutes of watching players chatting it up in masks and the hitting in the cage. I am looking forward to the games but I still have my doubts if they happen.