Baseball System My 90.5 Year Old Father Says HE Came Up With!


Hello All>

My Dad Told Me The Other Night Over A Glass Of Wine...

"Son. In The End? You May Not Make A Lot Of Money, Or Lose A Lot Over A Season. But I Have Something For You Come Next Year...Let's Try Tonight. (Monday) Who Opens A Series On The Road Tomorrow?!"

Me: I See A's And Pitts. A's About -115 And Pitts A Good +260.

Dad: Ok. Give Me $25 On The A's And $25 On Pitt. You See Son, Over The Years I Have Noticed...TAKE The Road Team In Game 1, EVERY New Series. No Matter The Odds. $25 Str. Every New Series Game 1.

Me: Ok Dad. But I'll Ask The Guys At My Sports Site What They Think Of It, And If Anyone Has Any Data On "YOUR System!"

Dad: 6-5 Today Road Teams. Sure Some Favorite Some Not. But A Winning Day. Let's See How The A's And White Sox's Do...

OK CTG...What DO I Tell My Dad What YOU Think!

Thanks. (He's Old. But Loves This Shit!)
1 outta 2 ain’t bad. Your dad seems do be doing pretty good for being almost 91! Drinking wine and talking sports betting.