baseball stats you find meaningless or overrated

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I think "day of the week" angles and stats are completely useless. If a team is 3-10 on tuesday it doesn't mean anything.
mentioned all the time on espn and mlb.

team vs team record. Who cares, rosters change dramatically all the time.
Umpire strike % is completely misleading and useless. Pitcher throws 10 balls to 10 batters and they each hit home runs the umpires strike % is 100% because if a ball is hit safely it counts as a strike the ump called. Further, one ump has a strike % of 60% and the next guy has a strike % of 68% people actually think the one guy calls more strikes and it's meaningful. It could be 8 more foul tips is the difference and nothing more.

Pitchers strike outs to walks ratio is also misleading and useless. Pitcher gets 3 strike outs in each of the first 3 innings for a total of 9 strike outs but allows 6 home runs and 8 other hits in those same 3 innings as the other team bats around a couple of times. No walks so his strike out to walk ratio is 9/0 and that looks good to people? Strikeouts to walks plus hits ratio and maybe you have something but strikeouts to walks means nothing. GL
One more .... when a pitcher comes in and you give me his era, total strikeouts, walks, and every stat available but don't tell me how many hits he allows per inning pitched then don't bother telling me more than his name because you haven't me how he pitches. Fox does this all the time. Tell me only total innings pitched and total hits allowed and I can tell you how good he is but they always leave out total hits allowed. GL
Disjointed, arbitrary trends really aggravate me. For example, please don't tell me, "The Cardinals are 0-10 since May 18, 2007 on the road within 20 cents of pickem after a loss in which they allowed 5+ walks and it is the first game of a series." That shit may be true but it doesn't make sense.
Disagree here. It says something when Toronto hasn't won a series IN TAMPA in 22 straight series. Or lost 19 Straight Games @ Yankee Stadium.

It really doesn't though. If you're talking so many games won or lost in one season (or maybe over 2 seasons or so), then you may have a point. There are far too many changes to rosters for teams losing in a stadium or to a certain team over a long period of time to mean anything more than randomness. I guess the question would be, what do you think the team in Toronto now has in common with the team from 8 years ago that also didn't win a series in in, what do you feel in contributing to this ineptitude they show in Tampa? How does one team from close to a decade ago have any type of influence over a team in 2014 trying to win a series in Tampa?

Now the 19 straight losses at Yankee Stadium, which has occurred over the past season and a half (probably a few games from 2012 as well) certainly could mean 'something' as their team is mostly comprised of the same players. Maybe they aren't seeing the ball well there, or don't match up with the NYY pitchers well, or whatever it could be....but that's a stat/trend that is clearly more relevant to the 2014 Blue Jays than some stat about them not winning a series in Tampa over 22 straight series which has been compiled over 7+ years.