Barkley OUt Wittek In

let's talk this game; i don't see a line out. but I think every ass in the world is going to be on ND...Wittek has better arm strength than Barkley, not as mobile and no where near the game sense
I dunno. Just a guess. Usc is the dumbest team in the country imo. Penalties, defensive breakdowns, weak pass pro what makes you think Usc can win? Nd will be in this kids face non stop.
I dunno. Just a guess. Usc is the dumbest team in the country imo. Penalties, defensive breakdowns, weak pass pro what makes you think Usc can win? Nd will be in this kids face non stop.
dont' think they will win or can win, just think that the line may be gar I had this a tad bit higher, in the td range just hoping to fade the public with an inflated're right they are morons though
my guess is that ND is favored by 1......i'm not sure of the exact record..but i think we are like 1-11 in the last 12 years against USC :hang:
its ok eggman...u said the same thing against MSU, Michigan, Stanford, and then Oklahoma........gotta love the haters!

Did I? Well considering I made money on 3 of those 4 games, maybe I was right. I'm pulling for you guys this week. Betting ND for sure, looking forward to a "disciplinarian" and "realistic team ability potential realization" moment for you come January. You forget that the one team that Bama lost to this year, has an offense.
Bama has played 3 teams with a pulse this year. They drilled one, got beat by one and woulda/coulda/shoulda lost to the third(a team, btw with no offense).

I'm not saying Alabama sucks but I cannot figure out why people still think they are a juggernaut.

I wouldn't be surprised at all to see them lose to UGA (another overrated SEC team...holy shit, look at their wins) in the SECCG.
I don't think they are a 'juggernaut'...But, I also know they are not better than 'Bama, hate them both, so, it's an honest opinion.
I would say for a team that hasn't won in LA in quite some time.

well we won in 2010 when Barley was hurt ...mitch mustain came in and was badddddd...but still.....but before that or at home we have been bad against them
Yeah its a lot GoIrish, but when I step back some and look at the matchup it seems on the surface right. You throw in the 1st USC QB to start a game in like 4yrs with Monte Kiffin's keystone Kops Defense after a heartbreaking loss to a rival and it gets sorta scary for the Men of Troy.

ND's defense has been its huge asset, it will now face agreen kid in his 1st start against the #1 team in the land. 3rd down is where QBs matter the most, if they dont have confidence in him to complete 3rd & long it could be a LONG day for USC. Because as bad as the ND offense is, if you keep giving them the ball vs Kiffin's D they will put up some points. USC has to devise a way to get the ball out of the kid's hand quickly and to the playmakers. They have to do some West Coast offense stuff and take short high percentage passes that keep the chains moving & possession. Just really hard to do vs a really good Defense with a green QB
u bring up some key points SD.....i think USC to win this game have to throw a lot of screens to Lee, Woods, and Redd....ND has been bad at the screen game and if they are bad against them..USC will turn those in to TD's much as to what pittsburgh did

but i agree...Golson and the offence are getting better and better and will need to control the clock and score td's...not fg's
about a 3 point fav? just trying to see what others put Barkley's point value at.

Well, I know perception will be different now (vs. earlier in the season), but ND only played 2 road games against teams with a pulse and were +4.5 at Mich St and +11 at Oklahoma. I have USC with Barkley rated higher than both of those teams. Perhaps -3/4 range.
if Barkley playing...-4.5

so if that's the case you're saying HFA with Barkley is worth roughly 10.5 pts (i think it opened -6 for ND)..with Barkley in I had it a tad bit lower around the -2 to -3 range
so if that's the case you're saying HFA with Barkley is worth roughly 10.5 pts (i think it opened -6 for ND)..with Barkley in I had it a tad bit lower around the -2 to -3 range

no.... below is what i said earlier... so this is how i capped the 2 with barkley playing and not playing

my guess is that ND is favored by 1......i'm not sure of the exact record..but i think we are like 1-11 in the last 12 years against USC :hang:
i am actually a little shocked that ND is favored by 6...wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole...with that being said..i have to much invested already in the game to even think about the lines haha