BAR 2nd halves...

Love it. I was already on it... been watching and Bulls were down 20... and always creep back vs. the Heat. They've settled down now and have been slightly out playing Miami. Plus E Jones has been huge for them... can the oldie keep it up 35-40 mins? Doubt it...
I would recommend Under inDET-CLE..won;t see as many FT's and both defenses will play well...side wise no opinion.
Let's quit capping and tail ********.

For real man, WTF? Pathetic effort from Chicago, a team that had advantages at 4 of the 5 starting positions tonight IMO. And a better bench. Disgraceful.
Its called the LEastern conference. Mediocrity all around. Even the better teams in the East are so inconsistent you can't tell what to expect from them night in and night out. It set up well for the Bulls tonight but you can't cap when they are gonna pull one of their don't really feel like playing nights. Same goes for the Stons. Don't know when they'll pull one of those acts like they did against the Spurs a few weeks ago or what they've done the past few games. On paper they look good but thats in comparison to the rest of the East.
Let's quit capping and tail ********.

For real man, WTF? Pathetic effort from Chicago, a team that had advantages at 4 of the 5 starting positions tonight IMO. And a better bench. Disgraceful.

well said