Ball State coach to SDSU???

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It is if you consider quality of life, michigan to san diego, is a pretty good up grade although on solely the coaching scale it is more of a move in the lateral direction.
Ball St is in Indiana

Not a good move...he will be a high-commodity coach for next several seasons for a job much better than SDSU(sorry D-mac and Horses)
might be desperation though.

Cannot afford to stay at ball state cause they lose almost everyone. 2009 gonna be a long year for that program. So i think he wants to cash in while he can.
Tried Auburn and couldn't get it

----he takes SDSTU back to some bowls he knows he's a lock for a big time program

Brady was recruiting great at Ball State----2009/10 they could still make a bowl

Ball State was in the dumps when he took over.

Just IMO he's aiming high, Brian Kelly etc there are some guys out their ahead of him

He feels like with the California recruiting base he has confidence he can ressurect another program, and then pawn off for a penn state/notre dame type job IMO.
not a bad move imo...much nicer place to live...stronger conference...taking over a down program and should be able to recruit well out of San Kyle mentioned, he accomplished all that he could and was certain to make a move...even if it's considered a lateral one by many...

Ball State coach Brady Hoke presented the Top Ten list yesterday on Late Night with David Letterman. Letterman, perhaps the most famous alumnus of the Muncie, Ind., university, is one of the program's most visible supporters.
The subject was Top Ten Highlights Of The Ball State Cardinals Football Season. Take it away, Coach:
10. "Only team in college ball to use kangaroo as long snapper"
9. "I coached the second half of the Toledo game wearing only a headset and underpants"
8. "When O.J. Simpson and some goons showed up and tried to steal our equipment"
7. "Our players met athletes from around the world when Muncie hosted this year's summer Olympics"
6. "Defeating the Detroit Lions"
5. "The loss to Buffalo because it taught us humility and resiliency...I'm kidding, it totally blew"
4. "The post-game locker room grabass"
3. "Beat Eastern Michigan, Central Michigan, Western Michigan, Southern Michigan, Southwestern Michigan and Mexican Michigan"
2. "None of our players shot themselves in the leg"
1. "The drunk 3 a.m. coaching tips from Letterman"

#3 sounds like most Big 10 schedules

Let's not overlook the fact that Brady Hoke is an alum of Ball State. He was a captain on their 1978 MAC title team.

Cannot afford to stay at ball state cause they lose almost everyone. 2009 gonna be a long year for that program.

I'm not sure I agree with this. Ball State will return their leading rusher (junior MiQuale Lewis, 1754 yards, 22 TD), their leading passer (junior Nate Davis, 3446 yards, 26 TD), and their leading receiver (freshman Briggs Orsbon (67 catches, 767 yards). Freshman Sean Baker (leading tackler, 91, and intercepter, 6) also returns, as does junior Alex Knipp (second-leading tackler, 83) and sophomore linebacker Davyd Jones (fourth-leading tackler, 76).

is it possible that he has knowledge that Davis doesn't intend to come back (despite what he's saying now)?...I think he's one of the top two QB's taken in the draft if he comes out...

Ball State coach Brady Hoke presented the Top Ten list yesterday on Late Night with David Letterman. Letterman, perhaps the most famous alumnus of the Muncie, Ind., university, is one of the program's most visible supporters.
The subject was Top Ten Highlights Of The Ball State Cardinals Football Season. Take it away, Coach:
10. "Only team in college ball to use kangaroo as long snapper"
9. "I coached the second half of the Toledo game wearing only a headset and underpants"
8. "When O.J. Simpson and some goons showed up and tried to steal our equipment"
7. "Our players met athletes from around the world when Muncie hosted this year's summer Olympics"
6. "Defeating the Detroit Lions"
5. "The loss to Buffalo because it taught us humility and resiliency...I'm kidding, it totally blew"
4. "The post-game locker room grabass"
3. "Beat Eastern Michigan, Central Michigan, Western Michigan, Southern Michigan, Southwestern Michigan and Mexican Michigan"
2. "None of our players shot themselves in the leg"
1. "The drunk 3 a.m. coaching tips from Letterman"

#3 sounds like most Big 10 schedules

OJ, lol
Urban Meyer made a similar move like this, leaving Bowling Green for Utah. That seemed to work out pretty good for him.

Who here wouldn't take a better job with better pay and get to move to San Diego after living in Muncie, Indiana?
O-State got this pretty much right in Post #5; both Hoke and SDSU are hoping this to be a mutually beneficial situation. Hoke comes in here and gets the State program back off the ground and to a bowl in a couple years...once he does that, he can go back to the midwest (or wherever) for a BCS job and leave the keys in the hands of a trusty assistant...naturally, SDSU hopes this plays out exactly like Meyer in Utah did when he left the keys to Willingham. While that may be a stretch, no reason he can't get them to a bowl and in the meantime, he's making more money and getting out of whatever is Muncie, Indiana to move to San Diego. Once the Auburn job fell thru, this seems like a no-brainer for him. As an Aztec fan, I understand the hire, and if successful, he won't be around too long (which is ok).
This appears to be a done deal, boys.

Contract money for him might not have been a problem. He makes 250 now and was wanting 400 - the prez of the university has always made more $$$ than anyone on the payroll and she's a damn egomaniacal biatch... (she's at 357K) so I think they were only gonna offer him 350.

Even more important, he wanted to upgrade to an office at the stadium (their offenses are still at University Arena, technically, so they use the new meetings rooms at the stadium as office space - what a joke)...

And the most important thing was a significant upgrade in the salaries of his assistants. I think that's where Ball State was going to have the most trouble coming up with the money to keep Hoke. But it's all but a done deal if what I am hearing out of Muncie is true...
i would think that after what davis witnessed in dante love, he won't stay. He could come back, play the same type of schedule, hope for an undefeated season and still finish 12th in the BCS and risk millions at the next level.

kid's dumb if he stays.
MWC > MAC....He's going to make a lot more cash plus he bought himself 4-5 more years as a head coach....

Did you see how many MAC coaches got canned this past month? He could be out of a job in 3-4 years if the recruits didnt pan out and who hires a head coach that got fired for lack of success...He made the right move......Ball St or any other MAC job is a stepping stone job - get out while your value is high......Now, it would have been better to get a higher profile job but lets face it, hes under .500 % for his career, has had one stellar season - so cash in just like a player would do.....Plus, would you rather live in Muncie Ind or San Diego?? Cmon people, give him some slack..
Its a done deal, they just announced it on college football live. Apparently he is making 3x what he made at BSU.
The way it apparently went down is fran, walker and hoke all had final interviews...walker had a poor interview according to sources, while the aztecs AD finally came to his senses and removed fran from his thought process...hoke apparently had a good interview and unbeknownst to me, has some so cal ties...about as good as the aztecs are gonna do. yeah, he'll get paid 3X here than he did in muncie, but the COLA here is probably 3X as high so that's almost a wash...I'll be interested to see if he buys or rents here if you know what I mean.
Even if he rents it's a nice get for SDSU. It'll still take him 3 years to build that thing up to start getting national recognition. The question that I want to know is how is he at getting the locals involved in the program as that is SDSU's biggest problem.
Hoke not coaching in the bowl game and the line doesn't budge...I don't quite get that...lean to Tulsa...
Hoke not coaching in the bowl game and the line doesn't budge...I don't quite get that...lean to Tulsa...

I dont think he makes that big of a difference.....It will have a small effect but to make a lime move - c'mon - Hoke isnt a Parcells type - the off coordinator gets promoted to head coach, which is the bridge to Davis and that offense..Now if Stan Parrish left for a HC job and the line didnt budge, i would see your point..
The kids seem to really like Parrish.

He's even talked about getting Dante Love on board as a graduate assistant when he finishes the appropriate amount of classes to get his diploma.

He's been a head coach before (a very successful one at Wabash College and another small school before a losing stint at K-State before Snyder came)...

This is his last opportunity and he says he's doing it for the kids - and will hang tight for a few years and try to grow an assistant within the staff in a few years.

I still think the Cards outclass Tulsa but the thrashing the Hurricane laid down on a MAC team last year has to be noted....