Bad news in Gainesville? Treon Harris?

sexual assault after the game on saturday night is the rumor

who knows what the truth is but i thought QBs in the state of florida were immune from sexual assault prosecution
As part of a fan base that went through this, I don't wish this on anyone and hope that folks can reserve judgement on Treon until the facts are determined. Give Treon what wasn't given Jameis, don't jump to conclusions
Nothing new. We will kick out a Black Freshman QB, he will go ahead and transfer, then win a Heisman Trophy & National Championship then we get stuck with a highly touted White QB who will do nothing.
As part of a fan base that went through this, I don't wish this on anyone and hope that folks can reserve judgement on Treon until the facts are determined. Give Treon what wasn't given Jameis, don't jump to conclusions

I know you want to flame us so bad but you know you cant on this issue lol
What does black or white have to do anything with it? If I remember correctly you had two guys, Leak and Tebow who were pretty successful.
As part of a fan base that went through this, I don't wish this on anyone and hope that folks can reserve judgement on Treon until the facts are determined. Give Treon what wasn't given Jameis, don't jump to conclusions

Try telling this to clowncar and Tip
What does black or white have to do anything with it? If I remember correctly you had two guys, Leak and Tebow who were pretty successful.

I was just referring to when we had Cam Newton and Jon Brantley. This time its Treon Harris & Will Grier. Nothing to do with WHite or Black just the similarities
You are left to jumping to conclusions either way. As handicappers, we tend to be mathematical and statistical people ... so it is only logical for us to handicap the situation and understand the odds of the complaint being false are a huge ml dog.

We have it backwards with collegiate athletics and discipline. We let the players act undisciplined off the field where it matters and stifle them from having fun on the field by eliminating celebration, probably because the universities want to promote the concept that individual achievement doesn't matter.

Hope he didn't do it.

Assume the fun will begin with "Treon Harrass"?
Rumor is the girl recanted her story. If true, what do you do. Play him since it was false? Suspend him for something that was false? Sticky situation
They found a picture of the girl

Rumor is the girl recanted her story. If true, what do you do. Play him since it was false? Suspend him for something that was false? Sticky situation

Play him .. and then send a team of reporters to the girls house and treat her like the piece of shit she is if she falsely accused him
So umm the accuser has withdrawn the complaint. This is why you don't jump to conclusions. I don't like the Gators but I do believe in fairness.