Bad Managers


Master of the Pickle Tickle
I normally don't start threads to vent but I am sick and tired of the bad managers in baseball. Quick point: I have the NYY ML tonight. Ramirez has been smoking the baseball lately and pretty much his entire career yet the NYY continue to fucking pitch to him. His numbers are astronomical against the Yankees yet stupid fuck manager fucks DON'T MANAGE. Christ Almighty me who hasn't played a lick of baseball my entire life realizes that Manny absolutely brutalizes the Yankees. The other day 2nd and 3rd two outs up one and Girardi pitches to Manny. yep Manny rips a base hit and Boston ends up winning. Oh did I mention that Manny had already ripped Moose's titties earlier in the game on a bomb that hasn't landed yet. I am so pissed I can break something right now. You lose a bet it's one thng but you lose a bet when me (watching the game on TV) has more common sense than an asshole who makes 7 figures pisses me the fuck off. FUCK YOU GIRARDI. :moosefukin:
too brady grady little isn't still in LA

he's always easy to pick on, what a fucking moron he is
LOL .I don't know how some of these guys got where they are. Conventional baseball wisdom is right at times, but a lot of these guys are too by the book.

It's amazing how fans of a team when the reliever that's brought in will blow it before the inning even starts, yet managers continue to trust relievers who are mediocre and put them in situations when they are least likely to succeed.
I think the problem is Moose. Listening to his postgame he said you cant just walk him everytime ? Oh you cant ? he is a stubborn SOB!! Dave Cone called him out and said you cant walk him ? He challenged Mussina saying I just dindt know where the ball was going. Cone said really you had NO WALKS !!! You couldnt afford to walk Manny once or twice? You didnt know where the ball was going but you didnt walk anyone either....

I would bet Mussina talked Girardi out of it the 1st time in Boston...still no excuse but maybe Joe Girardi tried to trust his veteran SP and he got burnt...
if you cant stand bad managing dont bet the reds ... dusty baker is the biggest assclown of a manager EVER.

Also , the nats manager tonight ..... was like pulling teeth to bunt a guy over ..... memo ..... your guys cant hit ... bunt the guy form first over and let your next two .220 hitters have a shot at knocking him in with a bullshit seeing eyes single or something

joe girardi > dusty baker
sparky andersons left nut > dusty baker.
Nats Loss was brutal...I cant get to pissed because they had 14 hits in 6 innings some of the blame has to be on the players as well. Though can anyone explain why with a man on 3rd base you would walk David Wright then Delgado to load the bases? Especially when your pitcher already has a wild pitch that inning and a throwing error? Not very wise....

Baker is good at filling up the lineup card. Impressive handwriting I hear ! As bad as he is so have the Reds bats bene continuallyhitting into DPs , K , not playing small ball advancing runners.....definetly agree at some point its on the manager to make sure they play station to station...I think we have to many stars in the game who just are above bunting...its like bunting is beneath maybe its the manager or maybe it combo with HUGE EGOS....

Anyway most managers I think we all agree tend to be useless and worse is they all seem to come from just a few places...Torre for example ..Mazzilli , Randolph . Girardi ...Acta is an ex Met coach I believe...sees you get recycled managers and there disciples...need some fresh faces.....Ron Washington another guy...:shake:
You want to talk about bad managers....How about Eric Wedge from cleveland. He could mis manage exxon. He leaves people in there way too long when obviously they aren't going to be doing anything positive in there outing.
Another vote for Manuel here, for his theatrics with Hamels last night.

Yep that one hurt twice as bad for me. I bet the Phillies ML, and had several parlays that would have hit had the Phillies won and I'm a Phillies fan. Brutal. Cholly is such a dope in tight games in the late innings. I'm still numb from that game.
baker does it again.

reds get a two out homerun off palpebon in the bottom of the ninth and he leaves lincoln in for the top of the tenth ?????

assclown assclown assclown
after lincoln gives up back to back homers and a walk .... dusty baker brings in the lefty bray to face rhb of cash and ramirez. he gets the job done striking out ramirez but shit ... what school of thought does this guy use ?!?!?!?!?!?!

assclown assclown assclown