Back from the Dead Thursday pick...


Professional Student
Reggie Ball is finally looking like the QB everyone was waiting for....and of course it helps that he is throwing to the best receiver in the nation in Calvin Johnson...Tech should have beat Notre Dame but just fell short as they opened up the second half just playing not to lose....on the other hand Virginia has been dreadful...barely beating Wyoming and getting killed by Pitt...and also losing to Western Michigan...this team is definitely on the downslopes....This game is in Atlanta and Tech should win this game by more than 20...

Georgia Tech -16

good luck man. I will be rooting ya on, too bad all my money is already on tomorrows game lol.
DaBestBody4Life said:
Reggie Ball is finally looking like the QB everyone was waiting for....and of course it helps that he is throwing to the best receiver in the nation in Calvin Johnson...Tech should have beat Notre Dame but just fell short as they opened up the second half just playing not to lose....on the other hand Virginia has been dreadful...barely beating Wyoming and getting killed by Pitt...and also losing to Western Michigan...this team is definitely on the downslopes....This game is in Atlanta and Tech should win this game by more than 20...

Georgia Tech -16


Come on. Honestly. You are JoeBrenSports, right?
Reggie Ball has looked good against samford and troy. He is still reggie ball.. Which means never bet on tech
I am pretty sure he looked good against ND...and Troy is no slouch....and besides...Virginia is in the same ranks as Samford...Troy is better than Virginia also haha
DaBestBody4Life said:
yup so fade me

Bro, I wouldn't touch this game. I *might* drop something on the UVA ML, but only on the off-chance, you know?

GL on your bets this year. hope it gets better for ya this year.
Honestly, Knowing Ga tech.. I think the UVA ML has just as much chance of cashing as ga tech does as covering .. id say 20 % and 60% UVa covers
abcs, you and i are thinking exactly the same about this game. Man, Reggie Ball has the capability of throwing 5TDs or 5picks in this game.


He's never beaten UVA SU, right? It just totally depends on which GT team or which Reggie Bush shows up. Either GT makes UVA look real good or real bad tonight. UVA hasn't got much to do with it...they'll suck regardless of what GT does....
that was the reggie ball of the past fellas.

......reggie ball is reggie ball. I don't believe Bad Reggie is in the past yet. Maybe I'm wrong...
I was going to play the under, but God stopped me by cutting power to a city block in Abilene. So I figured I would let it go. Who am I to argue with God? hehehe.

GL on GT, bro.