B1G Week 6 Thread...

Back to the well for me on Iowa UNDER. Bummed I passed on the OV lean last week that one cashed early and my Indy/Sparty OV couldn't get there even with OT.

Iowa/Minny stylistically are just what mid-tier B1G football is all about. Should see below average pace with 80+ running plays. Iowa offense has been truly abysmal past 3 games, failing to reach 5 ypp in any of them and avg 22 ppg. The Iowa run defense has been inexplicably poor but gets a pretty straightforward task in this one as they are gonna just see the Minny power run game time and again. Minny offense lacks any explosiveness but defensively have shown they are prone to giving up explosive plays through the air and that's not where Iowa is going to really threaten especially with the loss of Vandeberg and the fact their OL can't keep him upright. Really hard to believe Iowa is favored here - they are a bad football team right now with three really nice defenders and that's about it. Even as poor as Iowa has played at times defensively this will still be the best unit Minny will have faced thus far. Must win for both teams to have any shot in the division and an Iowa loss here and they go from the Rose Bowl LY to possibly missing out on a bowl althogether..
Are any of those top 3 Penn St LBs coming back anytime soon?
Ck, I like that spot for Iowa. Seems like a good one. Shocked I haven't seen tee post it for tu and mean that with respect...

Sk. I don't believe so. Maryland being favored is interesting shit. Is it a big deal to put up 50 on Purdue? I don't think so. Not sure. I myself am not a big believer in Psu at all.

Bull, sorry. We aren't sure what caused that for you last week.

Ohio state and Michigan defenses might combine for shutouts. Depending on rain in Jersey...Rutgers has zero weapons with best
Michigan probably names it but possible sleepy spot for them? Maybe more so if they wouldve rolled last week. Bye week on deck.
Michigan probably names it but possible sleepy spot for them? Maybe more so if they wouldve rolled last week. Bye week on deck.

Aplous, at first glance yes but Michigan wants to win big because of recruiting. They have a jersey pipeline of sorts with peppers and gary. Lot of major shit talking
From both sides here
Michigan off a very emotional win playing its first road game against a team that just lost 59-0 and on top of that UM has a bye week coming up afterward. Have to grab 30 points now just out of principle, sometimes the spot matters more than the matchup. Type of game where they may just want to work out some kinks.
And btw those comments are coming from the guy who has bet on Michigan all year and is holding a title future.
Wife's son, a Michigan fanatic, is taking family which includes 10 and 7 year old girls down to NJ from Boston area to the game. About a 5 hour drive with potty stops along the way. He thinks it's high time for the girls to see a Michigan game. As you all know, it's a night game by the way. Im just wondering if they make it through 4 quarters. I guess they really don't have to. Blue may have this one salted away by halftime. Type of game I don't bet on.
Some quick thoughts...


I love situational capping but sometimes you have to throw that out the window. I am not saying that is the case here but it could be. As another respected capper said last week, you gotta take the 40 with Rutgers but how can you? And he was absolutely right. That game was 16-0 with a bit over 5 minutes left in the half and they lost 58-0. They are not good.

The whole 'rivalry' as Rutgers fans like to call it comes from Michigan taking their best players. Hunt said it above, UM's 2nd best player is from Jersey and they got the #`1 player from there last year and continue to recruit the area. I am sure the handful of Jersey guys are excited to play in front of the home faithful.

I do not see a Jimmy let-up here. Now, they may just run the hell out of ball and pound into submission but that is still good for at least 35-42 points.

Obviously some placekicking issues for Michigan. That will be interesting and could factor in. They have had Kenny Allen doing all 3 phases and it seems it has affected his FG kicking. It was an open competition this week and the true frosh apparently had an opportunity...No idea what happens here.

A night game always brings in different factors. With that being said, RU is just severaly overmatched here. If I had to do a prediction...as of now...I am gonna say 41-10
Wife's son, a Michigan fanatic, is taking family which includes 10 and 7 year old girls down to NJ from Boston area to the game. About a 5 hour drive with potty stops along the way. He thinks it's high time for the girls to see a Michigan game. As you all know, it's a night game by the way. Im just wondering if they make it through 4 quarters. I guess they really don't have to. Blue may have this one salted away by halftime. Type of game I don't bet on.

Hope they have a great time!:cheers3:
yeah, i just dont see how rutg scores. their QB is just flat out bad, they lack playmakers outside, and I just don't see their run game sustaining many drives. 42-7 sounds right to me.
[TABLE="class: tableOdds"]
<tbody id="oddsBody" style="outline: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">[TR="class: row-odd"]
[TD="class: team"]10/08

7:00 PM

389 Michigan
390 Rutgers

[TD="class: pct, align: center"]85%
[TD="class: pct, align: center"]60%
[TD="class: pct, align: center"]65%
NCF (#4 Michigan @ Rutgers): What will be the GAME RESULT?
[TABLE="class: mg-gametableQ, width: 0"]
<tbody style="border: 0px none; margin: 0px; outline: none 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">[TR]
[TD="class: mg-column1 start, align: center"]7:07 PM

[TD="class: mg-column2 sport, align: center"]

[TD="class: mg-column3 opponents"] #4 Michigan: Wins By 30+ Points[/TD]
[TD="class: mg-column4 result, align: center"]--[/TD]
[TD="class: mg-column5 status, align: center"]Not Started
[TD="class: mg-column6 wpw, align: center"]88.5%[/TD]
[TD="class: mg-column7 heat, align: center"]

[TD="class: mg-column8 pick borderRight, align: center"][/TD]
[TD="class: mg-column3 opponents last"] Any Other Result[/TD]
[TD="class: mg-column4 result last, align: center"]--[/TD]
[TD="class: mg-column6 wpw, align: center"]11.5%[/TD]
Regarding UM-RU...

This might also be a good game to live bet. I would assume they bring the kitchen sink early and I can see a semi-slow start for Michigan. Maybe late first qtr or so a good opportunity will arise.
Regarding MSU-BYU...

The Spartoons had a 'players only' meeting this week, fwiw.

They struggled against Furman.

They won against what looks like an average ND team.

Then losses to Wisky and IU.

I literally have no clue on this team, lol. I knew they were in for a 3-4 loss season but just kind of tough to figure out.
Rutgers is legit terrible. Will need mich to turn it over and shit the bed offensively to hang around.

Having a crap kicker could work in your favor when trying to cover big spreads where you need td's and not fg's. More likely to go for it on 4th down and put it in the end zone.

This point was really driven home last night in the Tulsa game when they were getting fg's blocked at midfield for no good reason. I don't think harbaugh will be kicking any 50 yarders tonight haha.
Yeah, Michigan State has looked good against one team all year, Notre Dame. Go figure.

Regarding Michigan kicking and going for it...or does it work the other way? You know you are playing an overmatched opponent where you shouldn't need to push the envelope and your FG kicking is an issue. Maybe this is a game you work on it more in a live game because you are going to need those kickers to come through at some point. Not much risk if you miss some more kicks vs Rutgers, hopefully for them the idea is to improve and make some kicks. If they opt to go for it on 4th down instead of kicking that will do nothing to help the mindset of the kickers that they are going to need come through at some point. Better work on it rather than go for it.
Totally agree with the premise. With that being said, especially once the blowout gets going I can see them not minding a few attempts to get some practice for the new guy(s).
Yeah, I think the point of going for it on 4th and skipping FGs would come vs a team you expect that a missed kick would hurt you more.
total ass beating no field goals necessary:cheers3:

now let's see if I'm going to be a greedy pig and play the 2nd half, lol.
The team that was just defeated 78-0...

I mean I appreciate the free money and all but really lol...

Just sorry I didn't bet the 2nd half bigger.