B1G week 5


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Bucks 76-5...lmfao...Ryan day is a cold blooded assassin with a great d. They get the game team total in the first half.

Michigan vs wisky...wisky is a big ten title contender and mnc contender. Team is for real until he can't throw on buckeyes, Michigan..well i dunno..speechless. They are who they are...not good.

Watched nebraska second half..they got the o humming but still a year or two away.

DIdn't watch indiana

didn't watch msu

didn't watch any other big ten

so fill me in.

stubhub game of the week is bucks vs corn at 138.00 bucks a seat minimum.

gl all.
Indiana only led 10-3 very deep into the 2nd qrt. 17-3 HT. IU only got 5 1st H possessions and with limited to no real explosive plays had to work the ball down the field on long drives. They force fed Stevie Scott the ball 21att-97 (4.6) longest run 10y. IU got a pick-six D TD and statistically did dominate UConn 25-9 FD, 430-145 TY (6.3-2.8 ypp) edges. Still not sure why they can't run the ball better. Their O did show some explosion in the passing game week 1 (vs Ball St) with Pinnix. Ramsey is accurate, but doesn't have the deep ball arm threat. UConn's longest drive of the game was 29 yards and their FG was setup off an INT where they gained just 15yards prior to kicking the FG.
Thanks for getting started ... Ryan Day OSU is money maker consistently like Urban's first few years. No weeks off now. It still cracks me up people thought Fields would suck. I was on his bandwagon once it was apparent he would go to an offense that fit him.
Played Indiana +14.5 last night. This is the type of spot I was looking to back them in and was expecting something a bit closer to 10. I think they are scrappy enough to give this Spartan offense some fits.

I thought perhaps Middle Tennessee would be a good look this coming week, but after they got battered at home by Duke I gotta pass.
Played Indiana +14.5 last night. This is the type of spot I was looking to back them in and was expecting something a bit closer to 10. I think they are scrappy enough to give this Spartan offense some fits.

I thought perhaps Middle Tennessee would be a good look this coming week, but after they got battered at home by Duke I gotta pass.
How is Penix Jr health?
Is it even rationale to think UM can cover that line.....love the Indiana play EFC
Still a bunch of unknowns on injuries at key positions for Purdue....

Here's Brohm on Sindelar's status yesterday...

“We are still doing exactly what the doctors say,” said Jeff Brohm at his Monday press conference. “I think he’s making progress. We will see how this week goes. Really, last week, we thought he was making progress, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. It wasn’t until Thursday that something popped up again. That’s where we started the process over.”

Other notable injuries they are waiting on are guard McCann (whom is the most important of the bunch), and WRs Bell and Sparks.

“We are trying hard to get everyone back,” said Brohm. “We will see toward the end of the week where we are at. But I think everyone has put in the time to get better. It’s just gonna be a matter of where we are at on Thursday and Friday.”
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Would DMC have been named starter if he were fit?
Good question. It was a no win situation putting them out there in 2h. I called it at halftime that at least one injury would occur. I give credit to the Wisconsin player for apologizing but that was dirty as hell. I was more upset his teammates didn't attack the UW kid. That was most dissapointing.
I said it privately last spring that DMC would play more than Shea this year. The concussion hurts bad as Rutgers reps would be nice. Oh well.
I think at this point we have to ride the Ryan Day Saturday meat train. It was thought Day would be more tressel on game day then Meyer as far as scoring goes late in the game.

Little concerned about the environment. 1st true road game, at night, prime time, with 85,000. This will be a good test for Fields. Glad Nebraska’s D is a bit soft.

Like NW + points. Let down for wisky. If NW can get this slow and ugly this can be covered easily. They gave up less than 3 ypc vs msu. And about 3.5 ypc vs Stanford. I know both aren’t great or have great OL play (msu). Esp compared to the Wisky OL and Taylor. But think they can control it with a Wisky letdown. Maybe somewhere around 27-10?

No way could I pick the mich/Rutgers game. I guess/think lean mich. But think the line is tight.
Regarding Mccafrey starting this week without the injury, I would say he would not have. He was 3/8 prior to the attempted murder. Think he would have gotten meaningful snaps in the 1st half, but not starter snaps.

Imo mich did that, they would be down to Mccafrey and Milton as qbs. Shea would have been cashed out at that point.
I think NW is tempting mutosufan, but I have to wonder, even if the NW D is up for the challenge, how will the Cats move the ball and score?
I think it’s a bet on a wisky letdown and nw’s D. Def not a play on nw’s O to cover.

Looks like the public is pouring in on wisky too.

Prob a small play for me in nw. I’m going to look at nw D a little bit more. I know what I’m getting with their O unfortunately. Lol
I don't watch alot of Indiana football, actually this year I've watched virtually none.

But when I look back at the games, I just think this team is slipping. They have been pretty tough in the past, are they still? Tom Allen is a D coach and all, IU has allowed 51, 28, 31, 32, 38, 33, 42, 49, 17 (Rutgers), 35 in their last 10 B1G games.

So if that is Indiana football, everyone from the league not named Rutgers scores atleast 28 on them, most do better than that. Maybe Michigan State's bad O shows up? I'm not sure Indiana can force the Sparty O to be bad - but Sparty O sometimes is bad on their own. Can this Indiana O move it and score on this Sparty D? How many points are people figuring IU can get?

I know the 2017 game was super close, that was the year they let Scott score right? The 2017 IU team was better than this one is I think...unless Penix makes that much of a difference?
I think it’s a bet on a wisky letdown and nw’s D. Def not a play on nw’s O to cover.

Looks like the public is pouring in on wisky too.

Prob a small play for me in nw. I’m going to look at nw D a little bit more. I know what I’m getting with their O unfortunately. Lol

Well...if Johnson can be any good at all, Wisconsin did lose 2 DBs to targeting in the 2nd H last week and Nelson is OFY.

Attention was all on Northwestern at this week’s presser, which is a good sign for a team that just won a huge football game. Opening this week, the conversation was of course on the injuries and depth chart at the safety position after both Eric Burrell and Reggie Pearson were kicked out of the game for targeting.

In this week’s depth chart, both Burrell and Pearson are listed as the starter, but they will not be able to play in this contest until the second half. That means Collin Wilder will get the start at one position, and Madison Cone will get the start at the other, which brings us to the injury report.

Cone is listed on the two deep, but he is also listed as questionable for the game with a left leg injury. How Cone comes along will be a big focus point as the Badgers attempt to get through the first half without feeling the brunt of the targeting calls.

Alright, this isn't going to be as lengthy as I planned but fighting through an issue with my right hand and typing is a bitch (yes, insert jokes here).

One thing I want to point out...before the UW-UM game is the narrative was written 7-8 days ago. The national media had basically already started with this was a must win for JH or they were gonna shred him. There is no coach in America they love to do it to more, so you knew it was coming. I knew it all week and I wasn't as confident as Hunt in Wisky winning but I simply had not seen them play full games yet. I relied on other ways to cap the Over etc.

I have only two issues with JH last Saturday...well I guess 3. He is the boss and he needs to step in and say something to his defensive coaches during the game instead of watching the disaster unfold. My first issue was obviously the 2nd and goal hand off to Bench. That was horrible. My other issue is, show some emotion and get kicked out of that game. The overturn of Bells catch was just horrid. Wisconsin was gonna win that game but the fumble and refs kept 10-14 points off the board for Michigan early.

My issue is obviously Don Brown. His defense is built upon pressure from the front 4 and getting teams into 2nd and 3rd longs. This team is not built for that and this is why I kinda been waiting to play overs all summer. I told many people off-site this was gonna be a team that needs to win shoot-outs this year. Now, with scattered o-line play so far and injuries plus a new system it looks horrid, obviously. It takes time...

JH took full responsibility, as he should , this week. I still think he needs to get more involved with the...defense... this man coverage shit isn't gonna work. We saw Urban on pre-game show diagram how easy it is to beat. We saw it last November from IU and OSU.

The players also need someone to step up and be LEADERS. Now, one of the captains had a life-changing event last week. I get why he looked like a high-school player out there now. It happens but still... and the coaching staff on defense especially needs to COACH. I have never seen such horrible angles and mis-alignments. It was brutal and embarrassing. The fact that Glasgow was lining up on the dline in a goal line situation 'by design' is brutal. Why? Also, let the young kids play...there is talent there...let them grow..

As I said last week... a game lost against the West isn't as big of a deal. The meat of the schedule starts on Oct 19th. They have 3 games till then to figure it out.

Now, lets not forget that Michigan did the SAME exact thing to Wisconsin last year. This isn't unprecedented. Now, as far as the rest of the year...yeah this is around an 8 win team as of now. The schedule is brutal and the defense is not good. I don't forsee a PSU 2016 (remember UM beat them by 30 or 40 and they won the conference) or even anything close. All I hope for this year is the offense to be improving by the end of the year...which I believe it will... and the defense to get experience.

I waited to really talk about any of this because things were so WILD from Saturday through last night. I have never seen such wild rumors etc. The fake Shea's brother thing among about 30 things I read. Some were comical, some had a bit of merit.

As always, let the dust settle and go from there....

As far as this week....gotta think that is too many points...I am still at 31-17 final for now...
Now, lets talk about Wisconsin.

I won't totally speak for him but Hunt is as high on them as anyone right now and he was this way all last week. He can expound further but I even opined last week that taking them to win the MNC at +8000/+10000 might be worth a stab. Well, those numbers are long gone.

This is the most impressive UW team in awhile...and it has nothing to do with them dismantling UM. I just see a lot to like....

-Fastest UW team I have ever seen
-Well coached

Trust me, JH and Chryst are buddies and you know JH was like 'that is my kind of team' watching that unfold.

I am looking forward to two things with Wisky coming up...

Oct 12th home vs MSU

I want to see how they do for a half or so against the sparty run defense. I also want to see if they eventually wear them down in the 4th.

Oct 26th @ OSU

Obviously this should be a preview of Indy. It won't be easy but I think this is a helluva game. Now, even if UW loses I am personally looking to see a few different things here. My feeling is they lose a close one here then could win the rematch in Indy.

This is a team certainly capable of a top 4-6 finish this year. I had to be convinced but they seem to have the 'it' factor.

It is early though, and they need a tough game which is close late sooner rather than later.
Apologies once again for sloppy typing... no feeling in right hand...(yes, the stranger ;))

(see, make the jokes first before others can hehe).

As far as rest of conference...

Pretty sure 730 on Saturday in Lincoln will be an absolute bonanza for me as far as live betting etc...CAN NOT WAIT

IU... gotta see who QB is... but MSU should win that game...

Maryland has a chance to become the rising team again...like before the temple game... that is an interesting game to say the least...should learn a lot both ways...

Minny and Purdue...kinda a must win for Purdue. Minnesota 3-0 is straight smoke n mirrors.

Iowa should cruise...

Okay, if I play anything before the games in conference I shall let ya know in here...
Fading MSU as a double digit home favorite in conference, off a blowout win, with OSU/Wisconsin/PSU on deck is about as easy as capping gets. The result could be an L but this is an effortless auto play on the Hoosiers, sincerely unconcerned about actually evaluating the football tactics in this one.
Fading MSU as a double digit home favorite in conference, off a blowout win, with OSU/Wisconsin/PSU on deck is about as easy as capping gets. The result could be an L but this is an effortless auto play on the Hoosiers, sincerely unconcerned about actually evaluating the football tactics in this one.
Good point about their upcoming schedule. So much depends on iu QB for me though.
Still a bunch of unknowns on injuries at key positions for Purdue....

Here's Brohm on Sindelar's status yesterday...

“We are still doing exactly what the doctors say,” said Jeff Brohm at his Monday press conference. “I think he’s making progress. We will see how this week goes. Really, last week, we thought he was making progress, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. It wasn’t until Thursday that something popped up again. That’s where we started the process over.”

Other notable injuries they are waiting on are guard McCann (whom is the most important of the bunch), and WRs Bell and Sparks.

“We are trying hard to get everyone back,” said Brohm. “We will see toward the end of the week where we are at. But I think everyone has put in the time to get better. It’s just gonna be a matter of where we are at on Thursday and Friday.”

Update on this...Sindelar has gone full go the past 2 days.

Bell and McCann were suited up and full go today.

I expect all 3 to play.

Sparks was still out today.
If UM is as bad as people like Detroit187 and others are saying, then it would be a double standard to hold up Wisconsin too highly. I think atm its Bucks then Wiscy then everyone else
It’s getting to the point in the season where I see the collar tightening on undefeated teams. But I don’t think NW has the talent to trouble Wisky. I do see a possible let down for Iowa and will look closer at MTSU
Purdue would seem to have enough to spoil Minny’s record.
I don’t know what to expect re Md and PSU.
I don’t think Sparty has enough offense to cover vs IU.
I don’t intend to get in the way of that express train roaring out of Columbus.

Last week I lost on Michigan and won on Indiana and Illinois.
Think I’ll stay away from nw. Not sure I had much hope for Skowronek being much of difference make, but there’s nothing on O now. NW team under maybe?
No matter how good a team‘s defense is, if its offense can‘t sustain drives to give the defense a rest then it will get worn down
Def pounding osu. I had this at 20 as an opening line. Thought it would jump to 21.

Everyone keeps bringing up the turds osu laid on the road vs Iowa and Purdue. IMO this game is totally different.

1.) obviously Day. His demeanor is drastically different than Meyers. Meyer played for the bright lights, big crowds, tv cameras, etc. He got his teams to perform best when it was a huge game and not a fav by 3 TDs.

2.) those 2 games weren’t Gameday sites. Iowa was the prime time slot, but still it wasn’t a big time game. Neb is Gameday, prime time, and being talked about as a losable game due to the past 2 year stinkers.

3.) neb D is atrocious. They give up points and yards in bulk vs much lesser O’s.

4.) the osu D is a different D than last years. Neb won’t be able to run. Martinez is going to have to chuck it, and he gets sacked/hit a lot the way it is.

South Alabama was in it in the 4th Q

Colorado ran by them in the 4th Q

Illinois was leading in the 4th Q

In these 3 games neb was penalized 28 times and committed 9 turnovers. That’s with no hype. My guess is they will press vs osu to make a statement and mistakes happen.

I wouldn’t take osu 1st half. Crowd, noise, etc and it could be a 17-10 game at half. But I’m a buyer on osu at -17 up to -19/20. I think this is an easy cover. OSU gets to 40ish, neb doesn’t get past 20.
