Avoiding a (insert childish website) scenario....


Pretty much a regular
I've seen sooooooooooooo many arguments at the other site about baseball and posted records that I have to ask the question before the season starts. Units or W/L record? Does anybody really care what people post? Is it up to the viewers/readers/tailers to figure out if somebody's 70% winning percentage is legit or should posters post +/- units? I wasn't around here last year for the baseball season and I'm curious if there is a standard that has been set here.
baseball is honestly a unit sport because it is all Ml's..but it is what you prefer bro.
anybody can do what they want...but using handy math...a 61-39 record on -150 teams has you up exactly one unit..lol
Just don't bet your first half profit on Contreas the day b4 the all-star break..lol
I've seen sooooooooooooo many arguments at the other site about baseball and posted records that I have to ask the question before the season starts. Units or W/L record? Does anybody really care what people post? Is it up to the viewers/readers/tailers to figure out if somebody's 70% winning percentage is legit or should posters post +/- units? I wasn't around here last year for the baseball season and I'm curious if there is a standard that has been set here.

don't let all those Michigan people hijack you're thread...

do whatever you're comfortable with doing. personally, i use a W/L record...and units. but it's not a big deal, regardless.

all i can say for sure, is that this place won't be turning into what you speak of...either way.

Personally I use both. If people have a problem with someone record they can contact them politely over PM and question it. As long as the information is helpful and you don't come across as a tout, no one should have a problem.
I can give you an outsider's perspective if you like. Granted, I don't bet baseball so it may even hold less interest for you.

Honestly, from a reader's perspective, I like to see the record and the units. Because one without the other can only tell you part of the story. You might have a great W/L record except, you play favorite MLs a lot and so you're really not making many units, or you're even losing money overall. Conversely, you may play a ton of ML dogs and be at less than 50% W/L, but be up units.

This is one reason I haven't posted a record in years. I'm lazy. I don't want to list it all out, by sport, in total. I don't do this for a living so it's not like I have that number at hand all the time.

The other thing that can be hard to tell is if you don't post it for everything you do. I used to keep a football record and post it, but then I noticed when other sports started and I played them occasionally, or when I bet 2nd halves and didn't post 'em, I ran into that area where my posted record was accurate, but not accurate if you know what I mean.

For example, in the NCAA tourney, my goal was 20 units. I hit that (thank you, Gambling Gods), but a few times during that tourney, I played some bulls**t NBA games and lost. So while I technically hit my 20 unit goal, for the time-span I specified, for a while I also technically didn't (e.g., 20 units profit on NCAA - 4 Units NBA = 16 units net profit, not 20 as the goal specified).

But what was I going to do, my NCAA record was accurate, I was up 20 units for the tourney, but I was also down in NBA units in unposted NBA bets, so you could argue that my record was inaccurate.

Bottom line, that's mostly why I just say screw it and will only do records for set events (the tourney, or I'll probably do it for the NHL playoffs if I can catch up informationally by the time they start), but for entire seasons, I choose not to.

But as a reader, it's most educational if it's both. Though that's not what makes me choose to follow a poster's thoughts.

Hope that helps.
don't let all those Michigan people hijack you're thread...

do whatever you're comfortable with doing. personally, i use a W/L record...and units. but it's not a big deal, regardless.

all i can say for sure, is that this place won't be turning into what you speak of...either way.

Yanks: Thanks for getting the thread back in the right direction. And thanks for everybody else's opinions as well. I really wasn't starting the thread for my personal record keeping, I was more or less starting it to direct the first guy who was 85-49 on -280 ML all year. I just think so much time is wasted each year with people bitching about baseball records. Hoping for a clear standard of w/l AND units to be posted. In my eyes if you have time to post plays you certainly have time to post the units as well. I'll quit bitching now, just don't want to deal with the other place's issues over here.
i'll just be posting records and if anyone has questions about unit plays or wager amounts, my AIM and email are open to anyone to contact me