Avery fired

.735 winning percentage, a trip to the Finals, and a Coach of the Year award apparently doesn't cut it anymore. This is idiotic. I hope the Knicks get him.

Josh Howard should have been 'fired' instead, and whoever thought it was a good idea to bring in the most overrated player in basketball today, Jason Kidd.
My question to Cuban who ya gonna get to replace him?


You lose your players...its your job sadly.

He didn't reinvent his offense to utilize Jason Kidd. That was a big mistake.
Very little of this makes sense except for the firing which was good. I actually think Avery was the last revenge of Don Nelson. Avery lost the team 2 years and he was never getting it back. They ran a poor style both on offense and defense which was completely unsuitable for Kidd who is a legitimate top point guard but had No chance in that structure.
Cuban finally did the right thing. If you live in Dallas say Thanks. Other locations should begin to worry.
Dudes lost like 12 of his last 15 playoff games

he deserved the ax

and correct me if Im wrong about Howard, but he said all that stuff on the afternoon before game 3 right? Which was the only game they won...so I dont buy that as a distraction excuse

Larry Brown shoulda waited a couple of days...he coulda played Phoenix and Dallas off one another (not to mention Boston and Detroit if the unthinkable happens in either one of those series...)
Would Avery work well as a Hornets assistant?

He has inside knowledge of a divisional foe, and he would return home.

... just a thought
.735 winning percentage, a trip to the Finals, and a Coach of the Year award apparently doesn't cut it anymore. This is idiotic. I hope the Knicks get him.

Josh Howard should have been 'fired' instead, and whoever thought it was a good idea to bring in the most overrated player in basketball today, Jason Kidd.
You're way off base here. What doesn't cut it is being an egomaniac, a control freak, overcoaching, treating his players like kids, a terrible playoff record, making poor in game adjustments, failing to adapt his system to his players but instead going the other way around, and finally his players tuning him out and not playing for him anymore. Trust me on this one being that I live in Dallas and follow this team religiously.
You're way off base here. What doesn't cut it is being an egomaniac, a control freak, overcoaching, treating his players like kids, a terrible playoff record, making poor in game adjustments, failing to adapt his system to his players but instead going the other way around, and finally his players tuning him out and not playing for him anymore. Trust me on this one being that I live in Dallas and follow this team religiously.


alby :whip:Killa

alby :whip:Killa
Honestly if the Knicks hired him he might make them competitive. Lord knows they need a strong voice to get their shit together. However, hes the kind of guy who inevitably players will get tired of. Especially if you're not winning or you suffer multiple playoff collapses...
Time for him to go. Under .500 in the playoffs won't cut it. Then again, time for Cuban to cut this team up and get a big man to compliment Dirk.
This guy couldnt adjust his nutsack in the middle of a game , let alone make necessary game adjustments to put his team in a better position to win. He was simply atrocious. This is a rare good move from Cuban.
Honestly if the Knicks hired him he might make them competitive. Lord knows they need a strong voice to get their shit together. However, hes the kind of guy who inevitably players will get tired of. Especially if you're not winning or you suffer multiple playoff collapses...


Doug Collins
Rick Carlisle
larry Brown
Scott Skiles

if this happens, i will go buy a lottery ticket. i was just taking a long shot at it. read below.

Craig Ehlo: Mark Cuban will try to recruit Bobby Knight

I couldn't find an archived .mp3 to confirm this, but according to Larry Brown Sports, former Cavalier guard Craig Ehlo thinks Mark Cuban may try and pursue a NCAA living legend to replace ex-coach Avery Johnson in Dallas. Ehlo, Wednesday, on Sporting News Radio: "I think Mark Cuban will actually go after Bobby Knight. You know he just lives in Lubbock, Texas only 375 miles west of there. Cuban is an Indiana grad and I wouldn’t put it past him to offer something to Bobby Knight if Bobby Knight would be willing."
Now of course, the chances of this happening are Tayshaun Prince-slim to none. I mean, can you imagine the volatile Bobby Knight trying to coach 12 multi-million-dollar professionals? Never. But the thought is awesome — if only see "Dirk Nowitizki, F — Chair to the face — out indefinitely" in an injury report.
if this happens, i will go buy a lottery ticket. i was just taking a long shot at it. read below.

Craig Ehlo: Mark Cuban will try to recruit Bobby Knight

I couldn't find an archived .mp3 to confirm this, but according to Larry Brown Sports, former Cavalier guard Craig Ehlo thinks Mark Cuban may try and pursue a NCAA living legend to replace ex-coach Avery Johnson in Dallas. Ehlo, Wednesday, on Sporting News Radio: "I think Mark Cuban will actually go after Bobby Knight. You know he just lives in Lubbock, Texas only 375 miles west of there. Cuban is an Indiana grad and I wouldn’t put it past him to offer something to Bobby Knight if Bobby Knight would be willing."
Now of course, the chances of this happening are Tayshaun Prince-slim to none. I mean, can you imagine the volatile Bobby Knight trying to coach 12 multi-million-dollar professionals? Never. But the thought is awesome — if only see "Dirk Nowitizki, F — Chair to the face — out indefinitely" in an injury report.
