August 29th...deja vu


Pretty much a regular
have 3 totals circled...going to wait it out until I find out who the umpires are...back later today, gl guys
I still have 3 totals I am waiting on but I am adding these beauty's

Sd -106 ($212-$200)
Mil -1.5 +165 ($200-$330)
Nyy -1.5 +155 ($200-$310)
Just curious when you do and don't wait on umps? Are those typically on games you are somewhat on the fence about, as opposed to games you post early?
A little biased for NY so I try and stay away but looking and real lean to Brewers. GL
Just curious when you do and don't wait on umps? Are those typically on games you are somewhat on the fence about, as opposed to games you post early?

Anytime I have a game circled and it's the first game of the series I wait to see who the umpire is this time of year...I mainly do this to make sure I don't have an over ump with one of my unders and vice versa for over games...I also have a list of what I consider extreme over/under umpires, I will reanalyze those games when it's one of those umpires to see if the pitcher/teams match up for that particular game...I really don't start using umpires until after the Allstar break when I feel they have had enough games under their belt behind the plate for that the season wears on I value the umpire involved more and more...if my experience as a professional (player and coach)taught me anything is that the guys behind the plate matter a great deal in how we would come up with our gameplan of how to pitch that particular day...same goes for me now when I place wagers...hope this helps