Auburn gonna lose that 'ship after all


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[h=1]Report: Auburn bribed players[/h]
Updated: April 3, 2013, 10:56 PM ET
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Auburn's football program changed players' grades to secure eligibility, offered money to potential NFL draft picks to return for their senior seasons and violated NCAA recruiting rules under former coach Gene Chizik, according to a report by former New York Times and Sports Illustrated writer Selena Roberts.
The report appears on Roberts' website, According to three former Auburn players, as many as nine players' grades were changed before Auburn's win in the 2011 BCS national championship game.
"We thought we would be without (running back) Mike Dyer because he said he was one of them, but Auburn found a way to make those dudes eligible," former Auburn defensive lineman Mike Blanc told Roberts.
[h=4]SEC blog[/h]
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Blog network: College Football Nation

According to the report, Auburn coaches offered money to players for any number of reasons, including as a means to convince players to bypass the NFL draft.
Darvin Adams, a former Auburn wide receiver, told Roberts that coaches offered him cash to keep him at the school.
Blanc and Mike McNeil, another former Auburn player, told Roberts the money amounts reached "several thousand dollars."
"Coaches would say, 'Don't tell anyone where you got it from,' " Blanc told Roberts.
McNeil told Roberts he had a meeting with then-defensive coordinator Will Muschamp, now Florida's coach, in 2007.
"I had no clue what it was about because I'd never directly asked him for anything," McNell told Roberts. "He slid about $400 over to me. He went into a drawer and gave me money and said, 'Is this enough? Is this good?' And I said, 'Yeah, I'm good.' "
McNeil is awaiting trial for armed robbery stemming from a March 2011 arrest. In June, his former teammate Antonio Goodwin was sentenced to 15 years in prison for his part in the incident. Ben Hand, McNeil's former attorney, maintained McNeil's innocence to Roberts.
Former Auburn defensive back Nieko Thorpe told Roberts that Auburn, in a team meeting, threatened players' scholarships if they contacted McNeil, Goodwin or the two other players arrested.
McNeil told Roberts he felt Auburn used him as a scapegoat at at time when the Tigers faced negative publicity from allegations that it had paid the father of star quarterback Cam Newton. An NCAA investigation found Auburn committed no major rules violations in Newton's recruitment.
"Maybe there is a fear in Auburn's mind that Michael knows too much," McNeil's father, Clifton, told Roberts. "Their fear is that Michael will expose the family secret. It's a way to silence him."
Thorpe also told Roberts the coaching staff far exceeded its NCAA-allotted per diem for entertaining recruits. Thorpe said coaches gave players $500 to entertain current Cincinnati Bengals cornerback Dre Kirkpatrick, even though the NCAA reportedly limits expenses to less than $50 per day.
All of these allegations happened under Chizik, who guided Auburn to its first national title since 1957 after the 2010 season.
Chizik was fired after a 3-9 season last year.
paging mark emmert, this should be fun, considering lsu is in his teams beloved division he may crack down here a bit
nothing will come of this.

same writer that caused a big stir with the duke lacrosse case... her credibility is minuscule.
The fact that espn already picked it up gives it traction

I could be wrong but she also broke the arod steroids story, her credibility was fine there
and the former players were on twitter refuting this 10seconds after the story posted.

this is going n-o-w-h-e-r-e
and the former players were on twitter refuting this 10seconds after the story posted.

this is going n-o-w-h-e-r-e

So what if players refute anything. Since when did that stop anything? Never. This may still go nowhere, but it won't be bc a couple of kids who don't want to get into trouble or see AU get in trouble changed their minds/refuted a story. These are some serious accusations. If nothing happens it will be bc the NCAA chooses to do nothing. Will Muschamp? Hello.
There's a pretty big pattern here...the Stanley McClover article last July....the Newton shit obv..McNeil is naming names which is different than most of these articles....

I can't imagine they can skate forever.
Is this really a surprise to anyone? Auburn fans had to be waiting for the other shoe to drop since the game ended.
They sold their souls for a soon to be vacated BCS title. Now look at ya.
The fact that espn already picked it up gives it traction

I could be wrong but she also broke the arod steroids story, her credibility was fine there

I'm sorry but ESPN picking up a story should not give it traction. If anything, it should do the opposite. ESPN is a joke, nothing more.
Is this really a surprise to anyone? Auburn fans had to be waiting for the other shoe to drop since the game ended.
They sold their souls for a soon to be vacated BCS title. Now look at ya.

This ought to be said with every school. Don't pin this solely on AU like they're the only title winner that did it by cheating. How much stuff have we seen on Alabama? You had four or five guys signing autographs at a tuxedo shop and you had guys like Mark Ingram rolling around in expensive cars (not the only one).
Lar - I don't understand your point. Isn't espn a national news channel. What does espn sucking having to do with anything. Espn talking about things makes it relevant. If espn didn't talk about it, this story is dead in the water
Lar - I don't understand your point. Isn't espn a national news channel. What does espn sucking having to do with anything. Espn talking about things makes it relevant. If espn didn't talk about it, this story is dead in the water

You said it gave the story 'traction' not made it 'relevant.' I thought you were implying that the story had merit because ESPN was talking about it (if you weren't, my bad). As we've seen many times in the past, just because ESPN talks about a story, doesn't mean that the story has merit. Bernie Fine would be a perfect example, and the lawsuit he has slapped on ESPN would back that up. There are numerous examples of ESPN talking about a story they were completely wrong about, more to my point of them 'sucking.' The network is nothing more than TMZ for sports....throw as much shit at the wall as you can and a few of them will stick.

Again, if that's not what you meant by 'traction' then I apologize and my pseudo rant can be ignored.
Selena Roberts is a "sports journalist" that doesn't like writing about actual sports. Nothing surprising in this story. My guess is that it's mostly true, but nothing will come of it, though the allegations of racism could hurt recruiting.

Although, if the NCAA investigated and penalized Auburn, it might hurt them enough to make Auburn the SEC worst in the three major sports...oh wait, nevermind

Sure as hell hope Coach Boom has bag men for this now and that they're funneling our boys more than $400 (they sure as hell deserve it). :)
nothing will come of this because this is the SEC. If it was the PAC 12 they would be banned for at least two years.

same writer that caused a big stir with the duke lacrosse case... her credibility is minuscule.

fixed your post for you ETG.

This ought to be said with every school. Don't pin this solely on AU like they're the only title winner that did it by cheating. How much stuff have we seen on Alabama? You had four or five guys signing autographs at a tuxedo shop and you had guys like Mark Ingram rolling around in expensive cars (not the only one).

lolexpensivecars. every starter on bamas roster drives a 35k+ car. they "work" for the dealerships. don't be so naive to think that anything will ever come of that
Tide High: I'm well aware nothing will come of it. Just like your linemen took a meaningless suspension for ratting on his Tar Heel brothers 2/3 years ago on the Miami parties/gifts he attended as well. It's a good gig if you can get it. Not hating. Just stating facts.
and the former players were on twitter refuting this 10seconds after the story posted.

this is going n-o-w-h-e-r-e

Yea thats a solid point. I usually trust a bunch of recent college grads who are probably unemployed and sitting around smoking blunts all day.

Them refuting it makes me more convinced that this story is completely true.
did Oklahoma get hit with some kind of probation due to no show car dealership jobs?
did Oklahoma get hit with some kind of probation due to no show car dealership jobs?

OU in the SEC? King of the Mountain makes the rules, baby. :)

Plus, who the hell is gonna investigate? NCAA a mess...especially after The U investigation f*ck up.

Y'all from "lesser conferences" should be demanding an above board payment system...might negate some of the SEC advantage. (Although high school ball is just so much more advanced down south...)
The reason the sec laughs at the rest of leagues when it comes to this's alla bout self reporting...if u don't and people aren't willing to talk....NCAA has no outs
this sport is becoming less relevant than mls

no one cares anymore other than gamblers
Yea thats a solid point. I usually trust a bunch of recent college grads who are probably unemployed and sitting around smoking blunts all day.

Them refuting it makes me more convinced that this story is completely true.

Do I think shady shit went down at Auburn? Absolutely
Do I think shady shit goes down at any school that cares about CFB? Absolutely
Can the NCAA prove this? NO.
Am I going to believe what a kid facing armed robbery charges spilled to a fake sports reporter? Not even if he put his hand on a bible.

They botched UNC. They botched Miami. They botched SoCal. They botched tOSU. For CG, they even botched SCar.

Auburn cleaned house with the coaching change. No one from the former staff/program will talk to the NCAA. Investigation dead.

This is all Alabama's fault really
Do I think shady shit went down at Auburn? Absolutely
Do I think shady shit goes down at any school that cares about CFB? Absolutely
Can the NCAA prove this? NO.
Am I going to believe what a kid facing armed robbery charges spilled to a fake sports reporter? Not even if he put his hand on a bible.

They botched UNC. They botched Miami. They botched SoCal. They botched tOSU. For CG, they even botched SCar.

Auburn cleaned house with the coaching change. No one from the former staff/program will talk to the NCAA. Investigation dead.

This is all Alabama's fault really

Let me preface this by saying that absolutely nothing will happen as a result of this article. However, Auburn lost the cleaning house defense when they hired Gus. He was the OC on that team. That could complicate things if the NCAA started asking questions....but they won't.
Who are you going to give the trophy to? Auburn was cheating. Oregon probably got some help along the way from Lyles and Co. TCU was undefeated after beating Wiscy in the Rose Bowl, wanna give it to those drug dealers/users?

Does anyone really deserve that championship? Or any CFB championship for that matter. Great sport, amazing regular season, mediocre post season, horrible at determining champions.