ATP World Finals


Bump. Set. Shuma!
Think Sock can at least keep this close if not beat Grigor, nerves should affect them both but Sock had no business even being in the tournament a couple weeks ago. Now this.



Sock/Dimitrov o23.5 -113 4*
Sock +1.5 sets -150 2*
Sock ML +200
+5.00 yesterday

Anyone who pegged a Goffin/Dimitrov final is lying...gimme a break. While not a major, the winner of this match takes home much more cash than any major winner, think it's somewhere around $2.5 million now given the structure and clearly this will be one of the most bizarre outcome in a couple decades. Since 2003, if your last name isn't Federer or Djokovic, only 3 times have you won this thing...and Murray was last year who is a clear top 4. So Nalbandian in '05 beat Fed in 5 sets (I seriously don't know why I don't remember that, looking back it looked epic considering the no longer play best of 5) and Davydenko in '09 beat DelPo, and I guess that's the closest thing to this year's final we've had since '03. I mean these guys are in rare air.

Grigor just beat Goofy 6-0, 6-2 a few days ago but Goffin has beaten Nadal in this tournament and Fed for the first time in his career...on this stage. Both are going into this final as such massive wild cards, seriously Goffin dominated Fed yesterday. Wtf...but then Grigor had to go all three vs Sock. Needless to say, this match will be the biggest of both of their careers so this is tread lightly and if you're a fan, just feel good for the winner...although if Grigor loses I wouldn't feel too bad for him, he gets to go home to the lead singer of the Pussycat Dolls. Good life.

Typically I'd fade Goffin off the absolute shock destruction of Fed yesterday but the collision comes in the fact he just got beat up pretty badly by Grigor earlier this week and rematches don't tend to emulate the first go round. Tough one here. Both should be tense as shit, gonna just guess Goffin is a tad looser as the dog and hope it isn't a comedy of errors but that someone steps up and wins this thing. Pure talent, obv Dimitrov wins...but there's gonna be a buncha mental in this one. Grigor 4-1 head to head means little to me here.


Goffin +1.5 sets -118 2*
Goffin/Dimitrov o22.5 -102
Goffin ML +228 .5*