
Units Wagered: 2
Daily Record: 1-0
Units Won/Loss: +3u

Pitt RL (+165) v Cubs -2u to win 3.3u

Giants/Rockies Under 8 (-105) - 2 to win 1.9u
ATL, sent you a PM, wanted to put in here as well that I have voided the Game 1 play due to a picthing change that was announced right after you put the play up.
Hey bro...I copied u're plays over to the opening lines thread from today..

Please post ure plays in u're thread and in that thread each day please..

GL bro.
Huh? I was the first person to put my picks over there .. maybe because I put my plays in here like 15hrs later made things messed up?
Units Wagered: 5
Daily Record:
Units Won/Loss:

Nationals (+205)- 2u to win 4.1u

DBacks RL (+180)- 2u to win 3.6u

Atl RL (+165)- 1u to win 1.65u
<hr style="color: rgb(209, 209, 225);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> Units Wagered: 4.25
Daily Record:
Units Won/Loss:

Nationals (+190) 1u to win 1.9u

Marlins/Dodgers Over 9 (-105) 2.1u to win 2

Royals/A's Under 8.5 (-115) 1.15u to win 1
Units Wagered: 5 Units
Daily Record:
Units Won/Loss:

Chicago White Sox (+108) 2u to win 2.16

Texas Rangers (+248) 2u to win 4.96

Astros/Reds Under 9 (+100) 1u to win 1u
Units Wagered: 4.65
Daily Record:
Units Won/Loss:

Giants/Rockies Under 10 (-115) 1.15u to win 1u

Cardinals/Padres Over 8.5 (+105) 1.5u to win 1.575

DBacks (+122) 2u to win 2.44u
Units Wagered:
Daily Record:
Units Won/Loss:

Cincy/San Diego Over 7.5 (+101) 2u to win 2.02u

Orioles -126 - 2.52u to win 2u

I suck pretty bad