

Pretty much a regular
Races won from starting pos 1: 14 [of 109]
Races won from starting pos 2: 12
Races won from starting pos 3: 9
Races won from starting pos 4: 10
Races won from starting pos 5: 15
Races won from the top 5: 60 of 109
Races won from starting pos 6: 4
Races won from starting pos 7: 6
Races won from starting pos 8: 6
Races won from starting pos 9: 7
Races won from starting pos 10: 2
Races won from the top 10: 85 of 109
Races won from starting pos 11: 4
Races won from starting pos 12,13,15,18,22,31,35,39: 1
Races won from starting pos 14,17,19,20,21,37: 2
for some reason I thought the x race started later. oh well.
Last edited:
a little action on the trucks.
To W
Chase 5 = 20
C. Bell 4 = 24
Kyle 9 = 9.9 His odds suck, but hard to bet against him

Not a ton of profit here, just trying to stay small for the first race

Sauter o Crafton 10 = 14.5 (Don't understand this one, I feel like this could go either way, I cap it closer to even money, so taking a chance on the plus money)
C. Bell o Peters 17.5 = 10 (A thought of juice, but Bell was much better in all 3 practices)

Good luck to all.:cheers3:
To W
Chase 5 = 20
C. Bell 4 = 24
Kyle 9 = 9.9
To W +10

Sauter o Crafton 10 = 14.5 Still don't feel bad about this bet, they finished 2 & 3
C. Bell o Peters 17.5 = 10
Matchups 0

Total for the day +10
Grand total +237.8 after Daytona
Grand total +247.8 after Atlanta Truck Race

Thanks Wise. Not a big money win, but always better than losing!

I already bet
To W
Harvick 5 = 27.5
Newman 5 = 125
Kyle B 5 = 35

Harvick o Johnson 19.5 = 15
To W
Harvick 5 = 27.5
Newman 5 = 125
Kyle B 5 = 35
Logano 4 = 40
McMurrray 1 = 50
Larson 4 = 64
Dale 3 = 45

Harvick o Johnson 19.5 = 15
Logano o Johnson 13.2 =12
Bayne o TY 18.75 = 15
Newman o Blaney 12.6 =12
Blaney o E Jones 16 = 10
Kahne o E Jones 18.75 = 15
To win I think harvick and kyle B are the class of the field. Newman's times have been good and as I said last week I'm a fan. I do think he has a good chance to win a race this year. I do think Larson wins a race this year. McMurray starting 7th, 50 to 1 was to good to pass up. I think Kez could be my biggest problem. I bet against JJ in the match ups, but it never surprises me when they run well and come from no where. Going to continue to bet against the rookies in match ups when the odds aren't to bad.

Good luck to all. Hope everyone cashes their tickets. :tiphat:
Top 3
Harvick 15 = 20.25
Kyle B. 15 = 33

Top 5
Harvick 21 = 15
Kyle B. 15 = 15

Top 8 driver wins: 2, 4, 11, 18, 22, 24, 48, 78
28 = 10
(Don't love this bet today, but consider it a season long bet. This bet cashed at a good clip last year. I don't bet it at Daytona or Talladega. I believe you can make money with this bet over the course of the season if you stick with it race in and out.)
To W -27
Harvick 5 = 27.5
Newman 5 = 125
Kyle B 5 = 35
Logano 4 = 40
McMurrray 1 = 50
Larson 4 = 64
Dale 3 = 45

Matchups +28.4
Harvick o Johnson 19.5 = 15
Logano o Johnson 13.2 =12

Bayne o TY 18.75 = 15
Newman o Blaney 12.6 =12
Blaney o E Jones 16 = 10
Kahne o E Jones 18.75 = 15

Top 3 -30
Harvick 15 = 20.25
Kyle B. 15 = 33

Top 5 -36
Harvick 21 = 15
Kyle B. 15 = 15

Top 8 driver wins: (2, 4, 11, 18, 22, 24, 48, 78) +10
28 = 10

Today's total -54.6
Grand total +193.2
after Atlanta
Well what looked like it was going to be a good day fell to pieces at the end. First Harvick's speeding penalty then Larson giving up the lead. Newman's problems also cost me one of the matchups.

I was right about Harvick being good and very wrong about Kyle B. I didn't see that coming. I said I thought Kez would be my biggest issue and that is one time I wish I was wrong. E Jones ran better than I thought he would. I wish I didn't let the big juice scare me off a few matchup bets against Suarez.

Looks like I'm wrong about Martin Truex sliding back some this year.