At what point does Bill Bellicheck get thrown out of the NFL?

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
I mean, really, what's this guy have to do, molest an intern?

Now it comes out that they weren't just taping defensive signals, but offensive as well.

Don't you have to make an example of the guy? He broke the rules, intentionally, completely brushed off any sort of responsibility--what the f**k.

(Please discuss, I'll go back to drumming up votes in WV.)
Maybe I'm just not paying enough attention, but how does it help the guy? It's more evidence of extensive breaking of the rules, right?
Because he didn't have the tape of the walkthrough..

Most think this is the end of it, and the tapes really show nothing new..

Bob Ryan said that most in New England, fans and the like, are "relieved" by what Walsh had.
does the fact that a senator gets involved in the NFL make anyone else want to puke?

A little, but here's why I'm OK with it. The NFL is a legal monopoly. They have an anti-trust exemption, from what I understand. So they have to be held accountable by someone if they cannot police themselves and are basically cheating the public.

Specter didn't even get involved until Goodell brushed this under the rug and destroyed the evidence. I mean, they DESTROYED THE EVIDENCE. You never do that, ever, unless you're trying to hide something.
here's why I'm OK with it. The NFL is a legal monopoly. They have an anti-trust exemption, from what I understand.

Do they? Arena and XFL have tried to compete, but let's face it, there will not be a replacement for the NFL in my lifetime, and I think I am one of the younger guys at CTG (23).
Regarding the topic of this thread, I agree with Jump. There is no proof of a walk through taping. Belichick will not get into any more trouble. Walsh is a pussy and made a big deal for absolutely nothing. He wasted the media's time; those drama queens could have been out drumming up a juicy gossip story on some other sports figure. Can you tell I dislike the media at times?

Oh, and I like Belichick. I know I am in the minority, but I think he is one of the most brilliant minds to ever coach the game. So what, he got caught taping signals like every other coach. That's why the NFL sent out the letter to the coaches before the 2007 season. Belichick violated the rule, got dealt the largest fine in NFL history, forfeited their 1st round daft pick, and handled his business.