At this point of the season what have you learned?

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Its May 19th.. Almost 2 months into the season, what have you learned?

Are you looking to change anything?

Is there anything you've been doing thats working?

Any plans for later in season?
NYY holding up better than I thought w/ injury prone staff. Looks like farm league pulling them thru.
The guys they're missing aren't even any good anymore. Team's a house of cards, bunch of broken down pig farmers.
You don't actually think they're going anywhere with this squad, lol?
I'm trying to be as impartial as possible when looking at teams. Please try to do the same. The Yankees are now actually getting love from people that have hated them in years past because the team is playing well without all their stars. Don't think there is a team in the league with more injuries than NYY. Don't really understand what there is to hate but that's your opinion.
And of course I think the Yankees can go somewhere. Why wouldn't they be able to? The division is wide open. And a division title with this team would be a great achievement imo

The team will be healthy when it matters.
What year is it, 2005? A-Rod, Jeter, Teixeira? Overpaid jakes. They won't matter. At all.
Indians highly questionable starting rotation is holding up pretty well. The bats are real solid... Big question was SP. Bullpen is fantastic. Ubaldo may never be what he was in his CY campaign but he's back in the realm of being highly serviceable.

I've been making lots of plays with Tillman pitching for the O's. between Orioles wins and unders, I've been cashing quite nicely.
240 million dollars in player salaries this year is not enough for LAD...another rich guy who thinks baseball teams can just be bought like everything else in his/her lives. The list of those who have had to learn these lessons are endless.

Meanwhile, no shot teams like the Cubbies keep churning out profits