As a boxing fan....


thunder thighs & hairy muffs specialist
Im really upset by the way that fight was called....I had 0 dollars riding on anything but Oscar won that fight...I watched the fight with 3 professional boxing judges..who judge fights for a living and all 3 of them had it at a draw at worst..All the post fight interviews they said Oscar won....Just goes to show boxing is a very corrupt sport.
they said the 1 judge had the 12th scored for Mayweather, if he scored the 12th like the other 2 judges it would have been a draw.
I thought the fight sucked...I wanted Pretty Boy cuz I had money on him but if the judges had given it to Oscar or had it a draw it wouldnt have surprised me...This is one fight I would not want to see a rematch of
As a casual fighter you might have thought the fight sucked. But as Floyd said after the match, look at the stats. Floyd landed twice as many and attempted half as many.

Oscar could only do damage when they were in a scrum. Floyd sat back and boxed and threw controlled punches. He had a great gameplan. So did Oscar, but it was obvious that Floyd is the more talented fighter.

When they showed the highlights in slo-mo, Floyd was the one delivering all the big hits, even though Oscar threw many more punches.
Yeah, the stats are very one-sided in favor of Mayweather.

I didn't see it, but everybody I've seen on TV seemed underwhelmed and with a shrug will agree that Floyd won a pretty unimpressive match.
Floyd's own dad hates him.. you gotta realize that.. before the fight floyd sr. was supporting Oscar......

It was a shitty fight, but it was scored correctly. Floyd landed over a hundred more punches and threw a hundred left.. 43% compared to 20.7% of punches landed. It's right there.

Theres no possible way you can debate the outcome, stats don't lie.. It was Oscar's fight to win, and he didn't do that.. He promoted it, Floyd was the undefeated one, all floyd had to do was defend his record, and he did that..
Definetly a disappointing fight, Mayweather definetly deserved to win. Oscar knew he wouldn't be able to out box Mayweather, he had to go after him, which he didn't do. Oscar was fighting not to lose, rather than to win. If he had gone after him Mayweather would still have won most likely, and hurt De la Hoya with his counters, but Oscar didn't even try it for some reason. The only stat that De la Hoya won was punches thrown, Mayweather landed more even though Oscar threw 100 more. Overall a disappointing night .. I can't wait for the Cotto/Judah fight, and would absolutely love to see Cotto/Mayweather. Too bad Mayweather is retired, haha.
Definetly a disappointing fight, Mayweather definetly deserved to win. Oscar knew he wouldn't be able to out box Mayweather, he had to go after him, which he didn't do. Oscar was fighting not to lose, rather than to win. If he had gone after him Mayweather would still have won most likely, and hurt De la Hoya with his counters, but Oscar didn't even try it for some reason. The only stat that De la Hoya won was punches thrown, Mayweather landed more even though Oscar threw 100 more. Overall a disappointing night .. I can't wait for the Cotto/Judah fight, and would absolutely love to see Cotto/Mayweather. Too bad Mayweather is retired, haha.

Im going for Judah but Cotto will probaly ko his ass. I love Judah's style though
Im really upset by the way that fight was called....I had 0 dollars riding on anything but Oscar won that fight...I watched the fight with 3 professional boxing judges..who judge fights for a living and all 3 of them had it at a draw at worst..All the post fight interviews they said Oscar won....Just goes to show boxing is a very corrupt sport.

what were your 3 friends saying ?
Floyd's own dad hates him.. you gotta realize that.. before the fight floyd sr. was supporting Oscar......

It was a shitty fight, but it was scored correctly. Floyd landed over a hundred more punches and threw a hundred less.. 43% compared to 20.7% of punches landed. It's right there.

Theres no possible way you can debate the outcome, stats don't lie.. It was Oscar's fight to win, and he didn't do that.. He promoted it, Floyd was the undefeated one, all floyd had to do was defend his record, and he did that..

exactly....and by round.

decent fight, in the overall scheme of things...a bit disappointing though, considering this was a BIG fight.

but imo, the judge who scored it for Oscar was the one who was high. i wagered on De La Hoya...and he did not win that fight...or more rounds than Floyd.
what were your 3 friends saying ?

Well....Let me start by saying I posted this thread without even seeing(remembering)the punch count...So I guess the numbers dont lie....

again I should elaborate..I actually didnt watch the fight in the same room as these guys...Me and my buddies watched it and played cards in another room...The older guys watched it alone so I just caught bits and pieces of what they said....I remeber them bitching their was a stretch early in they fight,maybe rounds 2 thru 5 or so that all went to maywether...They said oscar won or split those rounds....They had Oscar leading more then half way thru the fight...And I agree....All the contraversy about the 12th round and all that doesnt even come into effect in what they were saying..I thought Mayweather won the 12th personally...Ya he got outpunched... But his punches that he landed were so much more powerful and clean imo....

Did anyone see the clip after the fight..they showed Floyd with a bruised face and he made a comment about "just look at who looks more beat up"(or something of that sort)...and then they showed Oscar and his face didnt look touched.I just dont think the guy who looks like he took more of a beating should lose...Guess thats why it boxing and not fighting but Oscar def. was the agresser and landed better,stronger,cleaner punches..Now I have no idea how boxing is scored but IMO that should be very serioulsy taken into consideration....
Im just glad PBF got the W. All that matters for me. I hope to see a Mayweather/Cotto. That would be a hell of a fight. Cotto/Judah is gonna be good to. Im backing Miguel on this one though. Next year though WHEN Floy comes out of retirement I would kill to see a PBF/Sugar Shane fight.
anyone who does not believe pretty boy won did not really watch the fight or did not pay attention in between rounds. Floyd is so quick that if you watched the slow downs in between rounds you can clearly see why the stats favored Floyd. In the combos (basically the reason why most fans thought Oscar should have won) they looked sweet during real time, but if you slow it down oscar was not only missing floyds head, he was wiffing alot of the time due to how quick mayweather could get out of the way. Floyd wrapped this fight up before the last 3 rounds, all he had to do in the last 3 rounds was not get knocked out. I had no money on this fight and actually wanted Oscar to win because he actually wanted to fight.

The stats were very lopsided in this bout.

It was not a good fight for the future of Boxing, it was clear that one fighter wanted to win and the other wanted to fight.
For everybody here hyping Miguel Cotto...

1. Who the hell has Cotto fought?

2. Has Cotto's chin EVER been tested (based on competition)?

3. Take a harder look at Judah's resume. I give him more than a puncher's chance against Cotto...not to mention Judah is now DESPRATE for a win. Judah is probably the best fighter Cotto has faced so far in his career. Judah has faced far tougher opposition than Cotto.

Cotto has fought every1 put in front of him and is more poweful than any other boxer near his weightclass. This is where he belongs, body wise, fighting around 147lbs.

Yes he lacks those big names but at 26 they will just start to come and Judah is first in line.

I mean seriously, Which Zab Judah shows up? The one that Tszyu beat up, the one that fought Floyd tough for 5 rounds, the one that got knocked down by Spinks?

I think Judah has no heart and a glass chin while Cotto has maybe a vulnerable chin but he has a spine unlike Zab. If both fighters got hurt who would you take? I will take Cotto, no doubt.

To add I don't like how Judah is talking shit.. This fight is the day b4 the PR day Parade in NYC and now your messing with Cotto's heritage..

"Judah has promised he will knock down Cotto, take his belt, be the Grand Marshall the next day at the Puerto Rican Parade in New York City. Cotto shrugged that off at a press conference earlier this week at Madison Square Garden."

"It's a big fight, but that stuff is not going to happen," Cotto said. "As far as Judah goes, his bus has come and gone. He picked the wrong guy for his comeback fight.