Arkansas Savior QB Mitch Mustain - Loves his teddybear!


CTG Partner
I couldn't resist posting these. I know fans were pumped he decided to stay in state, now hopefully he'll toughen up a bit.
For comparison sake him in uniform - also when are we going to see him show up on a police blotter for domestic abuse? He might end up at Marshall yet...
B.A.R. said:
bumpity bump

LMAO! Big Al, I take it you bumped this thread just for a friend of ours, didn't you?
I've seen all his pics on's got hot chicks out the ass on there. But nobody like his beloved teddy bear!
Razor said:
I've seen all his pics on's got hot chicks out the ass on there. But nobody like his beloved teddy bear!

LMAO!! So, you are still awake! I figured that now you were married you'd be hitting the sack earlier!
LOL, naw some shit doesn't change. This is my time to watch what I want and to hit some reading. Damn, you've got the sheep out late tonight though!!
I got them all lined up and making them take a turn.

I know it's still early into camp, but what are your thoughts on that Arky/USC game??
Jeez got an emoticon for every occasion. Even the ones that suite your 'personality' :)
Razor said:
LOL, naw some shit doesn't change. This is my time to watch what I want and to hit some reading. Damn, you've got the sheep out late tonight though!!


denny tells me you finally landed one of your cousins:cheers:

Good for you!! Hope alls well wit cha, bro!!