Arkansas Moneyline over MIZZOU- NEW YEAR

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
Take ARkansas MOneyline over Mizzou because it is 2008 and I refuse to start the year with a loss. I will win this game.

Mizzouri has to be dissappointed from losing their game to Oklahoma. From playing in the National Championship game and then playing in the Cotton Bowl, this is bad for them.

No one realizes one thing these are basically kids, they say the right things through the media, but they are not in this game. They are already pissed and their hearts will not be in this game.

Arkansas on the other hand has one really good weapon. The run game, they used it to beat LSU the best team in the nation. They are capable of coming up flat Arkanksas, but in a one game bowl, they are a good bet because they can run, run and run some more. Their D is okay but is more opportunistic than anything.

If Mizzouri played Arkansas schedule I think they also lose to Tennesse, Auburn and Kentucky and Alabama.

So why is MIZZOU favored? Because they were in the championship game also, and they were 11-2, but that means nothing. The SEC is always a good bet if they are DOGS. Mizzou was okay beating a lot of teams but really who was that good? Kansas, Colorado, Tex Tech, I think Arkansas can beat these teams also.

With the crowd being pro ARKANSAS, and I always look for one thing it is good to take a team who lost early in the year like Arkansas and is happy to be in the bowl game. I think MIzzou would rather be playing in the TITLE game or forfeit this game? Much like South Florida they were not in that game, they basically gave no effort and mailed that game in. They wanted to play in a better bowl. I think Mizzou would have played well in a BCS primetime game, but to play in this game? Even if they win they prove nothing? Mizzou are kids, kids don't rebound, they have packed it in for the season after losing to Oklahoma. To beat Arkansas you better be very very motivated, but when it comes down to it, they are not, and that means being a step slow and not running, good night MCFADDEN will be sprinting to the end zone all day long. To stop a great run attack you have to prepare and be into the game. MIzzou when prepared is not that great vs the RUN, OKlahoma games, now when they are not into this game, people expect them to beat ARKANSAS?

This little line of -3 over Arkansas will draw the blind bettors to take MIZZOU, who think they are getting the same Mizzou team in the reg season. IN college after losing a major game teams always come out flat their next game.

MIzzou coaches will talk about this and that, but their players don't want this game, it was national title or nothing, now it is nothing. Ark is just the team to take advantage, they are not a throwing team which would be easy for Mizzou to stop on the fly. However playing vs MCFADDEN and JONES, you have to be dead on your assignments and schemes, and I doubt it they really care about stopping him, they feel snubbed and have quit on the year. They are kids, there is no way they rebound here.

College is all about heart and motivation, Mizzou can be beaten tomorrow and soundly. I will tell you why? Their will has been broken so they are perfectly willing to lose this game.
They have lost before, and are used to losing
They really see no downside to a loss here
They had a good season but it was not to be

Arkansas on the other hand will be pumped to beat MIZZOU, and jones and mcfadden always play hard to boost their pro stocks
We're on the same side on this one, Sammy, let's do this thing and start the year off right.

Good luck.
Great write-up Sammy, I'll have more thoughts later. The Mizzou dissapointemnt is huge indeed.
Thanks Joe, think this play is quite solid, these games are all about effort and if you are not into it, you will not win. In any case Mizzou and ark are about even teams

This is like a SUPER TURBO Service academy team with real athletes, basically an SEC NAVY with bigger and faster players.

I am thinking of taking this one for more now. I know if I was a player for MIZZOU I would mail it in, I would not care at all about this one. I love SEC, Arkansas can run on LSU, I like their chances against anyone, and especially because if Mizzou is not into it, the timing will be off, but our timing will be fine cause we run anyway
The one thing I like about this is that the loss to Oklahoma, I think, actually works in the favor of Arkansas here. Now Chase Daniel as almost certain to return next year. Had they won and had a shot at the national title his stock couldn't have been higher so he might have had to go.

Now he's got no real reason to go, but rather to stay and build on what he did especially after people nitpicking him the way they did after the OU loss.

So you have a guy who probably wants to play well, but if things go poorly for him early, in the back of his mind, could always think, 'engh, there's always next year.'
Yeah true, the game will be won with the Mizzou D, if they show up like South Florida, I mean Oregon scored 56 points with a freshman 4th string Qb it will not matter. I am thinking Mizzou D comes out like South Florida and Ark wins a high scoring affair something like 38-31
My hope here is that McFadden does what AP should have done to Boise St. last year, runs all over them for a huge going out party.
Well...I don't agree with this analysis at all; Missouri has said, to a man, that they want and need this game to ensure a top 5 ranking heading into next year. Also, it is their 1st NY's Day game since 1969...I really don't think you'll have to worry about the Tigers mailing this one in.

Not saying Arkansas won't cover, as the cotton bowl is a huge deal for their fans from the old SWC days...but counting on Missouri to perform like USF is quite a stretch IMO.
Totally agree with the angle Sammy......last time a team was this disappointed about being left out of the BCS was Kansas State after their loss to A&M in the B12 Championship game.......they went to the Alamo Bowl that year and got their heads beat in by an average Purdue team.

Hogs ML for me......Mizzou's D won't be able to handle how physical this team is.....they will wear them down in the 2nd half.
What about the Arky distractions? Coach, Mcfadden. I think Mizzu has something to prove. Im not looking for them to be flat.
What about the Arky distractions? Coach, Mcfadden. I think Mizzu has something to prove. Im not looking for them to be flat. least one Arky player (I believe it was Monk) has stated that being prepped for the draft combine is more important than the Cotton Bowl. Can't help but think McFadden feels the same's not like he will help or hurt his draft stock here, unless he is injured. These are team leaders mind you. Throw in the coaching situation with Herring coaching this game and then leaving (like Tenuta for Ga tech) and Missou seems like a great play.