April 25, MLB

I'll root for ur Under, Walker is a flame thrower and will keep this score low but Fister doesnt seem to be his old self.

very nice work mr clown

He has pitched well at Safeco and isn't exactly playing the lineup of the '27 Yankees today. He definitely isn't in his best form. Also some concern with Houston using their best middle relief last night.

But this has to be a tired team that played well into the night in Texas and had to travel to the pacific northwest. They rely heavily on the homer to score and while not the homer-killer stadium it used to be this still is not a homerun park and Walker is trying to become more of a groundball pitcher. Hard to see Stros stringing a ton hits together given the late game/travel and Walker likes to throw strikes so probably not a lot of baserunners tonight for Stros from walks either. Astros defense continues to be bad and spectacular. All year they seem to make incredible plays but follow it up with boneheaded headscratching mistakes. This is a concern since Fister isn't striking people out the way he used to. We could use some consistency on defense. Seems more likely than not to be an 8.5 inning game as well.
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good call on boston CC. GL tonite I like this as well

Dodging water in a rainstorm in that one. Benefited from some bad defense though Ramirez, Betts and Ortiz all made baserunning errors (ok maybe not Ortiz that was an unfortunate bounce off the wall) and stros defense probably robbed them of four hits too. Would do it again ...

Side note though ... when you are a starting pitcher with a 5-1 lead and still cannot throw strikes, you are not going to be a viable MLB starting pitcher. Owens has good stuff when he finds areas near the plate ... but he has no idea where the ball is going. Even his strikes last night were hitting parts of the plate the catcher didn't want it to. He is going to have to get some consistency at throwing strikes to be a fifth starter somewhere. I suspect it is his hair. Hippie cut just causes problems.
Anyway, kind of looking over Walker a little more and I might have jumped the gun in him having become more of a GB pitcher. 203/297 last year GB/FB and while 32/23 this year almost all the skew came in one game. Relying on an article I read regarding his keeping the ball down more and its apparent success for him so far. But it is definitely speculative the more I look at it
I think it's equally attributable to maturity and learning how to pitch. I was just watching a little piece on how he's eliminated some of the funky Mouse business from his delivery, got rid of the wind-up. Sawed off Cleveland's bats, I'll say that.
lol, yep but dodged enough of those rain drops. Owens had trouble throwing strikes in the spring too. Was it me or did ramirez look like he was taking baby steps or he had arthritis in his knees. Could be I just wanted that run haha
lol, yep but dodged enough of those rain drops. Owens had trouble throwing strikes in the spring too. Was it me or did ramirez look like he was taking baby steps or he had arthritis in his knees. Could be I just wanted that run haha

He was out by 18 feet. I assume he is faster than me... would I have still been on third base?
I think it's equally attributable to maturity and learning how to pitch. I was just watching a little piece on how he's eliminated some of the funky Mouse business from his delivery, got rid of the wind-up. Sawed off Cleveland's bats, I'll say that.

First sign of maturity is cutting the locks.
FWIW I watched the game. Astros blew a lot of opportunities. Walker was throwing heat but it was definitely elevated heat. Granted there was no low strike most of the game so he had to but I think it was more just what he does. Fister walked 7 dudes and he was doing his best to nibble most of the night. Made a few mistakes including the two homers. Not sure this was the right side but will take it.