April 16


Blame it on the boogie
bought the hook for security

1st Q New Jersey -1.5 (-110) NYK- 3.3 units to win 3 win
1st H New Jersey -3 (-115) NYK- 3.45 units to win 3 win
New Jersey -4 (-120) NYK- 6 units to win 5 win
---New Jersey -5 (-125) NYK- 6.25 units to win 5 win
---New Jersey -6 (-110) NYK- 4.4 units to win 4 win

Jersey ML/Houston ML Parley- 3.0882 units to win 3 win

was just waitin for the best number: this'll do

Rockets -5 (-110) Phoenix- 16.5 units to win 15 lose

2nd H Utah/Portland UNDER 101- 1.65 units to win 1.5 lose

+3.85 units
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Jersey fighting for too much, NY off a tough close loss. Kinda regret bettin so much, but I'll keep it in, as a loss would be too much
I go on spurts... and post ALOT more when I can at work. Things had been hectic but they are dead now. I have 2-3 hours online a day at work now where I can browse, research, and post... so you'll see me alot more now.
this early hot shootin by the nets is scarin me for my whole game bet. They're relying too muchon the outside
rookie, you'll have a HUGE middle if things hold up to hedge a bit if you think you need to... well I'm getting ahead of myself 7 + mins left... my 1H bet aint over yet
well the way I see things, its much easier to have a good 2nd H if your 1st H if terrible, and if you're up playin pretty damn good- fade in 2H. I do this cuz for coaches its a lot easier to tell the team why they're down and thus easier to improve and fix. if you're up, all you can really say is: keep it up.. which usually doesn't happen cuz the 2nd team comes out differently
didn't mean to play that big on Houston, but with 1 minutes to make up my mind and bookie on the phone just screamed it out. heh, o well. I like it anyway. I think the reason Houston lost so much to phoenix before was the b2b factor in which houston is just not a b2b team. phoenix clinched, houston needs to. who stops yao?