Anyone still bitching that Favre's finished?


Pretty much a regular
I recall that more than a few posters here were claiming that Favre was going to rue the day he left Green Bay the way he did. But I'm pretty sure that his performance this year (7-3, 1st in AFC East) so far speaks for itself. Still alot of games left to be played but seriously, Green bay fucked up by not letting him come back.

It would be great to see the Jets get to the playoffs with old man Brett.

great game tonight and no INTs.

He has good receivers and underrated players in jets--- Cotchery is underrated, coles is a top 15 receiver--- washington is the most explosvie player in the Nfl-
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i donmt think anyoine was quiestioning his ability to win games, its more about his addiction to PR and always being in the spotlight int he media, and his demeanor off the field
Still think Favre gets by more on his name than his actual performance. And he's still a P.O.S. in my mind

of course he does...and it's not something uncommon for stars.

but your farve thread from a couple weeks ago was really a POS thread, imho. farve is NOT a POS by any means...and (from the outside looking in) i have more respect for him than anything else about your GB franchise.

you don't wanna hear it, but GB brass is the reason he's not there. they didn't want him back from day one...which is why they attempted to bribe him in the end.

you've bought completely into one (perverted) side of the story. one day you/we will learn the rest of it...providing farve ever decides to tell it...and throw those ungrateful douchebags under the bus, like they did to him.

and if by some freak chance the yanks had a brainfart and tried to punk Jeter in the same manner one better believe i'll call them on it. would never happen...but there are always 2 sides to a story, and the truth is always in the middle.

sucking up that GB propoganda as gospel is no different than the Palin/Africa hoax...or the B scrathed in the face hoax.

At this rate, I would like to see him come back for another year next year. If they go say 10-6 and make the playoffs, fuck it, come back for another year.
Still think Favre gets by more on his name than his actual performance. And he's still a P.O.S. in my mind

Would you say the same thing if he was QB for the Packers and you were 8-1 so far this year?

I don't get the negativity towards him. This guy brought your city success for over 15 years.

Give him the key's to the city.
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i donmt think anyoine was quiestioning his ability to win games, its more about his addiction to PR and always being in the spotlight int he media, and his demeanor off the field

Cap compared to other professional athletes he is a saint.
He's a good man and he has persevered through adversity in his personal and professional life. That said, he continues to be Favre the QB. Hot today, cold tomorrow.
I still think Green Bay made the right decision. The Packers used a first on Rodgers and had to figure out what he brought to the table for the sake of their franchise. Favre wasn't going to be there forever and neither was Rodgers if they let Favre hang around.

Favre hasn't been that great this season. Good but not great. The Jets like they always do put all their eggs in making the playoffs with an above average team that is unlikely to win it all for a very small window while wrecking their future once it starts without Favre.

And let's be honest. Would Favre even have made a difference from where the Packers are at right now? The Packers were due to regress some, and Rodgers is completing 63% of his passes with 13 TDs and 5 INT. Favre has 18 TD and 12 INT. I think not having Favre is one of the last reasons the Packers aren't performing better.
The Jets starting QB for 2009 played last night, but it was not Brett Favre...
Maybe about the part that he flat out sux, but I honestly believe, and have been saying for years, that he is the most overrated QB of all time. Not saying he has no skill, just overrated.
Would you say the same thing if he was QB for the Packers and you were 8-1 so far this year?

I don't get the negativity towards him. This guy brought your city success for over 15 years.

Give him the key's to the city.

Regardless what team he played for this year my opinions of him would be the same. I want the Jets to do well so GB gets a better pick but on a personal level, he joined a very selective list of guys in the NFL I can't stand.

go STFU/go fuck yourself/eat a dick

you are the most classless person to ever post on this site... and you only pop up when either a celtics or pats game is being played to talk shit to the other site.

youre like that little SAF on covers that eveyrone hates, that only posts to rub salt in the other teams wound.

many remember when YOU, yes you, made a thread talking shit to all jets backers and fans after new england won in the meadowlands. ranting, raving, talking shit, and rubbing it in jets backers/fans face. saying NE was the best and this and that

i think the thread was deleted or locked, but many people saw it. it was a classless move

did you see me or panos follow suit last night? no.

we enjoyed the win, we enjoyed spanking you in your own fucking house, and beating the shit out of your cheating ass/always-looking-to-cut-corners dirtiest-franchiest-in-the-nfl

and it was over, it was fun, we celebrated, but we did it with class.

you are a fuck. youre beating a dead horse becuase your pussy hurts. move on already

ummm wrong, i actually made a thread congratulating all the new england backers for a winning a game no1 gave us a chance to win, but for some reason you and other jets fan felt the need to come in and act all pissy... regarding last nights game i already said it was the best football game ive ever seen in person, so not like im acting bitter like you did last game we played

i really dont understand why you are such a miserable person, but to each his own do what you gotta do
thats the difference between us

i can be objective, 99% of the time.

the 1% of the time i blow up is to ignorant posts like yours.

you, on the other hand, 100% of the time are ranting and raving about boston sports only, and nothing else, ever. and you can not win with class.
IMO, he's also one of the smartest players in the NFL.


Yeah Washington was a stud in college and the thing is that both Washington and COles were on Florida state, COles got kicked off the team though, but this talent is very underrated----

Cotchery was a stud in college at NC state---

Washington gets a lot of touches where he takes it to the house, I would like to find out if he may lead the league at long plays because he is very explosive and deceptively tricky--
Coles also is a brilliant receiver. If the Jets had a great tight end they wold be hard to stop because Favre loves his tight ends also--

Overall I think the Jets have the ability to easily be the best offense in the AFC- They have speed at receivers, Washington at running back and if the run game plays well watch out, also Favre can throw to good receivers like they have--

This is definitely a dark horse team IMO--- they are always in close games, if the D makes some plays in playoffs, they can pull an upset and go the Superbowl, it is possible IMO
Washington was a steal. What was he 3rd or later draft pick?

---I knew he would be amazing as he was a stud at FSU. Booker was just too small.

Should of loaded up on some nice Washington rookie cards and then sell high in a few years after he starts getting some pub.