Anyone notice Marshall?


Vice-President of Fondy Fanclub
i think it was a bag of popcorn he pulled out of his crotch, lol. Stokley stopped him
no no ... apparently it was a black and white glove with something to do with OBAMA ... who knows maybe he will show it on ESPN tomorrow .. haha ... :tiphat:
no no ... apparently it was a black and white glove with something to do with OBAMA ... who knows maybe he will show it on ESPN tomorrow .. haha ... :tiphat:

yah just saw that come across the tv. that makes this thread Yag. you may delete.
I rewound my DVR and paused it. It looked like a small picture frame but it did't show the front side. It certainly looked like a picture frame.
He was pulling a condom out of his pants, to bend the corner Mcdonald over and fuck him up the ass some more
No seriously Marshall was pulling a list of all the available coaches to replace Romeo out of his pants.
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Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:43 pm EST
Teammate halts Brandon Marshall's planned Obama celebration

By Chris Chase


Brandon Marshall scored the game-winning touchdown tonight for the Broncos on a late TD pass from Jay Cutler. Afterwards, he reached into his pants and pulled out a glove for what looked like a pre-planned celebration, but before he could do anything, teammate Brandon Stokely ran over to Marshall begging him to stop. Following the game, Marshall explained his thwarted plan to the NFL Network crew.
To celebrate Barack Obama's election, Marshall said he wanted to take a page from John Carlos and Tommie Smith's black power demonstration at the 1968 Olympics. Only, 40 years later, Marshall planned to salute the progress made in the country since the Mexico City Games. The 24-year old Broncos receiver wanted to put on the glove, half-white and half-black, to hold up in triumph. It would have been his tribute to racial harmony. But, fearing a 15-yard personal foul that almost certainly would have been called by the refs after such an event, Marshall's teammate put a stop to it.
Said Marshall:
"It [wasn't] about black power, it's not about white or black, it's about U.S.A. red, white and blue. But Stokely came over and said it's too close a ball game."
And, really, isn't that what America's all about: life, liberty and the pursuit of conference victories.
Related: Brandon Marshall, Jay Cutler
Announcers completely missed it during the game. For a second I thought Bryant Gumbel was back in the booth.
Keep Gumbell away from doing the games--

he may have said "And there Marshall goes as he disappears into the sky"

as anyone who saw the david Blaine debacle in which gumbell said that
Broncos' Marshall denied chance to honor Obama Broncos receiver had planned on-field tribute, but teammate stopped him
The Associated Press
updated 6:26 p.m. ET, Fri., Nov. 7, 2008
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ENGLEWOOD, Colo. - The possibility of a yellow flag curtailed Brandon Marshall’s red, white and blue tribute to President-elect Barack Obama with a black-and-white glove.

After scoring the go-ahead touchdown with just over a minute left in Denver’s 34-30 win at Cleveland on Thursday night, the Broncos’ star receiver pulled the glove from his pants. He was about to put it on and raise his fist in the style of Tommie Smith and John Carlos, who made controversial black power salutes at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City.
Slot receiver Brandon Stokley rushed to him in the back of the end zone and persuaded him to nix the salute because the Broncos couldn’t afford a 15-yard celebration penalty at that moment.

“That’s what a good, old veteran is for,” Marshall said.
After the game, Marshall, who is black, read a statement he wrote about how inspired he was by Obama becoming the first black man elected to the nation’s highest office.

“Barak Obama’s election as the 44th president of the United States is a tremendous symbol of unity,” Marshall said. “I want to create that symbol of unity because Obama inspires me (and) a multicultural society, and I know at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico, Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised that black glove and fist in a silent gesture of black power and liberation.

“Forty years later, I wanted to make my own statement and gesture to represent the progress we made,” Marshall said. “I might get some criticism, but social landmarks are bigger than fines to me, especially two days out of an historic election.”

Fines are one thing, but a flag could have been a game-changer had the Broncos been forced to back up on their kickoff with 1:14 remaining.
Marshall said he wasn’t disappointed he didn’t get to raise his gloved fist, because “I still got to say what I wanted to say. This is a historical moment, not just for black people but for the United States.”
Quarterback Jay Cutler said he made the right call not putting on the glove during the game.

“Obviously, I’d rather Brandon save that for a different venue than a football game,” Cutler said. “But a lot of the guys in the locker room, they were politically involved and we talked about it. Obama won, and a lot of people are happy. It’s good. I mean, Brandon, if he keeps it off the football field, he can say whatever he wants.”

Marshall said that on the flight to Cleveland, he showed Cutler a text message he’d received regarding Obama’s defeat of Republican candidate John McCain in Tuesday’s historic election.

“Jay said, ’Man, I’d be embarrassed to show you some of the ones I got,”’ Marshall recounted. “So, I got to thinking. I said, man it ain’t about black and white; it’s about red, blue and white. And that’s what I wanted to represent.”

if he had done the glove thing he would have held the patent on being a fucking retard. The Olympics in 1968 was a culturally significant moment in civil rights.

This idiot wanted to raise a black glove in a Thursday night NFL game on the NFL network against the Cleveland Browns.

I don't know if he would have been insulting the guys from Mexico city or himself any more.

Brandon Marshall is one of the stupidest motherfuckers in the NFL, plain and simple. Does no one remember that he was "injured by McDonald's wrappers"?

Brandon Marshall attacked by McDonalds

Zumaya's guitar hero. Jeff Kent's "car washing". Smoltz's self ironing. Sosa's sneeze.

all of these stupid assed injuries have all been eclipsed by the newest and quite possibly most random injury I've ever read.

"The physical Denver wideout will have his arm in a cast for at least two weeks after slipping on a fast food wrapper, reported. When he slipped, Marshall reached his arm out to brace his fall and it went through a TV entertainment center. That injury required stitches.

"I want to thank everybody for their concerns and let everyone know that I'm okay," Marshall wrote in a text message Sunday to "It's funny because I pride myself on YAC (yards after catch) and being one of the toughest players to take down once I have the ball in my hands.

"So for the next couple of days I'm going to take the time to build my confidence back up after allowing that McDonalds bag to take me down and send me through the entertainment center."

story via Fox Sports

congrats Marshall, once this story gets run around the news networks your going to be in hollowed ground for stupidest sports injuries of all time.