Anyone getting anything done at work 2morrow?

Work is lucky I'm coming

I'll be there hungover, and going to dip out early for the trip to Cola to catch the NCST game

Football Rules:cheers:
between my fantasy draft and the kickoff of cfb, tomorrow is gonna be the longest day ever
Got work from 7-10 am, three meetings, and then off to the bar by 4 for the games.

Friday, work from home in the morning, play poker and watch games in the afternoon.
Tomorrow should be the first time i get hammered since .... well ....yesterday ...but that doesnt count it was fantasy draft day.
I thought it would just be easier to go ahead and take today, tomorrow, and Friday off altogether. First vacation since I took a couple days off for the start of March Madness.

For reasons that I do not yet fully understand, I allow college football and men's college basketball to rule my life. LOL
My biggest accomplishment was learning how to post on CTG using my blackberry

I think my biggest accomplishment was narrowing my final Saturday plays and getting my football pickem cards organized.
Slept until 10. Read CTG to catch up on what I missed from the left coast posters overnight. Went to turn in my ID badge and pager. Stopped by the liquor store to grab some bourbon. Grabbed a 32 ounce Budweiser to drink at kickoff. Came back and had lunch. Now I'm sitting here watching King of Queens and praying that these 3 hours speed by
Playing poker with mogo and Dmoney right now. But then I have to go to work at 6 :( But the good thing is I can watch all the games from my desk so not really that bad I guess
Must be nice to have only football on your minds.

Hurricane Central is far less exciting.

HOORAY FOR FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!