Anyone else hate the Olympics?


Secretary of Fondy Fanclub
I refuse to watch them, I think they're about the most overrated sporting event in the world.

Stupid events
Stupid countries
Fake patriotism

I especially hate how countries will bend over backwards to host the Olympics, but are anti capitalism. The Olympics are all about the money and the economic stimulus they provide!

I don't understand either how something like softball is on it's last leg, but we have beach volleyball and volleyball. I'm fine with the mainstream sports, but when we have the little hybrids as olympic games...come on. I'll give you gymnastics, but not the gymnastics where they twirl ribbons and bounce balls. Why not have slow pitch softball then? And where's golf? And screw soccer being the most popular sport in the world, the only reason it is, is because most of the world can't afford to play anything else, but you can always kick a balled up shirt or the head of a goat.

God I hate the Olympics!
Yeah .... for the most part the sports/games suck.

It is interesting to see some of the sports or games that i never get to see. 15 minutes of watching the ping pong or badmitton is pretty interesting .... it gets boring quickly though.

Go USA !!
When did hobbies or "recreational games" count as olympic games. Badmitton and ping pong? How about lawn darts and bocce ball or horseshoes?

As soon as these two become Olympic sports in 2012 I'm a lock for the Korean team!

I can't tell by the uniforms ..... which countries are those fine tuned athletes from ?
Only time I even see or hear an Olympic sport is when it's on in a bar. I avoid it at all costs. Has to be the most boring sporting event ever.
Alright , even though i do dislike the olympics , the 1980 olympic hockey team win over USSR is probably my favorite sports moment of all-time. Watching that live was something unbelievable. Chills down your spine.
I believe the Russian military has called her up to help them with their incursion into georgia.
i hate watching the horrible officiating/rules interpretation of basketball. Basketball was invented in the U.S., but we have to conform to stupid fucking rules that everyone else plays by because they cant beat us by the "real" rules.

Plus, getting three different officials from different countries officiating each game is terrible. I hate how you can fucking bear hug someone out by the top of the key yet somehow you can get a travel while dribbling (as least it looks that way/and the announcers agree). The non-goal tending rule is stupid too. I hope that Dwight Howard stuffs on some guy with his hand above the rim and breaks his wrist. Fucking stupid rules.
In general the team sports are good...Especially if you enjoy soccer, its like the world cup again...
I like beach Volley Ball as well,and most other team sports...
have you been making money off it so far?

70% clip like your CBB totals? :cheers:

you are a crazy degenerate helmut.... i dont know how you can do it all year round every day. baseball alone, is enough to make a man crazy:whip:

Not to bad so far. Had a big bet on the 1st Australia game over. Needed 10 points with 5:00 left and it only got there on a bank in 3pt shot by Belarus. Sides have been bad but I bet more on the totals so I'm doing OK. I gut the Aussies to win their Group and to finish highest excluding USA. I hope they meet Team USA for the championship.
I love the Olympics, I find the Basketball and Soccer great. By the way when you say why do we have to play by the international standards rather then the US standards...well because A. we do play by their standards, they call it college basketball. B. International, is the world, and if we dont want to play by the world rules, then we dont have to play. C. The international rules are to an extent far better, the only thing I dont like is the 3 point line, but other then that, it is a better game. Its more aggresive and you will never see an all star call for any team, whether its Kobe, Manu, or Dirk, no one gets the call.

Also, volleyball is something I doubt I will ever be interested in, but I found myself watching the game last night against Venezuala, and it was damn exciting.

How about the potential Federer-Nadal matchup in the gold medal game?

Then the Micheal Phelps story, if he gets 8 gold medals, thats just incredible, if you saw his race last night he broke the World Record by a full body length.

Lastly the medal count, how your country does, what country really is the best at sports, will it be China this year or the US?

A lot of these sports, or whatever you want to call them like ping pong, they are more like hobbies for most here, but thats here, not the world, once again. I cant say im interested in it, but I know if I try playing them they are gonna crush me and embarass me. So I think if you arent open to the world and its diffrences, and that the American way isnt always the way to do it, then youll appreciate this. But if you dont really care about the world, which is fine too, then you wont care, but thats just my .02
I love the Olympics, I find the Basketball and Soccer great. By the way when you say why do we have to play by the international standards rather then the US standards...well because A. we do play by their standards, they call it college basketball. B. International, is the world, and if we dont want to play by the world rules, then we dont have to play. C. The international rules are to an extent far better, the only thing I dont like is the 3 point line, but other then that, it is a better game. Its more aggresive and you will never see an all star call for any team, whether its Kobe, Manu, or Dirk, no one gets the call.

Also, volleyball is something I doubt I will ever be interested in, but I found myself watching the game last night against Venezuala, and it was damn exciting.

How about the potential Federer-Nadal matchup in the gold medal game?

Then the Micheal Phelps story, if he gets 8 gold medals, thats just incredible, if you saw his race last night he broke the World Record by a full body length.

Lastly the medal count, how your country does, what country really is the best at sports, will it be China this year or the US?

A lot of these sports, or whatever you want to call them like ping pong, they are more like hobbies for most here, but thats here, not the world, once again. I cant say im interested in it, but I know if I try playing them they are gonna crush me and embarass me. So I think if you arent open to the world and its diffrences, and that the American way isnt always the way to do it, then youll appreciate this. But if you dont really care about the world, which is fine too, then you wont care, but thats just my .02

I love the Olympics, I find the Basketball and Soccer great. By the way when you say why do we have to play by the international standards rather then the US standards...well because A. we do play by their standards, they call it college basketball. B. International, is the world, and if we dont want to play by the world rules, then we dont have to play. C. The international rules are to an extent far better, the only thing I dont like is the 3 point line, but other then that, it is a better game. Its more aggresive and you will never see an all star call for any team, whether its Kobe, Manu, or Dirk, no one gets the call.

Also, volleyball is something I doubt I will ever be interested in, but I found myself watching the game last night against Venezuala, and it was damn exciting.

How about the potential Federer-Nadal matchup in the gold medal game?

Then the Micheal Phelps story, if he gets 8 gold medals, thats just incredible, if you saw his race last night he broke the World Record by a full body length.

Lastly the medal count, how your country does, what country really is the best at sports, will it be China this year or the US?

A lot of these sports, or whatever you want to call them like ping pong, they are more like hobbies for most here, but thats here, not the world, once again. I cant say im interested in it, but I know if I try playing them they are gonna crush me and embarass me. So I think if you arent open to the world and its diffrences, and that the American way isnt always the way to do it, then youll appreciate this. But if you dont really care about the world, which is fine too, then you wont care, but thats just my .02

the wise man Mr. Gurv
I love the olympics. Once we get a week into it, the storylines will develop and the competition will get better.
I just view the entire concept of the Olympics as dated and out of touch. The Cold War is over, this is the century of globalization, nobody gives a shit about nationalism anymore. My generation espouses cosmopolitanism.
The Olympic Games predate the Cold War. While you may not give a shit about nationalism, plenty of others in this world do (for evidence, see Beijing for the next couple weeks), and that's not wrong.

Who's out of touch here, yet again?

btw, I find them overblown, overhyped, and largely boring. So I don't watch unless it's a particular event or two. female synchronized diving, for instance, has a lot of beautiful ASS on display.

The Olympic Games predate the Cold War. While you may not give a shit about nationalism, plenty of others in this world do (for evidence, see Beijing for the next couple weeks), and that's not wrong.

Who's out of touch here, yet again?

if you're avoiding them, you really missed out last night. the 4x100 win over the highly touted frenchies was magic. the comeback in the last 15 meters seemed impossible.
I refuse to watch them, I think they're about the most overrated sporting event in the world.

Stupid events
Stupid countries
Fake patriotism

I especially hate how countries will bend over backwards to host the Olympics, but are anti capitalism. The Olympics are all about the money and the economic stimulus they provide!

I don't understand either how something like softball is on it's last leg, but we have beach volleyball and volleyball. I'm fine with the mainstream sports, but when we have the little hybrids as olympic games...come on. I'll give you gymnastics, but not the gymnastics where they twirl ribbons and bounce balls. Why not have slow pitch softball then? And where's golf? And screw soccer being the most popular sport in the world, the only reason it is, is because most of the world can't afford to play anything else, but you can always kick a balled up shirt or the head of a goat.

God I hate the Olympics!

Some of those countries are not any dumber than the Unites States and you as well. I agree some of the sports and events they have are a little extreme, but that doesn't make them any less than basketball or any other popular sport. Your statements above just prove how ignorant you really are when it comes to the world and everything else in general.
Alright , even though i do dislike the olympics , the 1980 olympic hockey team win over USSR is probably my favorite sports moment of all-time. Watching that live was something unbelievable. Chills down your spine.

The kids here don't have any idea what they missed...:cheers:

Peak of the Cold War and a bunch of rag-tag U.S. collegeans whip the Big Bad Ruskies Ass...Greatest Upset of All-Time.

Do You Believe in Miracles?

I am just about as apathetic toward the Olympics as you can get. I barely watch any of them, probably will see none of them again this year, and really, my life doesn't feel any more empty because of it.
I've seen 10 mins of the Olympics on TV - soccer, New Zealand vs Brazil, just long enough to see in a goal by the Brazilians.
I hate the fucking fact that when I watch an hour of the Olympics there are 3 tv ad's for McCain and Obama, I want to watch sports not listen to either's flip flopping platform, or why the other is bad