Anybody see anything interesting in these first NFLX games?

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
First let me just say that in the big picture of things I believe the most meaningless games in all of professional football for the vast majority of teams are:

1. Your final preseason game.

2. Your first presason game.

3. Week 17.

So these things below are certainly intended just to be noted, not treated as gospel and written in stone for the season.

I caught a few minutes of the Redskins/Titans game and the thing that jumped out at me honestly is how old Mark Brunell looks.

He looks Bledsoe-slow, and the commentators were saying that Gibbs has to be unhappy with the way his O-line performed tonight. Assumedly they were consistently bad. God help that team if Campbell goes down. As it is he might not be very good, but unless Brunell is just wildly out of game shape (possible), if I were a Skins fan I would be extremely worried about him being under center this year should Campbell go down.

I also caught the beginning of the Raiders/Cardinals and two things sort of jumped out at me.

One, the Cardinals offense will at least be interesting this year. Whiz was running a lot of misdirection stuff and getting the ball to Boldin in open space sort of like he used to do with Randel El in Pittsburgh. They should be fun to watch.

Two, that all said, Matt Leinart is nowhere close to ready for the season. He looked awful through most of the first quarter. I tuned out after that, so maybe he got better, but yikes. He should have been picked off at least twice. Balls were behind guys, they were five yards over their heads and wide, I'm not sure if he is still worried about whether he caught something from Paris Hilton or not, but he did not look good.

Actually, now that I think about it, another thing caught my eye from this game.

The Cardinals seemed to get to the edge on the Raiders with remarkable ease tonight. What's interesting to me about this is that with Warren Sapp losing all that weight coming into this year, if teams can get to the edge, and teams can run on the Raiders, that whole Donovan Darius/Michael Huff/Asmenguaoi-whose-name-I-can't-spell thing in the secondary may not matter much.

Now, I realize Burgess wasn't out there tonight, but it was interesting.

Last, the Browns.


I didn't get to watch this game, and I know they won (nice kickoff return) but what in the holy hell is Romeo doing with his QBs? He alternated them from series to series.



I mean, honestly, WHY?

Give them quarters if you want to alternate them. Start Frye, give DA the second and fourth.

Next week, start DA, and give Frye the same. If you want to incorporate Quinn, give him the fourth and the guy who was better in the first half the majority of the third.

But from series to series, especially if you're not going to play Quinn, neither guy has any chance to establish a rhythm.

Good stats for Charlie, but really just . . . ack.
Yes, Joe Public, you're right as usual when disrespecting the offense of the Washington Snyders.

Not that it's possible, but that offense may be the worst offense in Gibbs' 4 years there. It is totally horrific. Unless "Jason Campbell" makes light years of progress from last year, he will continue to struggle in closed space, and Washington will have to settle for field goal "attempts" when inside opposition territory. And we all know that will be a disaster, cause that sorry ass team hasn't had a place-kicker worth a flying fuck since Mark Supertoe Moseley "back in the day."

The Snyder offense has got to be the worst in all of football.

Their only hope is to win games with defense and special teams, cause they'll "attempt" at least 3 field goals for every offensive TD they're lucky enough to score off, most likely, missed tackles or broken plays.

I mean they are bad......real bad.

They're so bad offensively that I look for Vegas to set their totals below 30 more than once this season.
I would definitely say that old man Joe Gibbs is, by far, the worst head coach in the NFL today.

Yeah, he was great 15-25 years ago, but today he is nothing but a fish out of water who needs to be saved from ruining his legacy.

If he weren't Joe Gibbs with 3 SB titles from the 80s, that man would be the laughing stock of all the media.

He has no clue anymore.
Crennel is another dufus, but maybe not as dufus as today's Joe Gibbs.

So Jesus would moneyline the Browns? I'm not sure about that.

I think he'd uNDER the living hell out of the Snyders, though.
When the Fish play the Snyders in week 1, I am going to predict a 13-10 score..................FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!


uNDER to the bank.
I saw a little, but not enough, of the Browns game on the NFLN this morning.

I caught the third quarter and into Ken Dorsey time--or whatever ridiculous retread is serving as the third guy until Quinn gets up to speed.

I didn't see Frye, though I did see his numbers and (outside of that fumble/lateral which screams of the Browns of old) it suggests he's going to be the guy because Derek (sp?) Anderson sucks.

Don't get me wrong, I like the guy, but he sucks. At least enough to not be a starter in the NFL.
I agree the 2nd and 3rd preseason games you are going to see the 1st stringers get a lot more work. At least 1/2 the game, maybe more.
Everyone was knocking on Dallas for signing this guy but I just watched the Indy/Dallas preseason game and was watching Leonard Davis specifically. The move back to guard will be good for this guy, he wont have to deal with speed rushers at the LT spot and he can take advantage of his size and strength. He is HUUGE and is going to be an absolute NIGHTMARE for dlinemen and linebackers. He was pancaking everything in sight, Dallas just might have found their Shawn Andrews. This could be bad news for NFCE defenses.
You might be right, ED.

I saw a little of something on Dallas over the weekend, a wrap up of their preseason game or a training camp thing, I can't remember what it was, but they gushed about Davis.

They said they were surprised how well that guy moves for his size and that he seems to be taking really well to the system.

If that's true, you are right, that's bad news for the rest of the NFC East as they'll have to match up with that monster twice a year.
Leonard is definitely a monster. I remember watching this beast destroy everything in sight when he was a Texas Longhorn. He was the pick after Vick in that draft, he had all the talent its just ashamed he was trapped in Zona for the beginning of his career.
You've gotta love the first preseason game. I'm watching the replay of Eagles/Ravens and to hear Dick Stockton and the color guy whose name escapes me right now talk up Kyle Boller is too funny.

"You can say what you want about Boller, but you can't question his toughness."

Yeah, Dick, you're absolutely right, I can say the guy blows goats, but he's pretty tough.


This game is good for really one thing for the Eagles, and that's showcasing Kelly Holcomb. That's the goal here and in the preseason, really. Unfortunately, Kelly's spent a good deal of time on his back tonight, so that doesn't help.

On the upside, I like what I'm seeing from Jeremy Bloom.

I'm really rooting for this guy on a few levels, not the least of them being that the Eagles haven't had a solid pure return guy since Brian Mitchell.

Buckhalter getting a lot of touches tonight as well, I always root for him after what he's been through.
Moose Johnson, that's who I think it is.

Not that it matters, but that was bugging me, especially since I could see his goofy mug in my head.

This second/third string TE for the Eagles is having a good night too. I'm going to butcher his name so I'm not going to try, for the moment let's just call him Barry Scheck and go with that.
You know, for me in this one it's more about 'Go Kelly.'

I'm sure this game is already over, but I'm hoping that in the second half of this thing he really makes some plays.

I, one, want the Eagles to get something for him (and they almost certainly will trade him, they're not going to carry four QBs this season unless for some reason they practice squad Kolb). But, two, I've always liked Kelly Holcomb. He's pretty much proven he's not a starter in this league, but he's a good back up.

Truthfully, I'd like to see him come back to Cleveland and replace Derek 'Bigfoot' Anderson. No offense to DA, but some experience to help out with Quinn--and honestly Frye as well--would be great.

It almost certainly won't happen, but it would be nice.
That goddamn PSINet Stadium or whatever the f**k it's called in Baltimore is f**king cursed. And part of me is OK with that because it could be us Browns folk who cursed it because of that bastard Art Modell.

But damn it all, three years in a row the Eagles have had a serious injury there.

This year, Ryan Moats breaks an ankle. Tough break for him, too, as this was a camp where he was really going to fight for a roster spot. Now it's going to be almost impossible for him to make the team.

On the plus side for the Eagles, Jeremy Bloom really is having a good night not just returning, but catching the ball too.

And Barry Scheck, aka Tom Sellek, aka TE Brent Celek looks really good tonight. That could be a huge plus giving the Eagles three solid TE options, just so long as he can block--but catching the ball he looks real good.

Oh, and if the first preseason game meant anything for overall teams I'd say this Ravens defense is going to be a monster. But, you know, it's preseason game number one so that doesn't mean much.

It doesn't even mean a ton for some players, because Jeff Garcia looked absolutely awful last year in the preseason.