Anybody else think Marshall rolls USF tonight

Players are gonna need mud caulks. Been raining for 48 hours and no letup in sight. Probably favors the herd. I like the under.
Should be interesting. Imagine USF wins but who knows.

Whatever this result .. no matter how ridiculous .... it won't equate to UAB's passing numbers or Ohio's rushing numbers in the last two bowls.

If you predicted either of those things, you are a genius.
The only given about this game is that USF will commit 3 or 4 idiotic penalties and / or boneheaded plays.

Three givens in life: death, taxes and Charlie Strong teams playing undisciplined football.
It's very upsetting in BEAR MARKET conditions we have two teams promoting the aggressive demeanors of the herd and the bulls

By kickoff the total might have been sinking at the same pace as the Dow

Not sure what it means but 15-13 sounds like a final score to me
Just got home, did some reading online. Two things every writeup is focusing on: Herd's 11-3 career bowl record and USF losing their last five games. The Bulls were catching an average of 9 points in those last five games - granted they were home faves in one of those, but 0-5 shouldn't be a surprise against those types of spreads. Nobody talking about Bulls going undefeated in their first seven games though. But they were laying like 15 points per game. Huge favorites in their first seven games, with the exception of the +2 they got hosting Georgia Tech. They've either been huge faves or huge underdogs. There seems to be no "middle ground" to cap the Bulls on. With Charlie Strong they have only been home dogs twice and are actually 12-1 SU non-conference the last three seasons, but again - laying 2 TDs per game you'd expect that type of win percentage.