Any strong opinions 2H of Orlando/Detroit???


friend I really respects thinks it's at least 3 points too high. And without seeing and of the game, I was thinking maybe 89...
Orlando is 6-20 FTs and is shooting 50% FGs. They've only taken 2 3pt shots and are 1-2/

tHe pistons have only taken 6 3pt shots and are sotting just under 50% Fgs.
you guys are missing my point. I don't want your bets. In fact, I could care less WHAT you bet.

I want to know WHY you like it, or WHY you bet it.

Oh well, GL to you on your bets but with just this info I think I'll pass...
OK Scourge, so both teams shooting near 50 percent from the field, but Orlando can't hit a free throw. 20 free throws? Jesus, are they playing Hack-a-Dwight??
Cause if that's the case, then the FT percentage won't get any better in the second half, and it will allow DET to run some clock....
OK Scourge, so both teams shooting near 50 percent from the field, but Orlando can't hit a free throw. 20 free throws? Jesus, are they playing Hack-a-Dwight??

no, its the who team. No one on Orlando is making a FT. D HOward is 0-6 but the rest of the team is just as bad.
i like the UNDER because this a typical Detriot Piston game they up with a decent size lead their going to control this game and i doubt well see a bunch of FTs for the magic like in the 1st half they struggled to even get to 94 with some ticky tac fouls late in the 2nd Q
Thanks fellas. One of my buddies touted me pretty strongly so I got in there right before they started playing UNDER 91 for a small bet.

GL tonight, and go Utah...
its hard for a game to stay under when refs are calling touch fouls
haha Scourge...
Sorry, the guys I do business with back home.

Different group of buddies.

Just get me UTAH a win on the court, and we'll both be happy....