Antonio Brown


Loving Life on Planet Earth
Just got home and watching the highlights from the day.

Wtf happened with this guy?
I believe he thinks they were intentionally limiting his production to cause him to miss the roster bonuses. If they were taking him out in the redzone area it may have caused him to refuse to go in at the beginning on the next drive. Not defending him just my guess at what flipped his switch this time.
There’s no way something happened during the game to cause this. It was pre meditated. He wants the attention and had an agenda behind it
Even if something happened people need to stop enabling him. Crazy that people are blaming in on CTE. This is an entitlement issue. This fool been doing this shit his whole career.
This may be spot on. He released a rap song after the game lol

I’m in the minority but I believe he’s smarter than given credit for. He’s all about self promotion. Doing whatever it is to put the camera abs focus on himself, in whatever idiotic way possible, it’s all he cares about. He doesn’t need football, it was just a way for him to make money while building a public following
I said when Godwin got hurt they now in a really unfortunate spot of having their SB hopes hanging on this jerk offs ability to act right for 2 months. Took all of 2 weeks for that to implode, lol. It’s like the minute he realized he was now more than a luxury item and they were counting on him he decided he could go back to being a complete asshole!!
I’m in the minority but I believe he’s smarter than given credit for. He’s all about self promotion. Doing whatever it is to put the camera abs focus on himself, in whatever idiotic way possible, it’s all he cares about. He doesn’t need football, it was just a way for him to make money while building a public following

You def in the minority but hey we all wrong about something sometimes so don’t feel so bad bout it here! Lmao. I’d bet he ain’t scoring real high on a iq test is all I’m saying.

He obviously needed the bonus money or he wouldn’t have been acting like a child cause Gronk was getting more balls!! Dumb impatient Mfer, you know Brady would have got him those numbers either this week or next so he just pissed away another million which nothing new for him. I have a hunch he the kind of guy that needs every penny he can get cause I doubt he manages his money well!!
Brown needed:
8 more catches to unlock a $333,333 bonus.
He also needed 55 receiving yards to unlock another $333,333 bonus.
He also needed just 1 receiving TD to unlock another $333,333 bonus.

You know Brady woulda got him all those, impatient Mfer freaking out cause Gronk had a bigger half that him!
makes sense too , when I was watching live the coaches/staff barely reacted to his outburst.

Arians said he did not speak to Brown after he left the field -- only before leaving it. He would not disclose the details of that interaction, only that the conversation at no point involved Brown's injured ankle.

Certainly not saying coaches wouldn’t lie, but is it more likely an NFL Network reporter, who lives for clicks and attention is the one giving the 100% truth?

It seems odd Brown wouldn’t want to play on his injured ankle if he’s also in desperate need of the bonus money, as has been mentioned by some people. It cannot be both. Obviously.
Arians said he did not speak to Brown after he left the field -- only before leaving it. He would not disclose the details of that interaction, only that the conversation at no point involved Brown's injured ankle.

Certainly not saying coaches wouldn’t lie, but is it more likely an NFL Network reporter, who lives for clicks and attention is the one giving the 100% truth?

It seems odd Brown wouldn’t want to play on his injured ankle if he’s also in desperate need of the bonus money, as has been mentioned by some people. It cannot be both. Obviously.
Hurt Ankle?? Didn't he play last week and have 10 catches? Hmmm
Hurt Ankle?? Didn't he play last week and have 10 catches? Hmmm

Apparently he injured in initially 8-9 weeks ago, and missed 5 games due to it. Then he got suspended for fake covid card so he another 3 weeks off.

It was speculated that he tweaked it last week during the performance you mentioned, but how does that add up if he wasn’t on the injured list at all and it wasn’t even mentioned until he went bat shit crazy.

Again, if he was hurt and didn’t want to play and the team insisted he did, it doesn’t make sense for anyone to bring the bonuses into the conversation…since if he’s not playing he can’t get more catches, yards, or TDS.

If it were the other way around and he wanted to play and the team didn’t want him to using his injured ankle as an excuse, it’s hard to believe it would have played out the way it did and it’s even harder to believe AB wouldn’t have just come out and said that by now.
Hope everyone in here can decern the difference between CTE and Mental Health.

He is mentally so off, get the fucker help. Might have zero to do with concussions, it's a severely impaired person. This has been known, the NFL has used it to enhance their profits. Disgusting.
Hope everyone in here can decern the difference between CTE and Mental Health.

He is mentally so off, get the fucker help. Might have zero to do with concussions, it's a severely impaired person. This has been known, the NFL has used it to enhance their profits. Disgusting.

He’s been offered and given help MULTIPLE times. At some point the person themself needs to want the help and do everything that entails.

What should they do (the NFL, his family, his friends, etc) that hasn’t already been done? Commit him to a psych ward is about the only thing. Mmmm, okay sure.
Also, does anyone have examples of him acting like a psychotic mental patient at any point before this hit? It’s fine to say he has mental health issues and always has, but is it true? Or did he go off the rails Vontaze Burfict nearly decapitated him on national TV?

Very would could be the a major contributing factor, BUT there were issues going back to college (he was suspended at one point). He got in multiple verbal altercations with Steelers coaches and players years before the Burfect hit. I think it was a progression of issues which kept getting more severe as he got older and richer.
Very would could be the a major contributing factor, BUT there were issues going back to college (he was suspended at one point). He got in multiple verbal altercations with Steelers coaches and players years before the Burfect hit. I think it was a progression of issues which kept getting more severe as he got older and richer.

Gotcha. Thanks. Was a genuine question, I don’t remember hearing much about him being coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs until his time was ending in Pittsburgh.