Another Predators snag - local group close


Pretty much a regular
Jim Balsillie's bid to purchase the Nashville Predators and relocate them to Southern Ontario appears unlikely now that current Predators owner Craig Leipold has found a new buyer.
According to the National Post, Leipold informed Balsillie earlier this week that he would not accept his $238-million US offer for the NHL club. Instead, Leipold is preparing to sell the franchise to California businessman William DelBiaggio, who is expected to move the team to Kansas City instead.
DelBiaggio's bid is reportedly $50-million US less than what Balsillie was offering for the club.
Balsillie's deal to purchase the Predators was set to close on June 30.
Balsillie and Leipold refused to comment on the report although a spokesperson for Leipold said he was unware of any changes to the current plan to sell the team to the Research-In-Motion co-founder.

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The NHL, which called Balsillie's plans to relocate the team to Southern Ontario "premature", also declined to comment.
Despite the fact he doesn't yet own the team, Balsillie recently signed an option for a 20-year lease on Copps Coliseum in Hamilton and began accepting desposits for season tickets and suites.
Kansas City, which recently built a brand new downtown arena, has been searching for a permanent tenant and recently made a pitch to try and lure the Pittsburgh Penguins to Missouri. The arena is managed by Anschutz Entertainment Group, which is owned by L.A. Kings owner Philip Anschutz.
DelBiaggio has an agreement with the Anschutz Group to own and operate an NHL franchise in the new arena.
pardon my 'canadien' but Fuck Bettman... any other league say the NBA would do everything they could to get a for all intents and purposes a 'self made' billionaire in their boys club, who has a vision, and can bring a game back into Canada.

Bettman and the NHL will do everything they can to keep him out and move a team to a city where it will be just like its former home... that didnt work.
hmmmm.... people who I bet 3/4 of the population cant skate and havent watched a game... or a region dying for a hockey team to support... any hockey team.
Just another proof of how idiotic Bettman's decisions are really, and how he's the worst thing that happened to hockey.
absolutely its no wonder viewership has declined... he has been nothing but bad from a 'game' standpoint... CBA and all that other garbage, he has done what he was brought in for... i guess
what a joke...


Well..season tickets for King krunked!
that is the kicker too...50 million less...

have they not learned their lesson yet in some of these US markets...jeez
Jim Ballsillie and Boots DelBiaggio, the same 2 guys the Pens tried to sell to on at least 3 occasions. Small world. Or maybe there just aren't too many people interested in owning an NHL franchise.
Canadian billionaire Jim Balsillie undoubtedly had his share of challenges trying to purchase the Nashville Predators.
But perhaps the biggest challenge came right from the top.
According to, Balsillie is accusing NHL commissioner Gary Bettman of tampering with his bid to buy the Predators and claims that Bettman told team owner Craig Leopold to break off discussions and instead direct his focus on a bid from a Kansas City group led by William "Boots" Del Biaggio III.
"We were advised by Mr. Leipold that the commissioner had found out about the existence of the negotiations and ordered him (Leipold) to immediately cease any further communications with us," Balsillie's legal representative, Richard Rodier, told
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Bettman declined to speak to, but denied the allegations through NHL spokesman Gary Meagher.

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Leipold is trying to sell the team after losing approximately $70 million US since being awarded the expansion franchise in 1997.
The Nashville group has yet to detail its offer. Balsillie's bid of $220 million has stalled since a letter of intent signed in May, and Del Biaggio offered $190 million. Del Biaggio has an agreement with the Sprint Center to own any NHL team that relocates to Kansas City.
Meanwhile, "Our Team" - a fan group in Nashville - is working to ensure the Predators' lease remains in effect after the 2007-08 season no matter who winds up owning the team. The Predators averaged 13,815 in paid attendance this season after finishing third in the NHL with 110 points.
Leipold exercised a clause in June that would allow the team to end the arena lease if the Predators do not average a minimum of 14,000 in paid attendance.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - The local group of businessmen bidding to buy the Predators and keep them in Nashville are close enough to finalizing their offer that a letter of intent giving the group exclusive negotiating rights might be signed Wednesday.
The businessmen working with Predators owner Craig Leipold would like to complete the purchase before the NHL season starts in October.
Asked Tuesday if the group was close to finishing up paperwork, Herb Fritch, chief executive officer of HealthSpring Inc., and a member of the local group, said they're near the letter of intent stage.
"This is not a final purchase and sale deal," Fritch said. "There's still a significant step to happen.
"It's the first significant concrete step toward getting there."

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He deferred questions to David Freeman, chief executive officer of 36 Venture Capital LLC, or lawyer Chase Cole, who has been working with the group. Freeman wrote in an e-mail Tuesday afternoon that something might happen Wednesday