Another black mark on Pac-12 officiating


Pretty much a regular
This would never happen in any other conference, but no one is surprised it happens in the Pac-12. A suit from the commissioner's office stuck his nose into a review of a targeting call, the official was forced to change his call, and the press found out about it. It's absurd and outrageous but nothing new for the Pac-12.

Scott is by far the dumbest commissioner of any league and this is not the first time outsiders have butted into decisions on a game.

You may recall a few years back when the outcome of a game was changed two hours after the game was over. USC--favored by 8x--won the game by 3 after a late touchdown was disallowed by officials. Two hours later someone--no one is sure exactly who--in the commissioner's office announced they were now going to allow the score, meaning the Trojans covered. It was never explained and sports books were left trying to figure out who to pay. My guess is that some big USC backer had a large bet on the game, but no one knows.

Bottom line, people with a vested interest are still interfering in decisions by officials.
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Lets not leave out the worst officials of all, the Big Ten but the Pac 10/12 whatever it is is right there at 1-A.

That is ridiculous, if true and it seems to be.
Larry Scott is a joke. As someone that follows the Pac 12 closely, I've had concerns about their officiating for a while. They have lost all credibility.
Pathetic 12 strikes again. Time for the failed former tennis pro Larry Scumbag Scott to get the boot. I read a report that he was the highest paid commissioner in the NCAA? One would think there are enough intelligent folks at Cal, Stanford, UCLA, USC, and UW to realize he must go NOW as everything he does and says scream amateur hour.
No doubt at all that Scott is an incompetent moron.

This story reveals facts that are unbelievable when you consider how incompetent Scott has been from day one--he makes more than 4 million a year and there are a dozen or so employees in his league office who make more than $450,000 a year.

It's amazing to me the guy has held on to his job this long. When you read his replies as he tries to explain away the various scandals you wonder how this guy ever got any job in the first place. Add in his complete failure at running the WTA and Two Utes must be right--he has pictures of someone.
So they both are corrupt, ivy league cocksuckers.

Maybe you should hire a PAC 12 alumnus?

Or just be scared and elect people that promise to hook up your family.

Systemic corruption so they hire pathalogical liars.
Good thing we have a few guys like Leach who aren't afraid to take on the conference bureaucrats.

That Pac-12 conference office is a disgrace.