Angel to retire...

Mkes you wonder if he was caught fixing games and rather than bring it public and file charges against him - he took and "early Instant" retirement instead of facing criminal chargers?????

Otherwise - the public would riot against MLB for "fixing games"... -- Ya Think?
Mkes you wonder if he was caught fixing games and rather than bring it public and file charges against him - he took and "early Instant" retirement instead of facing criminal chargers?????

Otherwise - the public would riot against MLB for "fixing games"... -- Ya Think?

No, not a chance.

I don’t think this “retirement” and it happening this quickly was completely his idea, MLB may be forcing him out a bit as he scores horribly on the pitch tracker, but fixing games? Absolutely not.

He’s just a bad umpire who’s gotten worse as he’s gotten older, there doesn’t have to be some wild conspiracy attached to it.
No, not a chance.

I don’t think this “retirement” and it happening this quickly was completely his idea, MLB may be forcing him out a bit as he scores horribly on the pitch tracker, but fixing games? Absolutely not.

He’s just a bad umpire who’s gotten worse as he’s gotten older, there doesn’t have to be some wild conspiracy attached to it.
Watching that video started a conspiracy// /No one misses three calls like that off the plate..
"Not a Chamce" was said years ago in baskets too...
No one thought college baskets weren't fixed until they made the chargers either..

How many conspiracies were created off that...? It makes you wonder how many basketball games were fixed and for how may years???
Watching that video started a conspiracy// /No one misses three calls like that off the plate..
"Not a Chamce" was said years ago in baskets too...
No one thought college baskets weren't fixed until they made the chargers either..

How many conspiracies were created off that...? It makes you wonder how many basketball games were fixed and for how may years???

Not many do miss calls like that, you’re right. Especially with the technology that exists now where they’re evaluated. However, every week there’s a tweet/post that comes out showing the 10 worst ball/strike callls from the previous week and you’d be shocked how many calls are worse than those from Angel you’re referring to. It happens, they’re human.

I don’t think one video of one at bat is anywhere near enough to claim he’s fixing games. What was the score even at the time? Who won the game, etc?

Again, sometimes guys are just not good at being an umpire/official…and as they get older they get worse. Unfortunately that’s exactly what happened to Angel.