And again............


To the left, to the left, to the right to the righ
Bulls/D.C. U195
I jump off this train when it crashes and not a second before.

Bet it yesterday at Greek. Like I said, I'm betting every Wiz under, maybe for the rest of the season including playoffs, until they make me pay for it.
Spurs pk
Not sure what I'm missing here, but whatever. We shall see.
hehe. I guess your missing nothing. Blidly tailed you on the wash und. my local has it 196 before moving it down to 194.5 after I maxed them .
hehe. I guess your missing nothing. Blidly tailed you on the wash und. my local has it 196 before moving it down to 194.5 after I maxed them .

I'm blindly betting it myself. I've bet the last 3 and not one of them was even close to losing and I'm betting them until I lose. No thought whatsoever into this play, so I dunno about tailing lol.
damn...looking gooooooodddddd, killa. had to work on my garden so i missed out the play! will tail you on spurs posse, i see value on this play.
I love these auto-wins on Wizards unders. They give me a free swing at any other play without worrying about losing for the day, lol.
I'm just beyond stunned. I honestly hope there is at least one poster, or lurker, on this forum that has followed my plays over the last month and understands the extent of my bad luck. Because no words can describe the incredible bad luck I have endured over the last 4 or 5 weeks.
I'm just beyond stunned. I honestly hope there is at least one poster, or lurker, on this forum that has followed my plays over the last month and understands the extent of my bad luck. Because no words can describe the incredible bad luck I have endured over the last 4 or 5 weeks.

You won the Bulls Under by 30 points, and lost the Spurs game. How is that bad luck?
You won the Bulls Under by 30 points, and lost the Spurs game. How is that bad luck?

Fair question, maybe you didn't tune in to the game today. Tim Duncan got ejected in the 3Q in what was quite honestly the most bizarre set of technical fouls I have seen in 15-some-odd years of watching NBA basketball.
You won the Bulls Under by 30 points, and lost the Spurs game. How is that bad luck?

are you serious???

keep in mind i usually hate when this kid crys abotu his "bad luck" or "curse"...

but he won a total today by 30...and lost a side by 5 with Avery Johnson lying about playing time for his starters and Duncan (who was dominating the game) ejected early in the second half...San Antonio scored 10 in the 4th...THE ENTIRE GAME WAS GOING THROUGH DUNCAN....

killa made two very correct plays today and lost money...this time i agree with him
can u explain what happened dude....i was watchin the yankee game when it happened
I don't understand, lots of people lost with the Spurs today

most are saying how crooked Crawford is - not what incredibly bad luck they have - everyone has tough beats in betting. You always complain about your losses as incredible, god hates you - bad luck - never understood it. Fucking rotten beat, no doubt - and great call on the Under
I'm not one who believes in conspiracies in pro sports but I have a strong feeling Mr. Joe Crawford had a bet on this game. That was the worse call I've ever seen in all my years watching sports and he made it twice. He must have had a lot riding on the Mavs.
I'm not one who believes in conspiracies in pro sports but I have a strong feeling Mr. Joe Crawford had a bet on this game. That was the worse call I've ever seen in all my years watching sports and he made it twice. He must have had a lot riding on the Mavs.

thats what i like to hear
That was the worse call I've ever seen in all my years watching sports and he made it twice.

Well said. I too have never seen a call that bizarre in my life of watching NBA basketball.
i will be shocked if the bulls win in NJ. stern cant afford flash or the king on the sideline after round 1.
When you really think about this game there are two crooked things which occured. One was Crawford making the same bogus call twice on the Spurs best player leading to an ejection. The second is how Avery Johnson let it be known that no one would play more than 26 minutes and suddenly they were playing as if this were a playoff game. The oddsmakers opened the game at Dallas -1 and everyone apparently was betting SA for good reason. Then Joey Crawford decided to change the game because he had to.

He probably made himself and someone else a small fortune on two laughing technical fouls on Tim Duncan.

Joe Crawford should be suspended by the NBA for those calls. When I think back to all the calls I've ever questioned in any sport these two take the cake. Phantom pass interference, bizarre penalties, weird strike three calls and managerial moves but nothing and I mean nothing compares to two laughing technical fouls. If Joe Crawford wasn't involved in fixing this game then he is one very insecure man to get riled by a player simply laughing on the bench at maybe his bad refereeing.
A technical foul(s) may be assessed to any player on the court or anyone seated on the bench for conduct which, in the opinion of an official, is detrimental to the game.

d. A technical foul shall be assessed for unsportsmanlike tactics such as:
(1) Disrespectfully addressing an official
(2) Physically contacting an official
(3) Overt actions indicating resentment to a call
(4) Use of profanity
(5) A coach entering onto the court without permission of an official
(6) A deliberately-thrown elbow or any attempted physical act with no con-tact involved
(7) Taunting
A technical foul(s) may be assessed to any player on the court or anyone seated on the bench for conduct which, in the opinion of an official, is detrimental to the game.
When you really think about this game there are two crooked things which occured. One was Crawford making the same bogus call twice on the Spurs best player leading to an ejection. The second is how Avery Johnson let it be known that no one would play more than 26 minutes and suddenly they were playing as if this were a playoff game. The oddsmakers opened the game at Dallas -1 and everyone apparently was betting SA for good reason. Then Joey Crawford decided to change the game because he had to.

He probably made himself and someone else a small fortune on two laughing technical fouls on Tim Duncan.

Joe Crawford should be suspended by the NBA for those calls. When I think back to all the calls I've ever questioned in any sport these two take the cake. Phantom pass interference, bizarre penalties, weird strike three calls and managerial moves but nothing and I mean nothing compares to two laughing technical fouls. If Joe Crawford wasn't involved in fixing this game then he is one very insecure man to get riled by a player simply laughing on the bench at maybe his bad refereeing.

well said handy. this will be yet another example of fixed games/point shaving in sports to add to my collection.

it should fit in nicely with dwayne wade and lebron james phantom calls in teh playoffs.
And if the game was fixed, why? So, Spurs could finish in 3rd and play Denver?

The 7 spot is still undecided, so it had nothing to do with Suns getting 2nd.

Whats so intriguing about Spurs/Nuggets? I rather see Suns/Nuggets.