An eagle flying over me circling me. Eagles?

Sammy, I was driving last Thursday back to Chicago, and I saw a bald eagle soaring exactly over the sign that said "Welcome To Nebraska". I bet the Eagles last week at Pittsburgh. Coincidence, I think not.

Sammy, I was driving last Thursday back to Chicago, and I saw a bald eagle soaring exactly over the sign that said "Welcome To Nebraska". I bet the Eagles last week at Pittsburgh. Coincidence, I think not.


Jk16 seahawks did win 27-17 last night. I thought about Seattle last night. I'm pretty sure it was an Eagle. He was owning the skies. The master of the sky. Just gliding and cruising and showing his majestic beauty.

Eagles at Colts Saturday.
Jk16 seahawks did win 27-17 last night. I thought about Seattle last night. I'm pretty sure it was an Eagle. He was owning the skies. The master of the sky. Just gliding and cruising and showing his majestic beauty.

Eagles at Colts Saturday.


There is simply nobody better at picking winners than the Universe.

All you have to do is trust the Universe and committ acts bigger than yourself and have good thoughts for those suffering. Spending time doing social service to relieve suffering is a great thing to help others. Of course when we help others and expand our consciousness the Universe will communicate and make sure you are looked after.

I hope many of you hit this winner.

The key is being perceptive enough to read the Universes signs.

I am donating a significant portion of my winnings to various social causes albeit not established charities that skim off the top. It is the best way to play. I do not play for myself. I play for the people, the people who are in need. When winners come through which they WILL I can committ myself to helping relieve social suffering.
That is the Key. I will be keeping my inner eye open to Universal signs this week.
ALS is my choice of giving back
I put my faith in the Universe about 4 years ago and it has taken me on a wild ride. IT HAS GIVEN me knowledge and understanding and a higher consciousness.

The money the rest is honestly nothing substantial in the long run. The bigger thing I'm looking at is how much I can help others in this lifetime. I do this for no personal gain for myself. I do it because somewhere inside of me I am positive it is the right thing to do. So I follow my INTUITION which guides me.
That is the Key. I will be keeping my inner eye open to Universal signs this week.
ALS is my choice of giving back

You are a good man my friend. Keep up the positive VIBES!

YES The inner EYE is clear sight. Spiritual sight. We are not human beings who have spiritual experiences.


Lets keep our eyes open and are minds connected to this universe.

Bless all the Cappers on this site UNIVERSE STYLE
Good chance it was a Turkey Vulture if it was circling that much. When I see Bald Eagles I don't notice them circling as much as I do soaring straight, almost always over water as they primarily eat fish.

So was this bet "the universe" or "Sammy's lack of bird knowledge"?
Good chance it was a Turkey Vulture if it was circling that much. When I see Bald Eagles I don't notice them circling as much as I do soaring straight, almost always over water as they primarily eat fish.

So was this bet "the universe" or "Sammy's lack of bird knowledge"?
Eagles circle the intercoastal waterway where I live all the time when they are fishing. Just saying. I've also had the opportunity of watching two eagles mate. They got so high I could barely see them, then they locked up and free-fell, separating about 200 ft from ground and flying back up again. Amazing stuff.
Just saw a woodpecker picking up the mail wtf does that mean again? He was loud as fuck, clearly telling me something.
I've changed my fantasy team NAME an hour before the draft to involve this woodpecker, the first one I've seen or heard in YEARS...had to keep it somewhat G rated because of the crowd but fuck'n winning this shit. The PECKER told me
I've changed my fantasy team NAME an hour before the draft to involve this woodpecker, the first one I've seen or heard in YEARS...had to keep it somewhat G rated because of the crowd but fuck'n winning this shit. The PECKER told me

I was briefly disconnected from the universe. It was a rough few days but now I'm reconnected. I will update the woodpecker significance.

Currently im seeing some preliminary signs of a Lions paws. I saw a vision while staring at the clouds last night and then helping little one colour I noticed in the paw patrol book there was the dog paw again. It looked similar to the lions paw but had 3 paw toes instead of 4 lion paws toes.

I'm going to inquire the universe to send me another sign today because the BC LIONS ARE PLAYING TONIGHT AT TORONTO ARGOS. BC is -3 on the road at Toronto. Bc lions have a logo of a lions paw with 4 lions paws.
First of all KJ WE MUST be all connected. I am going to the forest today, the same forest that I saw the woodpecker. The woodpecker that gave me the signs to pay attention to opportunity and when it knocks answer the door.
The Woodpecker shows up as a spirit guide when you

- Searching for stability in your life
- you find yourself challenged with routine and need guidance
-you need protection in a loving environment
-you are trying to find determination or persistence to get through a challenging time in your life.
-Opportunity is around the corner. Answer the door!

Does any of these seem applicable?
Can you explain in tremendous detail the circumstances of the visit. Particularly what the woodpecker was doing with the mail? I'm thinking it could be a sign of a future move for you into a new address. There is something significant in your mail.
I had just retrieved my mail, nothing significant although a catalogue from Pier One which I found odd, who sends out catalogues anymore? But the woodpecker rarely finds his home in PHX, we just don't have many trees...they sure as fuck aren't pecking was a sign. A tree, that apparently needed a good pecking.

And he was adamant, like, man...I'm telling you something!
Im cracking the code buddy.

PIER ONE IMPORTS HAS something to do with the woodpecker.

According to the Pier 1 Wikipedia page it says.

Company Slogan- "FIND WHAT SPEAKS TO YOU".

Thats pier 1 slogan.
I had just retrieved my mail, nothing significant although a catalogue from Pier One which I found odd, who sends out catalogues anymore? But the woodpecker rarely finds his home in PHX, we just don't have many trees...they sure as fuck aren't pecking was a sign. A tree, that apparently needed a good pecking.

And he was adamant, like, man...I'm telling you something!

The hammering of the tree by the woodpecker could be A Sign to HAMMER SOME COLLEGE WINNERS ON THE WEEKEND