Am I reading this Miami score right?

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
They lost by 25? To the Pacers?

I was out all night, and I've had a couple of drinks, so maybe I'm wrong, but, uh, what happened?
Yeah, I mean, I'm not even remotely rubbing this in. Because I almost bet this thing with the masses, but what the f**k. You go out as a short line favorite and you mail it in like that.

Maybe it's just a bad night, but for crying out loud, that's the kind of stuff that puts people in the poor house.
Hindsight is a lovely thing, but Indy getting dealt to on the road by top Western teams, coming home to face a Wadeless Heat who have clearly overperformed in his absence? Me thinks the Heat took things for granted, when they're not good enough to do so.
Heat shot 17% in the first quarter. Indiana shot 70%.

Anyone know why Shaq got the tech?

I'm not one of those that thinks Miami has been playing "above their ability", and I did lose quite a bit on this game...

but they did get the deficit to 15 in the third, and Indiana just would not stop hitting outside shots, and Miami just gave up. By the fourth, the scrubs were in, and they weren't trying anymore.

alas. I would bet this game again tomorrow if I could.
I think Handy was spotting that game for a while even called the spread would be +3 ws gona bet it but been staying away from the NBA and just playing college ball stupid me
I agree Red.

Nothing you can do..some nights the starts align

Or as Rasheed says..

"even the sun shines on a dogs ass"
I'm not one of those that thinks Miami has been playing "above their ability"

To supplement my perspective, since Wade went down, prior to this game, MIA went 10-2 SU. Their last 12 games w/Wade but minus their other kingpin (Shaq), they were 6-6 SU. I'm not of the belief Shaq is more valuble than Wade to this team. Minus either one, they havent been within cooee of going 10-2 over any 12 games this season, until this most recent stretch. So in my language, they've been overperforming when minus one of their 2 lynchpins. They arent going anywhere in the playoffs on 1 wheel.
Heat shot 17% in the first quarter. Indiana shot 70%.

This is why reading box scores--and this board, quite honestly--can be so helpful. I read this and I feel like I understand the game much better.

The Heat were given an excuse for it "not to be our night." And they took it. They gave a little push later, to see if the luck was going to change, but Indiana kept hitting shots, so the Heat packed it in to live another day.

They're a veteran team, these things happen.

Frankly, this thread helps me understand this game a LOT better.

Thanks, guys.
BAR said:
I agree Red.

Nothing you can do..some nights the starts align

Or as Rasheed says..

"even the sun shines on a dogs ass"

That's true...

I've been saying this for a couple weeks, and before next friday I'm going to put the work into it...

I only think this applies to friday......but home teams on friday have an inordinate ability to win SU as dogs and cover as faves.

9-3 SU today...
7-4-1 ATS depending on your line....

I don't think this is an aberration, either. On Fridays my anecdotal observations seem to indicate that home teams really get up for the games and road teams tend to not do so much...with the exception of actual good teams like the Mavs (Celtics missed the cover by 5).

The Clippers have been playing well recently, so at home I'm not entirely surprised by that win (though the sort of drubbing the handed out surprised the shit out of me). I'm astounded by Indiana managing to win at all....much less totally dominate...


tomorrow is another day...
To supplement my perspective, since Wade went down, prior to this game, MIA went 10-2 SU. Their last 12 games w/Wade but minus their other kingpin (Shaq), they were 6-6 SU. I'm not of the belief Shaq is more valuble than Wade to this team. Minus either one, they havent been within cooee of going 10-2 over any 12 games this season, until this most recent stretch. So in my language, they've been overperforming when minus one of their 2 lynchpins. They arent going anywhere in the playoffs on 1 wheel.

No, probably not, but against a wounded shit team like this...? They're certainly better than 17% FGs.

That dirty Duke fuck Mike Dunleavy hit 5 of 7 (most of them 3s) in the first and ended the Q with 15pts...THAT is playing above one's ability. Winning almost a dozen games in a row...well......after maybe the 9th we should consider giving the Heat some credit, don't you think?

My only point is that this game was an aberration, and it's not indicative of Indiana's ability (especially recently) nor of Miami's.

Red, any team putting up a win streak like Miami has missing 1 crucial star player doesnt mean they dont deserve kudos for doing so. But I still dont see it as meaning they arent playing above themselves to manage it in the first place. I acknowledge Indy as not a strong team that was always going to need something special to beat a better opponent than themselves, but to my way of thinking for them to get that something against a better but self-satisfied (with recent achievements) opponent is more easily managed than to get it against the same better opponent in, what handy would refer to as, a wounded bear situation. If Miami had to have that game tonight (esp. re;playoff making considerations), I personally believe they wouldnt have had trouble getting it. Thats not the attitude they brought in, from my perspective, because of the self satisfaction derived from "overperforming" (or, in other words, excelling) for such an extended period sans Wade (in NBA language, the word letdown echoes somewhere). I might note the Lakers overperformed intially after losing Odom, but soon hit the skids against teams "they shouldnt have lost to" (at Memphis/Charlotte/New Orleans - Odom back, what happened at NOK tonight?).

With both Shaq & Wade present, the best Miami did over any 12 straight games last season was 11-1, thats only 1 result better than the Wadeless 10-2 run Indy halted tonight. You can't begin to preach to me that Miami performing near Wade standards but minus Wade arent overperforming. But certainly kudos go to them for doing so.
When Dallas and the Suns had their winning streaks break they each then lost 2 games. Miami lost their second game after the streak broke at a site where they had lost 12 straight even with a healthy team.